Jerry Springer, please moderate this NG!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DAVID THORNTON, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. I once thought that this was a RESPECTABLE Newsgroup that shared information
    and trade secrets about Chrysler and MOPAR cars and parts.

    Now it is a virtual slugfest, slinging insults, sending viruses and even
    ignoring innocent postings from people asking for real help.

    ALL of you people ought to be totally ashamed of yourselves, conducting
    yourselves as a bunch of junior high school bullies. I am even more
    dismayed that the moderator NEVER keeps this NG ON TOPIC. There are proper
    places for this kind of behavior, but this is not one of them.

    Yes, I could go somewhere else to get the information I need, but there are
    some very knowledgeable people in this group, and do value their insights
    and suggestions. I just wish that it did not have come with the insults and
    mud slinging.

    NOW if there is a decent person left among you guys, try to find my original
    post and see if you can help me out. It is the one with the 98 Chrysler
    Cirrus ABS. Please leave the insults behind, and reply to my RR email below
    with your advice.

    Freedom is NEVER free! Support our TROOPS! David Thornton
    Signature powered by Plaxo ... Want a signature like this? Add me to your
    address book...
    DAVID THORNTON, Nov 6, 2004

    linda Guest

    Everyone that i have talked to the last few days are decent people... do
    not every insinuate they aren't..... talk to your local mechanic fi you
    can't get these experts to reply to your posting...

    i am not going to sleep until Jerry Springer shows up....and you can't
    make me!!!!
    linda, Nov 6, 2004
  3. You must be new here.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 6, 2004
  4. You must be new here.
    I've been here for about 12 years, and it's *always* been a virtual
    slugfest, with lots of insults slung in every which direction.
    Via Usenet post. Sure, right.
    Usenet participation is completely voluntary. Sometimes, nobody feels like
    answering a particular question. That's the way the lasagna overflow bakes
    onto the bottom of the oven (or the way the cookie crumbles, pick your
    food-related metaphor).
    [singsong-y elementary school *en masse* voice ON]
    Yessssssh, prinnnnnnncipal Thorn-tinn...
    That's 'cause there is no moderator, 'cause this is an unmoderated
    You may be right, you may be wrong, and it makes no difference, because
    you're not in charge here. Nobody is.
    Then I suggest you either put up with it or learn to use the filtration
    capacity of whatever newsreader you like to use. There're about 130 rules
    in my filter. I don't see a good 70 to 80 percent of the crap that flushes
    through the newsgroups. In effect, this makes me my own moderator.
    You obviously don't listen to enough Rolling Stones music. If you did,
    you'd know that you cain't always git whatchyoo waa-haant, but if you try
    sometimes, you just might find, you git whatchyoo nee-heed!
    Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 6, 2004
  5. Ooh! And Judge Judy, too!
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 6, 2004

    pawn Guest

    pawn, Nov 6, 2004

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I agree, it was pretty nice here until linda showed up.

    I don't think this is a moderated ng so your comments about the
    moderator are wasted.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 6, 2004

    Dave Gower Guest

    As a matter of fact Jerry Springer DOES moderate this newsgroup, which is
    why we're all having so much fun ;<)
    Dave Gower, Nov 6, 2004

    N.Cass Guest

    Gotta love that Monty Python movie reference! Lol
    N.Cass, Nov 7, 2004
  10. Funny.

    I thought you were the most sane one in the group.

    Oh yeah. you are.

    Sorry. My mistake.

    Freedom is NEVER free! Support our TROOPS! David Thornton
    Signature powered by Plaxo ... Want a signature like this? Add me to your
    address book...
    | On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, DAVID THORNTON wrote:
    | > I once thought that this was a RESPECTABLE Newsgroup that shared
    | > and trade secrets about Chrysler and MOPAR cars and parts.
    | You must be new here.
    | > Now it is a virtual slugfest, slinging insults
    | I've been here for about 12 years, and it's *always* been a virtual
    | slugfest, with lots of insults slung in every which direction.
    | > sending viruses
    | Via Usenet post. Sure, right.
    | > ignoring innocent postings from people asking for real help.
    | Usenet participation is completely voluntary. Sometimes, nobody feels like
    | answering a particular question. That's the way the lasagna overflow bakes
    | onto the bottom of the oven (or the way the cookie crumbles, pick your
    | food-related metaphor).
    | > ALL of you people ought to be totally ashamed of yourselves
    | [singsong-y elementary school *en masse* voice ON]
    | Yessssssh, prinnnnnnncipal Thorn-tinn...
    | [/voice]
    | > dismayed that the moderator NEVER keeps this NG ON TOPIC.
    | That's 'cause there is no moderator, 'cause this is an unmoderated
    | newsgroup.
    | > There are proper places for this kind of behavior, but this is not one
    | > of them.
    | You may be right, you may be wrong, and it makes no difference, because
    | you're not in charge here. Nobody is.
    | > Yes, I could go somewhere else to get the information I need, but there
    | > some very knowledgeable people in this group, and do value their
    | > and suggestions.
    | Then I suggest you either put up with it or learn to use the filtration
    | capacity of whatever newsreader you like to use. There're about 130 rules
    | in my filter. I don't see a good 70 to 80 percent of the crap that flushes
    | through the newsgroups. In effect, this makes me my own moderator.
    | > I just wish that it did not have come with the insults and mud slinging.
    | You obviously don't listen to enough Rolling Stones music. If you did,
    | you'd know that you cain't always git whatchyoo waa-haant, but if you try
    | sometimes, you just might find, you git whatchyoo nee-heed!
    | > Please leave the insults behind
    | Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
    DAVID THORNTON, Nov 8, 2004
  11. Tell you what. YOU answer my original question and I will deliver Jerry to

    Seriously, I feel for you, Linda. These guys may be decent as you say, but
    not all of them have been exactly decent to you in the last few days.

