Looking for a mid-size domestic car recommendation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. steve

    Matt Whiting Guest

    No, this is a fallacious analogy ... and analogy has long been called
    the weakest form of argument. I never advocated destroying anything or
    causing intentional damage. I simply pointed out that money is a
    resource just as is labor, machinery, etc. A resource that is idle
    contributes nothing to the economy - doesn't matter if the resource is
    an unemployed person, an idle mining machine or idle money. If you
    really believe that moving money from an idle state to a useful state is
    the same as throwing a stone through a window, then no logical argument
    will change your mind.

    All of the above require money. If the miners, farmers and
    manufacturers don't have money to buy equipment, etc., then they won't
    be creating wealth. Money under your mattress doesn nothing. Money
    invested in a mine or farm can contribute a lot.

    I agree ... you obviously haven't figured this all out. And where did
    you get this idea of destroying property to make money flow? I never
    said that or even subtly implied it in what I wrote above.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 29, 2004
  2. steve

    Full_Name Guest

    I like the Buffit response. Though one does wonder why the Exxon
    Valdez <sp> spill was counted as adding to the GDP the year that
    happened (or why Exxon hasn't paid yet for the cleanup).

    Wealth transfer in some circumstances works. (read a bit on the
    Plague's effect on the British economy and the effects of war
    mobilization in some countries, I won't mention the US but...).

    I'm just saying that every toxic cloud has a silver lining (even if it
    is only shiny lead....
    Full_Name, Aug 29, 2004
  3. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Except that nobody "hoards" money except a few hermits up in the hills.
    Money is always invested, one way or the other.
    Bill Turner, Aug 29, 2004
  4. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Warren Buffet did not "create" any wealth, he merely moved it from
    someone else's pocket to his own. He is richer, they are poorer. The
    net wealth of the nation is the same.

    You're equating money with wealth. In the common vernacular they are
    often interchanged, but when discussing economic theory they are two
    different things.
    Bill Turner, Aug 29, 2004
  5. steve

    Bill Turner Guest

    If there were no shark lawyers, McDonalds would still be burning people,
    wouldn't they? People would still be needing surgery, permanent scars
    would be created every day, etc, etc.

    Serves 'em right. Don't shed too many tears over "innocent" employees
    would could have and should have stepped in and demanded their products
    be made safe. When was the last time you heard a union calling a strike
    in order to make a product safer?

    LOL here too. :)
    Bill Turner, Aug 29, 2004
  6. steve

    Sijuki Guest

    I read it, doesn't change my mind. None of those people should have won
    anything. I know coffee burns, its boiling water. This is common sense.
    Therefore, I know not to try and mix cream in my coffee while driving down a
    road. That would be stupid and I would probably get burned. See how common
    sense can work here. If you are stupid, and spill hot coffee on you and you
    fucking burn your ass off, its nobody's fault but your own. You cannot have
    100º coffee and make it safe for everyone. Because it will taste like shit.
    Coffee is a hot beverage made by 200º water and it takes its flavor from the
    beans. This doesn't happen until at least 175ºF. You are hell bent on
    making coffee cold, want a cold beverage buy ice water. Does that mean that
    one day you are gonna work on your car and be a moron and take the radiator
    cap off while the system is pressurized and get hot coolant on your self and
    burn yourself all over the arm and hand and face and sue Ford or GM or maybe
    even Zerex for having coolant that gets hot from being in an engine that was
    running? No, cause magically coolant gets hot in an engine. Just like
    coffe gets hot in a pot. Its not rocket science here. Its just plain
    simple common sense. The only case I could see McDonald's being responsible
    for is the one where the employee spilled it on the lady. That is it. The
    guy they had in the article that is like, "I went home and told my wife and
    daughter not to open a coffee cup while driving cause I didn't know it was
    that hot" is an idiot. Who didn't think coffee was hot? Can I see a show
    of hands? Let me guess Art, when you are boiling water for noodles do you
    just reach in the water to pull the noodles out? I bet you could soo
    Muellers for that. Hell maybe even the stove manufacturer.
    Sijuki, Aug 30, 2004
  7. steve

    Sijuki Guest

    And how hot is the coffee you make in your house? God forbid I stopped over
    had a mug and spilled it on myself and had to sue your homeowners for it.
    Sijuki, Aug 30, 2004
  8. steve

    BrickMason Guest

    Why? Did his 'work' not effect the GNP? Does he not
    pay those people that work for him? Are all of those working in
    the jobs that now exist, because of his products being sold and
    serviced, not compensated? Or
    do they not count because they work in air conditioned facilities
    and therefore do not work up a 'perspire?'

    mike hunt
    BrickMason, Aug 30, 2004
  9. steve

    BrickMason Guest

    I don't believe the workers in McDonald's restaurants
    are unionized. ;)

    mike hunt

    Bill Turner wrote:
    BrickMason, Aug 30, 2004
  10. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Yeah - just last week, I put my hand on a glowing burner on the stove,
    and lo and behold, it burned my hand. No one told me!!! Bastards!!! 8^)

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 30, 2004
  11. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    OK - what if the shop owner has extra money stashed under his matress,
    doing nothing for several years. If someone breaks his window and
    causes him to have to pull that money out and put it back into
    circulation (by having the window fixed), has this helped society?
    Riddle me that one.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 30, 2004
  12. steve

    Art Guest

    The legal standard for inherently dangerous goods like guns and power saws
    is different than that for ordinary goods.
    Art, Aug 30, 2004
  13. steve

    Art Guest

    Exacty. It is unfortunate that all the politicians seem to look for is
    economic growth instead of the standard of living. If everyone had
    everything they wanted there would be zero growth and everyone would be

    Art, Aug 30, 2004
  14. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    That could change as we evolve more to the "Utopian" society. Some gun
    mfgrs. have been hit in recent years with some pretty stupid lawsuits
    considering what guns are intended to do.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 30, 2004
  15. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    All the money he "paid" his workers ultimately came from someone else's
    pocket and created nothing of any value except to Warren. The net
    wealth of the nation was not increased one penny.

    By comparison, a worker who performs a useful service (installs your
    satellite dish) or actually makes something (assembles a car) has
    increased the net wealth of the nation.

    I'm sure you will see no difference at all. :)
    Bill Turner, Aug 30, 2004
  16. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Try as I might, I can not find any point to your post. Try again.
    Bill Turner, Aug 30, 2004
  17. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    Does a worker have to belong to a union to be dissatisfied with the
    safety of his product? Did any worker at McDonalds ever raise the
    question of possible injury because the coffee was too hot? Or did they
    just go with the flow because they were afraid to rock the boat?
    Bill Turner, Aug 30, 2004
  18. steve

    Bill Turner Guest


    In that example, one could argue that society is better off, while the
    shopkeeper is less well off.

    Far more likely, however, is the shopkeeper keeps his money either in a
    savings account, invested in stocks or bonds or in some kind of
    commercial account. All of which make society better off.
    Bill Turner, Aug 30, 2004
  19. steve

    Bill Putney Guest

    Right answer. 8^) (Hmmm - what if he had it in Enron stock?
    rhetorical question)

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 30, 2004
  20. steve

    Bob Guest

    Well... that puts you into the 5% of the population that are complete
    idiots. Coffee is SUPPOSED to be hot. Thanks to morons like you the only way
    to get it hot now is to brew your own.
    Bob, Aug 30, 2004
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