I've had it with Chrysler

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TOM KAN PA, Dec 2, 2004.


    TOM KAN PA Guest

    In '86, I bought a new Plymouth Voyager mini-van. The carburetor on the
    Mitsibushi engine went bad. Everytime you left your foot off of the gas the
    engine would stall. Seems there was a part that had paraffin wax in it. The wax
    had flakes of metal in it. There was a manifold heat tube that ran to it. The
    heat would liquify the wax when the engine was hot.
    Long story short, this was the part causing the engine to stall.
    Couldn't just replace the part, had to replace the entire $500-700 carburetor.
    The vehicle was well within the warranty period, but the carburetor wasn't
    covered. I called Chrysler and they said that they didn't consider this a
    safety hazzard.
    What? You're going around a corner, you leave your foot off of the accelerator,
    the engine stalls and there goes the power steering and power brakes. You don't
    consider this a safety hazzard? His reply? Most people wouldn't drive a vehicle
    in this condition. Why not? You said it was safe. I spent the money for the
    carburetor and swore off Chrylser.
    Until I bought my 2001 PT Cruiser. Now this is a small gripe, the tape marks on
    the rear bumper. And from this group I find that it is common and the owners
    aren't thrilled with it.
    But, Chrylser will have nothing to do with it. Hell, Ford (and Chevy too, I
    believe) repainted hoods when there was a paint flaking problem. Chrysler could
    instill good faith with their customers and correct this.
    TOM KAN PA, Dec 2, 2004

    Art Guest

    I've never noticed a bumper problem on any PTCruiser I've seen. How about
    posting a picture so we can see what you are griping about.
    Art, Dec 2, 2004

    deadbeat Guest

    And Ford and Gm only did it after they lost a major lawsuit, and ordered to
    by the government!
    deadbeat, Dec 2, 2004

    maxpower Guest

    yup thats a safety factor also, the tape/ paint flakes could get in someones
    eye as they are driving and cause loss of sight, better contact your local
    chrysler rep again......get real
    maxpower, Dec 2, 2004

    L Guest

    It's a well known problem; just look at the ends of the bumpers (rear
    especially) of early PTs. Mine was built in June 2000 and has the problem,
    so at least the first 6 months or so of production is effected.

    The plastic has discolored where the tape secured protective covering during
    shipping; the plastic is lighter where the tape's adhesive contacted the
    L, Dec 2, 2004
  6. Yes. Such a device is known as a "thermostat". There's one in your cooling
    system that works exactly as you describe, except that the wax with metal
    powder (not "flakes") is heated by coolant.
    Are you sure? That doesn't sound right.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 2, 2004

    Punch Guest

    Until I bought my 2001
    PT Cruiser. Now this is a small gripe, the tape marks on
    tom, trade it in for a GT, or just get the bumper painted and bite the
    bullet, I agree its wrong, but almost every manufacturer could care less
    about you once the papers are signed.
    Punch, Dec 2, 2004
  8. ....or install the aftermarket chrome bumpers. Saw a PT in my rearview
    mirror a couple years ago that looked really good and I couldn't quite put
    my finger on why until we both turned into the same parking lot and I had
    a chance to walk around the car -- it was the chrome bumpers!
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 2, 2004

    SRG Guest

    Almost all PT's from 01 and 02 had the tape marks, many, many people have
    gotten them painted at Chrysler's expense, if your dealer won't, another
    might. Check out the forums at:

    Good luck
    SRG, Dec 2, 2004
  10. TOM KAN PA

    Steve Guest

    Depends on what "warranty period." If it was during 3/36
    bumper-to-bumper, then it should have been covered. But, for example,
    the old 7/70 powertrain warranty didn't cover carburetors, alternators,
    PS pumps, water pumps, or anything else bolted to the powertrain, but
    not part OF the powertrain (usually defined as internally lubricated).
    Rear-end gears? covered. Universal joint? Not covered. Connecting rod?
    Covered. Throttle body or carburetor? not covered. Just gotta read the

    However, anyone who actually expected a Mitsubishi engine *or* a Mikuni
    carburetor to last as long as the paper the warranty was written on
    needs their head examined...
    Steve, Dec 2, 2004
  11. TOM KAN PA

    Dave Gower Guest

    <... the tape marks on the rear bumper. And from this group I find that it
    is common and the owners
    You have marks on your rear bumper and you've had it with Chrysler? Man, you
    really need to get out more.
    Dave Gower, Dec 2, 2004
  12. TOM KAN PA

    Punch Guest

    wrong again, you want to check out www.ptcrew.com, its run by former members
    of the link you posted until the admin Jody went power crazy and started
    banning members for giving bad reviews of his site sponsors products.

    it's www.ptcrew.org also

    Punch, Dec 3, 2004
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