Kerkorian indicates no settlement to come

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Geoff, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. Geoff

    Geoff Guest

    "WILMINGTON, Del. -- If there was still any chance of an out-of-court
    settlement in Kirk Kerkorian's billion-dollar shareholder lawsuit against
    DaimlerChrysler AG, it may have wilted under the taxing cross-examination he
    received here Tuesday.

    During a quick afternoon break from hours of questioning that clearly
    rattled him, the billionaire paused for a second in the courthouse men's
    room to wash his hands. When his own lead attorney entered the room and
    stood at the sink next to him, Kerkorian snapped at him.

    "Any chance of talk is out the window, with that deceit and bull---t they're
    pulling," Kerkorian said angrily. "


    "On another issue, Kerkorian accused the (DCX's) attorney of "questioning my
    style of management."

    "Are you trying to say what I should or shouldn't be doing?" barked
    Kerkorian, who once owned 89 million shares of Chrysler stock. "Am I getting
    a lesson from you?" "


    "He alleges that Daimler-Benz knew all along that it would take over
    Chrysler and replace its management team rather than "merging" as an equal
    with the Auburn Hills, Mich., company. He alleges that the Stuttgart-based
    management, led by Chairman Juergen Schrempp, deceived U.S. investors into
    accepting the transaction as a merger to avoid paying a higher-per-share

    In a statement issued Tuesday evening, Christensen said, "Daimler's tactic
    appears to be to talk about anything other than this clearly indisputable

    Kerkorian was at the time of the merger -- and still is -- the largest
    individual shareholder in the company. His privately-owned Tracinda Corp.
    still owns 1 million shares. "

    It just keeps getting better.

    Geoff, Dec 3, 2003
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