left rear window on 2001 PT

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BudE, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. BudE

    BudE Guest

    Went to pull away today and noticed my left rear window was down. Pushed
    the button to bring it up and nothing. Friend and I worked at it for half
    an hour. No luck! Took it over to my son's house. He says, "Dad, all you
    have to do is push the button up while I jiggle the window." Tried to tell
    him we'd done all that but I thought I'd humor him. Pushed the button and
    he jiggled it and up it went. AARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
    Anybody know if I going to have trouble with this henceforth? (Not the son,
    the window.)

    BudE, Apr 5, 2006
  2. BudE

    pe2 Guest

    Thanks for the warning...'02 PT Owner...
    pe2, Apr 5, 2006
  3. You and your friend probably overloaded the motor which popped
    it's little circuit breaker, by the time you got over to son's house the
    breaker had reset. Use some silicon spray on the weatherstripping,
    that is sold for this purpose.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Apr 6, 2006
  4. BudE

    pe2 Guest

    And thanks for the info-I keep up with the PT issues!
    pe2, Apr 7, 2006
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