Looking for a mid-size domestic car recommendation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    Just for fun I followed the link. I got "about" 25,500.

    Not sure why anyone would care much though.

    Fascist, Communist, Modern Western Capitalist,
    Same government involvement different angles...

    Regardless of the system, you've got to pay for it in some form:
    Minorities, Personal Rights, or Corporate Welfare...

    Even in the upcoming election. It's either a wealthy son of privilege
    or........ a wealthy son of privilege.
    Now that's DEMOCRACY ! <grin>
    Full_Name, Sep 11, 2004
  2. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Well you seemed to be so hung up on the "commie" thing being tied to
    right-wingers. But now that I show you you're all wet, you say it
    doesn't matter. Nice intellectual dishonesty.

    So what percentage of the vote will whatever group you align yourself
    with get in November, and how do you/they plan on positively influencing
    events and policies for the future? Probably a big secret, eh? (because
    you have no workable answers)

    BTW - whichever one it is, I hope it does *really* *really* well in this
    election, because no matter which of the handful it is, it will likely
    siphon votes away from the dems.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 11, 2004
  3. steve

    Jeff George Guest

    Well, that's a few more than I had in mind but it'll do. :) If you
    want a good laugh from the right look in group alt.tv.sopranos for a
    poster named Fred. He's a foamer at the mouth and loves to call people
    pinko commies if they aren't radical right wingers.
    Jeff George

    SLAP (Socialist Liberation Army of the People)
    SLUG (Socialists for Liberty United Government)

    Power to the People!

    Redistribution of Wealth!
    Jeff George, Sep 11, 2004
  4. steve

    Jeff George Guest

    What are you going on about? You seem to think it matters to me what
    party professional politicians belong to. It doesn't. Let me make it
    simple for you: I have yet to run into any Liberal or Leftist who goes
    around calling people "commies".

    You seem to have a way of assuming things. You really shouldn't do
    that. It makes you look stupid. I don't align myself with any of your
    professional parties. I have my agenda, and I do what suits that

    Again, you are making assumptions about what I am doing. Silly on your
    Jeff George

    SLAP (Socialist Liberation Army of the People)
    SLUG (Socialists for Liberty United Government)

    Power to the People!

    Redistribution of Wealth!
    Jeff George, Sep 13, 2004
  5. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Believe me - liberals have their own problems - in spades. You are the
    only one here that is specifically obsessed with the word "commie". And
    you obviously want to cast dispersions on "right wingers" while
    apparently thinking liberals are just hunkie dorrie. It's obviuous
    which polarization that you align yourself with - and that's your
    privilege. We each live with our choices. So you hang out with people
    who use the word commie. One of my fingers is infected. I just added
    512MB of RAM to my computer. To all three of those statements, I say "so
    Like I said - big "secret".

    So you're a flaming liberal or anarchist or something. So what. More
    assumptions on my part, eh?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 13, 2004
  6. steve

    Jeff George Guest

    I'm not obsessed with it. I simply mentioned how I found the use of it
    amusing, and have spending the rest of my time trying to show why it's
    funny. I don't care if you never mention it again.

    As I've stated, I don't any Liberals on Usenet or bulletin boards
    calling people "commies".

    Again you are making assumptions.

    Just try to deal in facts instead of assumptions.
    Jeff George, Sep 13, 2004
  7. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    If that's your only criteria for judging/classifying people, then what
    can I say. (rhetorical question - therefore a period - i.e., no need to
    answer it.)

    BTW - You have the logic/debating skills of a high schooler.
    I take that to mean "correct" on both counts. Or are you going to tell
    us you're not of some left-wing persuasion? And you call that an
    assumption (and obviously a correct assumption), to which I reply:
    "Duh". People use assumptions all the time.
    Oh no! I'm just devastated by that!

    You have given no facts other than that you routinely talk to people who
    use the word "commie" - apparently you feel that that really reflects
    well on you. That's what we've been dealing with. Not a lot to go on,
    and certainly no basis for the continuation of a "relationship", or this
    thread for that matter.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 14, 2004
  8. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    My version of Agent threads from the start of a thread, not by changes
    in titles. This thread (according to Agent) which started out as
    "Looking for a mid-sized domestics car recommendations"
    on July 15th now has 456 messages and not a single one has a listing
    of the final purchase decision.

    So disappointing ;-)
    However !..
    Keep up the flame war guys Makes for an interesting read sometimes.
    Full_Name, Sep 14, 2004
  9. Yes, but I am not sure if I 'enjoyed' reading about such sad incidents. In
    fact, I learned recently that the distant relative was twice refused
    treatment by the A&E (accident & emergency) dept of a Toronto hospital until
    he practically crawled in in great pain...

    It's taken me a while to reply as I was away...a week was in hospital...

    Dori A Schmetterling, Sep 14, 2004
  10. Sorry, distant relative of a Canadian work colleague.

    Dori A Schmetterling, Sep 14, 2004
  11. steve

    Sijuki Guest

    I don't want to sound strange, but isn't Communism an extreme leftist idea?
    Especially coming from somone who supports SLAP and SLUG, you should know
    that. Power to the People is a major part of communism. Therefore, I guess
    it would be befitting of a term to call someone on the left a "commie" as a
    joking term... much like I have heard people from the right be called
    "fascists" because Fascism is an extreme right idea. So who cares who calls
    who what. Before we get all harped up on communism.. I am talking true
    Marxist Communism... not that McCarthy bullshit they labled Cuba, Russia, N.
    Korea, Vietnam, China, etc. Most of those were dictatorships or not far
    off. Hardly power to the people. Communism would only work in a small
    society, as does Socialism. Certain people are happy living in a said
    environment, others want to have more varied freedoms that come with such
    things as democracy and capitalism. Not to say either is wrong, just that
    Com. and Soc. only seem to work in a smaller populous, where it is easier to
    maintain a group that shares the same beliefs to live by. (i.e. Sweeden)
    Sijuki, Sep 14, 2004
  12. steve

    Jeff George Guest

    You are completely daft and it is quite apparent that you don't have
    any idea what you are babbling about. You are spouting nonsense about
    judging/classifying people when you are using as evidence for your
    statements your own knee-jerking assumptions.