    Freedom is NEVER free! Support our TROOPS! David Thornton
    Signature powered by Plaxo ... Want a signature like this? Add me to your
    address book...
    | Everyone that i have talked to the last few days are decent people... do
    | not every insinuate they aren't..... talk to your local mechanic fi you
    | can't get these experts to reply to your posting...
    | i am not going to sleep until Jerry Springer shows up....and you can't
    | make me!!!!
    | DAVID THORNTON wrote:
    | > I once thought that this was a RESPECTABLE Newsgroup that shared
    | > and trade secrets about Chrysler and MOPAR cars and parts.
    | >
    | > Now it is a virtual slugfest, slinging insults, sending viruses and even
    | > ignoring innocent postings from people asking for real help.
    | >
    | > ALL of you people ought to be totally ashamed of yourselves, conducting
    | > yourselves as a bunch of junior high school bullies. I am even more
    | > dismayed that the moderator NEVER keeps this NG ON TOPIC. There are
    | > places for this kind of behavior, but this is not one of them.
    | >
    | > Yes, I could go somewhere else to get the information I need, but there
    | > some very knowledgeable people in this group, and do value their
    | > and suggestions. I just wish that it did not have come with the insults
    | > mud slinging.
    | >
    | > NOW if there is a decent person left among you guys, try to find my
    | > post and see if you can help me out. It is the one with the 98 Chrysler
    | > Cirrus ABS. Please leave the insults behind, and reply to my RR email
    | > with your advice.
    | >
    | >
    | > Freedom is NEVER free! Support our TROOPS! David Thornton
    | > IM:
    | > Signature powered by Plaxo ... Want a signature like this? Add me to
    | > address book...
    | >
    | >
    DAVID THORNTON, Nov 8, 2004

    Geoff Guest

    Uh, Dave? FYI, this isn't a moderated NG. It's been a slugfest for the
    9 or so years I've read it. Most of us get what we need out of it

    Geoff, Nov 8, 2004
  13. Over the past 9 years, I have been able to come in here from time to time to
    get good advice in what to do with all of my cars.

    This time it is much different. There are some of the same people here in
    the group, and some have helped in the past. I threw a question out there
    about my ABS system, and for nearly a week all I got was garbage and no
    substantive answer to my question. I get this feeling that when I came back
    to the group, they were already involved with some dirt throwing at each
    other, and I was just caught in the middle.


    You are right, there is no moderator. Just a bunch of well learned highly
    qualified ASE certified people who had nothing better to do but throw mud at
    anything that it would stick to.

    Freedom is NEVER free! Support our TROOPS! David Thornton
    Signature powered by Plaxo ... Want a signature like this? Add me to your
    address book...
    | DAVID THORNTON wrote:
    | > Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 03:00:57 GMT
    | > From: DAVID THORNTON <>
    | > Newsgroups:
    | > Subject: Jerry Springer, please moderate this NG!
    | >
    | > I once thought that this was a RESPECTABLE Newsgroup that shared
    | > and trade secrets about Chrysler and MOPAR cars and parts.
    | >
    | > Now it is a virtual slugfest, slinging insults, sending viruses and even
    | > ignoring innocent postings from people asking for real help.
    | >
    | > ALL of you people ought to be totally ashamed of yourselves, conducting
    | > yourselves as a bunch of junior high school bullies. I am even more
    | > dismayed that the moderator NEVER keeps this NG ON TOPIC. There are
    | > places for this kind of behavior, but this is not one of them.
    | >
    | Uh, Dave? FYI, this isn't a moderated NG. It's been a slugfest for the
    | 9 or so years I've read it. Most of us get what we need out of it
    | regardless.
    | --Geoff
    DAVID THORNTON, Nov 8, 2004
  14. Sometimes it works like that.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 8, 2004
  15. You are one of the people I was hoping that would know something about ABS

    Between you and Mic Canic, you have answered most of the questions I have
    ever posted here.

    I do not understand what the problem is.

    Freedom is NEVER free! Support our TROOPS! David Thornton
    Signature powered by Plaxo ... Want a signature like this? Add me to your
    address book...
    | On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, DAVID THORNTON wrote:
    | > I threw a question out there about my ABS system, and for nearly a week
    | > all I got was garbage and no substantive answer to my question.
    | Sometimes it works like that.
    DAVID THORNTON, Nov 8, 2004

    linda Guest

    Curiosity killed the cat.. I could not stand being away from such a
    wonderful group of guys who love to argue... Aside from being treated
    unfairly and called numerous names, I just had to come back.. I don't
    have any reason, really, except I missed you guys!!!!! ya'll are fun,
    funny and hilarious...

    What's been going on since I left?


    p.s. Did i capitalize appropriately? Ya'll missed me, tell the
    truth... Ya'll did... :)

    linda, Nov 12, 2004
  17. Oh, y'know, same as it ever was. I've been here about 12 years, and if it
    wasn't gay marriage, it was Chrysler Corp deliberately killing customers
    and putting shills in the forum and whatnot, or delusional Radford
    students posting lengthy screeds about imaginary 1974 Dodge Dart "design

    Welcome back,

    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 12, 2004

    linda Guest

    Thanks, Daniel... Maybe we can get an argument going on the Scott
    Peterson Trial.. He was convicted of 1st degree murder for Laci and 2nd
    degree murder for Conner...

    linda, Nov 12, 2004

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Please, not in this newsgroup.... Take it to one intended for social
    discussions where you will have an audience
    Bob Shuman, Nov 12, 2004

    linda Guest

    Chaos, panic, & disorder -- my work here is done.

    linda, Nov 12, 2004
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