Jeep Car Key

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ssalih2000, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. ssalih2000

    ssalih2000 Guest

    My friend This about 4 week That Jeep car In Park
    not work in my AD100 I helpless Plz do help me to find
    the problem of this car.
    Plz see the attchmet photo of dash Bord of this car
    Jeep Cherokee grand 2001

    I am sure u want to know that happen.

    1-As owner told me that this car on High engine got
    hot.he check the FAN was not work what he did,he make
    direct conect wirining to from Battry to FAN
    and FAN work until he arrived to City.

    after that our techain try to FIX the problem FAN .
    while working and play to FIX.after that He said now
    OK.onwer of car try to start this and he car did not
    work until now.
    1-All conect being check ok
    2-All Fuses being check that OK.
    3-In Iraq we do not that Dealer or that proffsional know IF that key or any thing is ctreat

    4-Plz I seek for your help ,I am sure u must have good
    info or I am sure you peoples know to U
    work with Jeep cheerokee.
    I very sorry but only u we have now can help us?How
    can I know if the key is OK

    ssalih2000, Jul 9, 2006
  2. Okay, I'll bite. From what I gather, your engine fan wasn't running, so
    you jumped it with a direct-connect from the battery to get it working.
    Fan relay or it's associated wiring gone, or the coolant temp. sensor
    [which triggers the fan relay] has gone, since you seem to state the
    fuses are okay.

    That has nothing to do with the ignition key.

    If the key won't start the car, that is entirely a separate issue.
    Possible bad ignition lock cylinder, someone crossed a wire somewhere
    so the voltage wouldn't send to the starter, or any other irritating
    Knifeblade_03, Jul 10, 2006
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