Limited Van's Seat Quality

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    A client called me today. He took delivery of a 2003 Limited mini-van. He
    noted that the seats were mostly vinyl and vinyl covered cloth (velour?),
    and only the inserts were leather. This is at odds with the promotional
    material but typical of what Chrysler builds into these vehicles. Any

    Richard, Oct 22, 2003
  2. "Richard" wrote
    Ads that I've seen call out "leather trimmed" seats, as do most ads for
    other moderately priced vehicles. What this amounts to is leather where the
    body contacts the seat, vinyl everywhere else.

    Jim Shulthiess, Oct 22, 2003
  3. What kind of client? Legal or other?

    I don't think it's at odds with anything I've seen in the promotional
    material for this vehicle -- what statement in the promotional
    material does the owner think his leather-trimmed seats contradict?

    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 22, 2003
  4. Richard

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Well, on the Chrysler web page, if you select Town & Country, then models,
    then Limited, it says:

    Seating-Seton Sutton leather _trimmed_ with preferred suede accents,
    Intermediate Quad Command roller buckets and rear deluxe three-passenger bench

    "leather-trimmed" is Detroit-ese for partially leather.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 23, 2003
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