Looking for a mid-size domestic car recommendation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. steve

    Art Guest

    Here's a great case. A guy gets tested for HIV and it comes back positive.
    Gets it verified and it comes back negatives but no one notices. He is
    treated for HIV for 8 years and the guy is thinking he could die any day,
    especially when he catches a cold. Finally the doctor notices the negative
    HIV results and has him checked again. Negative again. Big OOPS.

    Almost forgot the one last year at Duke Hospital. They give a teenager a
    heart transplant but no one bothered to check the blood type. She was dead
    in a few days.

    These things just should not happen. It is called quality control and in
    general, US hospitals don't get it.
    Art, Sep 1, 2004
  2. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    Bah..... O+, AB- what's the difference?

    Besides They figured it out in the end right? Give the parents $20K
    for their daughters life (ought to cover a nice funeral anyways) brush
    it under the rug and carry on.
    If parasitic lawyers get involved a doctor could get disciplined and
    protocols might have to change.
    Best that folks don't sue.

    Remember the client's motto:
    My Lawyer is a Great guy, Everyone else's Lawyers are pond scum.
    Full_Name, Sep 1, 2004
  3. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    You sure that's not remnants of 3 mile island continuing to do good

    (Hmm it's got a glow in the dark coating AND snow doesn't stick! )
    Full_Name, Sep 1, 2004
  4. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    I guess that "supersize me" is their life story eh? ;-)
    Full_Name, Sep 1, 2004
  5. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    Lawyers may be a lot of things but one thing they are not is stupid.
    Want to know why lawyers seek out stupid people?
    They are a Lawyers tools of the trade.

    I'll give you an example of why lawyers spend so much to find clients.
    My brother in-law is a criminal defense lawyer, his partner did a
    referral to another lawyer then forgot about the referral, 2 years
    later out of the blue he gets a cheque for $150,000 (bird dog fee)

    If you were the lawyer would you care what the case was?
    Or would you just want to get as many stupid clients (class action
    potentials) as possible?

    See? I knew that you'd understand
    Full_Name, Sep 1, 2004
  6. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Naaaah, I'm just hoping to lure you over to my house where I will
    prepare a "special" cup of coffee for you.

    And please, only one period at the end of a sentence. Save the other to
    put in your coffee. :)
    Bill Turner, Sep 1, 2004
  7. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Not too different. Have you bought a tool lately? The manual probably
    has more pages on safety than on operation. At least they're giving you
    a warning.

    McDonalds could have gone that way with all kinds of warnings, cautions,
    etc, but instead they just decided to sell coffee at a low enough
    temperature that it will not injure. Clever, huh?
    Bill Turner, Sep 1, 2004
  8. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Let me read that again. "There is no inherent danger in things".

    Wow. Lawyers all over the land are salivating, just thinking about that
    little beauty.

    Please post a list of places you work, things you are responsible for,
    etc, etc, so they can get started.
    Bill Turner, Sep 1, 2004
  9. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    You just don't get it.

    1. It's ok to hand someone a sharp object if they know it's sharp.

    2. It's ok to hand someone a dangerously hot object if they know it's
    dangerously hot.

    3. It's NOT OK to hand someone an object which they have no reason to
    suspect is dangerous when it really is. Coffee should be able to be
    drunk immediately when it's handed to you. IF YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR IT
    TO COOL, YOU SHOULD BE TOLD. McD's didn't and that's why they lost.

    Can't make it much clearer, guys.
    Bill Turner, Sep 1, 2004
  10. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    An honest lawyer (the one who sent the fee). I'll be damned. Must be
    honor among thieves, right?
    Bill Turner, Sep 1, 2004
  11. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Now you're getting it, which proves you're even dumber than McDonalds.
    They got it years ago.
    Bill Turner, Sep 1, 2004
  12. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    All right, I screwed up. I mistook "an" for "no". Duh. When I goof, I
    say so.
    Bill Turner, Sep 1, 2004
  13. Well said!

    Refinish King

    Refinish King, Sep 1, 2004
  14. Just a case of:

    A slimeball covering his ass, incase the other didn't forget about the

    They have the referred client sign a release and that comes off of the top
    like an expense, and the client gets bled another way, if it is in fact a
    justifiable law suit.

    Refinish King
    Refinish King, Sep 1, 2004
  15. One thing that puzzles me?

    Why did the lady put the cup of coffee betwixt her legs?

    I know even coffee that isn't near the boiling point might hurt my family
    jewels, so would this lady be so to be polite: "Misguided" and put the
    coffee between her legs, near her snatch?

    Refinish King

    I think McDonalds saw it as a nuisance suit and disposed of it as quickly as
    Refinish King, Sep 1, 2004
  16. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    You will never get the human factor (i.e., the ability to make errors)
    out of a system no matter how good it is. You chose the wrong hospital
    (Duke) to pick on for criticism. They saved my daughter's life with
    exceptional care with a childhood cancer that she wasn't supposed to
    survive. We traveled 110 miles for her diagnosis and treatments when
    there were other institutions a lot closer to us that, according to
    some, were just as qualified.

    You should have read the inexcusable horror stories on the internet
    support group for the same very rare disease (200 cases a year diagnosed
    in the U.S.) that my daughter had, posted by parents in Canada and
    England about their kids because of the metered care. And guess where
    super-rich foreign dignitaries brought their kids to be treated for very
    life-threatening diseases (hint - it wasn't Canada or England).

    Not excusing an awful mistake that someone at Duke may have made - I'm
    sure they paid dearly for it, as obviously did the teenager and her
    family in a very different way, but there are unfortunate mistakes
    everywhere and in every system. I am no apologist for our system either
    - it certainly has serious problems. But there are a lot worse. We
    need to fix it rather than make it worse.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Sep 1, 2004
  17. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Thanks for trivializing a tragedy. And what do you do for a living?

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Sep 1, 2004
  18. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Coffee should be able to be drunk immediately when they hand it to you?

    OK - I finally get it - you're a troll - and I'm not one to pull out the
    troll card at the drop of a hat - probably done it 3 times in 5 years of
    surfing. I'm a little slow sometimes.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Sep 1, 2004
  19. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    At the moment I'm working for an insurance company cleaning up files
    that are years out of compliance and horribly messed up. But I am
    going back to school to finish up my post grad work.

    So I do have a bit of experience handling medical incompetence &
    dealing with lawyers.

    With regards to "trivializing"... It's called Satire

    sat·ire n.
    A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through
    irony, derision, or wit.
    The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at
    Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice,
    or stupidity.
    [Latin satira, probably alteration (influenced by Greek satur, satyr,
    and saturos, burlesque of a mythical episode), of (lanx) satura, fruit
    (plate) mixture, from feminine of satur, sated, well-fitted. See s- in
    Indo-European Roots.]

    PS I've had personal experiance with both good MD's & Bad. Lawsuits
    don't scare good MD's.
    Full_Name, Sep 1, 2004
  20. steve

    Art Guest

    In some states, such a referral fee is illegal. If you don't do work you
    don't get paid.
    Art, Sep 1, 2004
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