Keyless Entry

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by soxinseven, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. soxinseven

    soxinseven Guest

    Hi. I have a pair of Neon SXTs, an '03 and an '04.

    They both have the Keyless Entry and I've been looking around for ways to
    set some of the options. I'd like the get rid of the annoying chirp when
    locking the doors, press the unlock button ONCE and have ALL the doors
    unlock, etc.

    Is there a clear guide on how to do this without going to a dealer? I'm
    going to check out both owner's manuals, but I don't recall reading anything
    about it in either.


    P.S. Sorry about the crosspost, but has been sort of dead
    soxinseven, Apr 10, 2005
  2. soxinseven

    Bill Guest

    Check the owners manual. My 2003 Dakoka's manual has all the user settings
    Bill, Apr 10, 2005
  3. soxinseven

    soxinseven Guest

    Sure enough, it was all detailed in the manual. I feel bad for the people
    who payed to have these things done.
    soxinseven, Apr 10, 2005
  4. soxinseven

    Bill 2 Guest

    I don't. If they are dumb enough not to RTFM they get what they deserve.
    Bill 2, Apr 11, 2005
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