Lights on engine quits!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by honeypot, Dec 30, 2006.

  1. honeypot

    honeypot Guest

    Hello. any advice would help as the garage is closed until Tuesday and
    I am trying to figure out why my Safari quit after starting just when I
    turned the lights on? I have been have electrical oddities such as the
    clock resetting after every start up, and headlights flickering a bit
    and now the van has power to everything except the headlights and the
    engine wont turn over.
    Thanks for any input.
    honeypot, Dec 30, 2006
  2. honeypot

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    Not a mechanic, not even close. But seeing as you may be somewhat
    stuck, I'll suggest a perhaps worthwhile do it yourself check...

    You've got the two highest current draw devices in your car not
    operating, so take apart and clean thoroughly the battery connections,
    see if that helps. If not, look at where the batteries positive wire
    connects to the engine block; make sure that connection is good.

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Dec 30, 2006
  3. honeypot

    Scrapper Guest

    sounds like a short somewhere my guess would be the posative wire to yor
    starer.also there should be a fusable link going to starter...if thas
    not it might have altanator and starter checked when your garage opens
    back up...and like the guy sais make sure cables are good and
    clean.....good luck...

    Scrapper, Dec 30, 2006
  4. honeypot

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ken - you obviously meant the *negative* wire to the engine block.

    Though I am not familiar with that particular vehicle, if there are any
    intermedaiate power junctions - such as a positive jump post (for jump
    starting), check that the connections there are tight. Headlights
    flickering and intermittent non-starts are classic symptoms of a high
    resistance connection at the battery and the main ground, as Ken
    suggested, and at the jump post if it has one.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 30, 2006
  5. honeypot

    Steve B. Guest

    Battery may be kaput. Pull the battery and take it to the parts store
    and let them test it for you. Resetting the clock on start tells me
    that the voltage has been dropping pretty low on startup for a while.

    If the battery is still good then start cleaning and tightening
    connections. Battery first then trace the battery cables to their
    final destination and clean them good there as well and see if it

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Dec 30, 2006
  6. honeypot

    Scrapper Guest

    i'm not trying to be a smart as. i'd go ahead and put new cable ends
    and cables on it if you can afford it...good luck...and a happy new
    year to you and all thats in this forum..
    Scrapper, Dec 30, 2006
  7. honeypot

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi Bill...

    Arghhh, thanks for the correction... appreciate it

    Usually warn everyone that I'm not a mechanic, sometimes warn people
    that I'm old and stroke damaged. This shoulda been one of those times.

    Thanks again, and take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Dec 30, 2006
  8. honeypot

    philthy Guest

    clean battery cable ends
    philthy, Dec 30, 2006
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