Looking for a mid-size domestic car recommendation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. You know, that post reminds me of a lawyer couple that were trying to figure
    out how to stop moss from growing on their sidewalk permanently (it lives on
    the side that gets no sunlight). Then they asked about making it so they
    could never have ice on the sidewalk.

    There's a point where if people keep going on with these stupid lawsuits
    that they should just be thrown in jail to think about it. "Hi, I did
    something stupid so I'm going to sue you now!"
    Phillip Schmid, Aug 30, 2004
  2. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    When the stock crashed, he would be worse off while anyone who wished to
    purchase the stock would be better off. Net result for society = zero.

    Remember, when the stock crashed, nothing of real physical value was
    lost, only the price put on it. It was terrible for the employees but
    beneficial for society as a whole.
    Bill Turner, Aug 30, 2004
  3. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Ok, which am I, idiot or moron? Can't be both, numbnuts.

    Bill Turner, Aug 30, 2004
  4. steve

    dbird Guest

    there was a local lawyer who feel into the shark infested waters while
    fishing..... news reports say that no sharks were injured in this
    dbird, Aug 30, 2004
  5. steve

    BrickMason Guest

    Then why did you say:

    mike hunt
    BrickMason, Aug 30, 2004
  6. steve

    BrickMason Guest

    Does that mean you believe that if one keeps their money under
    their mattress, rather placing it where it earns dividends or
    interest, nothing is created of any value and the economy will
    not be effected? Are you for real? Do you really believe, that
    the net wealth of the nation is not increased by those type of
    earnings? If indeed you do, then one is wasting their time
    trying to enlighten you on this subject. Bye!

    mike hunt
    BrickMason, Aug 30, 2004
  7. steve

    BrickMason Guest

    If that is what your really believe, you could be a poster boy
    for convoluted thinking what our liberal schools and colleges are
    producing today. What a sad state of affairs.

    mike hunt
    BrickMason, Aug 30, 2004
  8. steve

    Art Guest

    Sorry but there is one thing worse than inflation and it is deflation. Tons
    of people holding expensive debt with collateral worth half and assets being
    sold off. Happened in Japan.
    Art, Aug 30, 2004
  9. steve

    Art Guest

    When I worked for Kodak in Rochester, NY some entrances had heated
    Art, Aug 30, 2004
  10. steve

    BrickMason Guest

    I'm waiting to hear of the first case were some shark
    sues an individual on behalf of another because he
    did NOT sue the guy that ran into the back of his car
    at a traffic light... Think of the mental anguish he would
    suffer waiting for the guy he hit to start litigation. "Were you
    NOT sued by the other person involved in you recant auto
    accident? Call the lawyers at Dewy Cheatem and Howe. The call is
    and you pay nothing until we collect the money you deserve."

    mike hunt
    BrickMason, Aug 30, 2004
  11. steve

    Sijuki Guest

    That was kind of my point. The response to there being too many lawsuits
    and such being that McDonalds would still be serving hot coffee just begs
    the question that if its ok to sue a company for having hot coffee then we
    might as well go all the way and sue every homeowner that has coffee that
    someone might deem too hot and we might spill on ourselves. Just the whole
    ridiculous loop of stupidity it would create. But I agree, throw people in
    jail for wasting the taxpayers money for frivolous lawsuits.
    Sijuki, Aug 30, 2004
  12. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    As far as I know Corning hasn't went out of business. And I have a
    pretty good reason for knowing!

    Matt Whiting, Aug 30, 2004
  13. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Typical nanny government mentality. McDonalds didn't burn anyone. The
    people that spilled hot coffee on themselves burned someone. Now if a
    McDonalds counter persone spilled coffee on you and burned you, then
    maybe you could rightfully claim that McDonalds burned you.

    Except that asbestos was considered safe for many years. I assum the
    Corning reference is actually meant to be Dow Corning and, in that case,
    silicone implants have still not been indicated as unsafe in the MANY
    studies done since the initial suits were filed.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 30, 2004
  14. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I never said it would and I'm not saying it now. Breaking something so
    you can fix it is simply wasteful. However, if the shop owner took that
    money and loaned it to another person to start up a new business, then
    the money is now serving a useful purpose. That was my point. Idle
    money is like a pile of iron ore. It is potentially useful, but just
    sitting there doesn nothing at all. Turning the ore into a car creates
    something useful. Taking idle money and putting it to use doesn likewise.

    I still don't see where you keep getting this argument about destroying
    something. Riddle me that! :)

    Matt Whiting, Aug 30, 2004
  15. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Even having such a concept as inherently dangerous (which implies that
    there are inherently safe goods), is inherently stupid. Then again,
    nobody ever accused our legal system of being inherently smart! :)

    Matt Whiting, Aug 30, 2004
  16. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    You are absolutely correct. Now that you mention it, I particularly
    remember getting the impression from the landlording forums that Boston
    is a city that you definitely do not want to be a landlord in. The
    funny thing about all this is that when the court systems in a given
    place become landlord hostile to punish landlords for past sins, rental
    housing becomes scarce, rents go up, and the only landlords left are
    going to be real jerks. And then when things get even tighter to inflict
    further punishment, and they force rent freezes and lead abatement,
    things get really scarce (people just simply get out of the business).
    The people who are supposedly being protected (low income renters) are
    the ones that get hurt the worst - unintentional consequences as a
    result of idiot politicians who can't think past their noses.
    Bill Putney, Aug 30, 2004
  17. steve

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    You are correct, Corning recovered from Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Aug 31, 2004
  18. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Keep trying. Corning (GLW) has never been in Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
    Dow Corning has, but not Corning Incorporated, commonly known simply as

    Matt Whiting, Aug 31, 2004
  19. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Matt Whiting wrote:

    I was responding to your response to BT in which he (BT) said:
    "Transferring money from one person or group to another person or group
    does *not* spur the economy. True wealth can only be created by the
    sweat of one's brow, both personally and nation-wide. Paper shuffles do
    not do anything of benefit to the economy as a whole."
    and you replied, in part, that "Sure it can...Someone who just hoards
    their money under a mattress does nothing to increase wealth. So moving
    money from a place where it isn't working to a place where it can work,
    definitely benefits the economy as a whole." There are some people who
    would take that to mean, and who actually think about the economy in
    terms of, property damage actually creating wealth (they equate
    stimulating the economy with creating wealth) even though you may not
    have actually said that. In fact, in economics, this type of fallacious
    thinking has a name that is given to it - I forget it exactly, but, in
    the field of economics, it's commonly referred to as the "shop keeper's
    broken window" or the "jewelry store owner's broken window" (or some
    similar phrasing) mentallity, and is used to illustrate the fallacy of
    certain false principles.

    Sorry if I insulted you by insinuating that you might think that way. I
    was just waving off others who might misinterpret what you were saying
    and falling into the common misconception which only seems to be the
    same as what you were saying but in fact is not. 8^)

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 31, 2004
  20. The problem is not that lawsuits are out of control, it's that the
    substandard doctors and nurses are not reported to their state boards
    and hospitals do not let each other know about these problem doctors and

    If they can get rid of problem attorneys and CPAs, why not doctors?
    Carroll Boardway, Aug 31, 2004
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