    No comment, eh?

    But you only asked one question. I answered it.

    You made the unequivocal statement that I am a "flaming liberal or
    anarchist or something". That shows an emotional reaction on your
    part. Can you not be rational?

    Then it makes them idiots.

    Again, you are making assumptions. Why don't you just stop and deal
    only in facts which have been presented?

    Good. You might be too stupid to speak to, as you seem to have
    difficulty with the English language.
    Jeff George, Sep 14, 2004
  13. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    And *I'm* the one who has a problem with the English language (but then,
    anyone can make a typo).
    You're mixing your clichés. If you're going to deal in clichés (such as
    your favorite: "pinko commie"), you shouldn't mix them up. For example,
    it's "knee-jerk liberals" and mean-spirited conservatives". Or maybe
    that's your way of showing you're a defiant non-comformist, can think
    outside the box, etc., etc., etc. Yeah - that must be it.
    Nope. You're catching on to reasoning things out now. Very sharp! You
    can look at a piece of text and see that there's no comment on something
    and then make a really wild ass guess that there was - uhh - no comment
    (though you don't seem too sure about it). But you are improving.
    Before long you will be able to look at strong evidence of certain
    things and start making actual accurate assumptions. Don't be scared.
    You go girl!!
    A statement was also made. The response of "correct" is used in reply
    to statements, not just questions. But I guess that was unfair on my
    part. It required you to keep two thoughts in your head at one time.
    That's right - I'm totally incapable of rational thought. (that's
    sarcasm, BTW) Here's a list of emotionally charged words that you used
    above: 'daft', 'babbling', 'spouting', 'knee-jerk', 'stupid'. Yeah -
    totally unemotional words, dude. Walk on with your unassuming,
    unemotional bad self, bro!
    Your life must be very difficult if you force yourself to make daily and
    life decisions without making any assumptions whatsoever. In fact, in
    engineering school, they teach to start an analysis of a problem by
    writing down the assumptions from which you are proceeding. Sometimes
    the insistance on not acting in the absence of hard facts can be fatal.
    Businesses could not survive without making assumptions. It's called
    "freezing up" when you can't make a decision when you insist on having
    every fact before proceeding - it can get you fired in business or
    killed in war (or on the street).

    Here's a simple one: You get in your car and drive it because you make
    the *assumption* that the brakes will work when you need to slow down or
    stop - based on past experience and the large amount of statistics that
    cars generally stop when their brakes are applied would make that a
    reasonable assumption. You probably make a million assumptions each and
    every day. If you didn't, you'd never leave the house.

    Once again, your thought processes/debating skills are rather
    undeveloped (i.e., immature) - as in high schooler, as evidenced by the
    observation that you haven't yet been forced to think past your initial
    "assumptions" (oh my gosh I used that word) about life to their
    (il)logical conclusions.
    Since no FACTS have been presented (name one fact that you've presented
    other than that you routinely hang out with people that use political
    clichés that you obsess about), I think I *will* stop.
    More high school-mentallity insults. Figures. Funny that I make my
    living doing technical writing (but admittedly not nearly as funny as
    people using the phrase "pinko commie", I'm sure).

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 15, 2004
  14. steve

    Jeff George Guest

    I'm talking about people that use it and believe it to be an accurate
    term. They just sound ridiculous doing so.
    Jeff George, Sep 15, 2004
  15. steve

    Jeff George Guest

    Righto. I don't accept the status quo! Have you never seen a
    knee-jerking conservative or a mean-spirited liberal?

    Go get me a sammich, bitch.

    I thought you said we didn't have to comment. If I was referencing
    more than one thing I would have said so.

    I don't have any emotion involved when I use those words.

    Ok. I'll accept that.

    I don't. My mom told me to never leave the house. She even hid my car

    Since that was the whole topic of discussion, that was really the only
    fact required to support my view.

    I tried to find what could be amusing about technical writing but it's
    just too damned boring.
    Jeff George, Sep 15, 2004
  16. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    Try a few Dilbert comics, or even sometimes Bizzaro has a few good
    jabs. Aside from that, take a technical manual from Asia that has
    been "translated" into Engrush. You might get a smile or two.

    If you think technical writing is "dry" try reading legal
    interpretations of legislation. Makes technical writing look like an
    excerpt from "the Springer" show.

    Just my take & My attempt to get this thread count over 500..

    Religions, Politics, Sex.... The things that keep people "talking"

    PS: Please note; I didn't say communicating.... Just talking ;-)
    Full_Name, Sep 15, 2004
  17. steve

    Sijuki Guest

    Well perhaps the liberals they are talking about they feel are a little
    extreme and thus label them as commies? Such as some people have labled
    Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gringrich as Fascists... Or perhaps some people are
    just misled as to the extremity of what communism really is and are just
    using a cliche term. Frankly, overall I think it is way too simple a
    problem to be waging so much time on, especially in personal attacks.
    Sijuki, Sep 15, 2004
  18. steve

    Jeff George Guest

    Good point, commie.
    Jeff George, Sep 16, 2004
  19. steve

    Sijuki Guest

    Thanks comrade.
    Sijuki, Sep 17, 2004
  20. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Da, tovarische.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 17, 2004
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