LHS Cooling Fans

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Hank NB, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. Hank NB

    Art Guest

    There were a bunch of noisy fan modules on the 94 LHS. Mine were replaced
    after a few thousand miles were on the car.
    Art, Nov 17, 2005
  2. Hank NB

    Art Guest

    Just to make it clear, my original comment was in response to another
    comment about general early fan problems in the LH cars.
    Art, Nov 17, 2005
  3. Hank NB

    Joe Guest

    How old's that dictionary? You missed this:

    Main Entry: 3gage
    variant of GAUGE

    The use of "gage" has changed a great deal recently, and seems to be in
    danger of wiping "gauge" totally out of technical writing, at least here in
    the states. I don't know why, but anyway, that's that.

    I don't like when words change, but this just happens to be one that I gave
    up on.
    Joe, Nov 19, 2005
  4. Hank NB

    philthy Guest

    the reason i stated a reverse flush was a issue in which the engine would slowly
    but surely run hotter than it was suppose too.there were some folks that would
    see the temp climb to 3/4 on the dash and teter between there and hot and what
    was found was some head gaskets had the incorrect size bypass holes and dbris
    would close them off
    and the fix was a flush other than that replacing the head gaskets
    i'm not saying your is this case but you want to make sure it isn't
    sometimes u have to find out what is correct before u can find whats not
    philthy, Nov 19, 2005
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