Looking for a mid-size domestic car recommendation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. steve

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Touché. ;)

    mike hunt

    MikeHunt2, Aug 31, 2004
  2. steve

    Art Guest

    Corning got pretty close though. Built too much fiber-optics capacity
    during the dot com boom. I believe they have a empty shell of a plant on
    the NC coast if they haven't unloaded it yet.
    Art, Aug 31, 2004
  3. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Somehow you got my meaning exactly backwards, I think. I'm not sure
    because there is something wrong with your first sentence. There seems
    to be a word missing between "rather" and "placing". Re-edit and sent
    it again and let's see if it will make sense.
    Bill Turner, Aug 31, 2004
  4. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Better yet, throw the head of McDonalds in jail for endangering the
    public. Now THAT would get their attention!
    Bill Turner, Aug 31, 2004
  5. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Why would I "not" say that? Talking to you is like shouting at a
    mirror, kind of. Stuff comes back to me, but different.
    Bill Turner, Aug 31, 2004
  6. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Typical airhead thinking. I suppose if McDonalds handed you a jar of
    nitroglycerine and said "have a nice day", it would be your fault what
    happened next? Different only in degree, not in kind.

    I'm sure you'll laugh and think "what an idiot", but pause and think
    about the concept. The company is putting a product into the hands of
    the public which can cause moderate to serious injury, without a warning
    or caution of any kind. Lawsuit city, well deserved.
    Bill Turner, Aug 31, 2004
  7. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    You're making things way too easy for your critics. If I indeed ordered
    a jar of nitrogylcerine without knowing how to handle it, that would be
    my fault not McD's.
    You saved us the trouble.
    If that's the case, then it should legally be required to take an IQ
    test before you are allowed to order a cup of hot coffee to go (back to
    the nanny state to protect - literally - idiots from themselves). But
    you'd think that if someone could own a license and drive a car to the
    drive thru that they would have the IQ necessary to know that hot things
    are, umm, hot, and that hot things will, umm, burn you if you spill them
    on you without you having to be told same.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 31, 2004
  8. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Umm, coffee is supposed to be, umm, hot, not umm, dangerous. It should
    not, umm, send you to the umm, hospital if you umm, spill some.

    As umm, dumb as they were, McDonalds now umm, gets it. Why don't umm,
    Bill Turner, Aug 31, 2004
  9. steve

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    You are a convoluted piece of work, that is for sure.
    Your posts make you appear to be one who simply likes
    to be heard, without regard to the veracity of your statements..
    We will concede that a McDonald's store most likely has one or
    more of the degreasers, or other chemicals available on the
    market, to use in cleaning but I doubt they have nitroglycerine
    on the premises that might be accidentally dispensed to a
    customer. Please keep posting, we in the NG's can benefit from a
    good laugh on occasion during a slow day LOL

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Aug 31, 2004
  10. steve

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    So you are you that guy that started litigation with
    McDonald's for being the cause of your obesity. LOL

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Aug 31, 2004
  11. I know that there used to be a place downtown here where they had awnings
    over the sidewalk and they'd blow warm air down. I THINK it was the natural
    gas company or maybe the electric company.
    Phillip Schmid, Aug 31, 2004
  12. LOL, the worst part is I can see that happening too.
    Phillip Schmid, Aug 31, 2004
  13. Why, the public chooses to go to McDs. They can choose to not go there. I'm
    reminded of the case where the 2 obese kids sued McDs for making them that
    way and the judge pretty much said they had a choice and they continued to
    eat there and that their lifestyle contributed to it.
    Phillip Schmid, Aug 31, 2004
  14. How's that any different from people selling tools?


    If you're too stupid to not know how to handle it then don't use it. Same
    goes for coffee and nitroglycerine. There is an inherent danger in things.
    If people wanted to they could hurt themselves with chapstick!
    Phillip Schmid, Aug 31, 2004
  15. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Your link didnt work (for me anyway), but I can see it now: A few years
    from now, every pencil sold will have a little safety warning that you
    have to sign and give back to the merchant saying that you understand
    not to stick it in your, or another person's, or an animal's eye because
    it can cause blindness (actually that would only happen if you poked
    both eyes out, but when it comes to protecting yourself from legal
    actions, it's OK to overstate your case - you can't be too careful).
    Either that, or you'd have to have training and receive certification in
    the operation of a pencil before you could legally buy one.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 31, 2004
  16. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Bill, that is really a stretch to go from what BT and I said to
    suggesting we were advocating property damage!

    I wasn't insulted as much as confused as to where you created that
    theory from given what I'd written. I hadn't even implied causing
    intentional damage, I simply said that putting idle money to work can
    benefit the economy.

    Matt Whiting, Sep 1, 2004
  17. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Only if you consider Concord, NC to be on the coast. :) And I don't
    think it is empty, just idle.

    Matt Whiting, Sep 1, 2004
  18. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Yes, you've provided a great example of airhead thinking in your
    example. Comparing nitroglycerine to hot coffee is pretty dumb.

    My recollection is that McDonald's coffee cups have had warnings for
    many years about the contents being hot. And you have to assume some
    reasonable intelligence on the part of the public. Almost any consumer
    product is dangerous if used improperly. Things like ladders shouldn't
    need 25 warning labels for crying out loud. Then again, with people
    like you, maybe these warnings are needed, however, you can never had
    enough warnings for people who think like you.

    Matt Whiting, Sep 1, 2004
  19. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Coffee properly prepared will be hot enough to cause third degree burns.
    A knife properly sharpened will cut to the bone. A plum not chewed
    will lodge in your throat and choke you.

    What was that old John Wayne move line ... something like, "Life is
    tough, but it's tougher if you are stupid." You must have a very tough

    Matt Whiting, Sep 1, 2004
  20. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I can't even bring myself to laugh at him. I actually feel sorry for
    him. Anyone that dependent on mom, dad and the government is really a
    sorry soul.

    Matt Whiting, Sep 1, 2004
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