Isuzu advertises 78 mpg for DMAX 4x2 cab pickup!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pinoy, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. Pinoy

    Pinoy Guest

    Isuzu advertises 78 mpg for DMAX 4 x 2 cab pickup, full-size and diesel

    If true, U.S. national security demands this model be importable as-is and
    be available for immediate sale at every Isuzu dealership. It will
    instantly solve our oil overconsumption, without any needed further
    discussion. Isuzu published this claim in print on Monday, June 26, 2006
    on page 5 of "The Freeman," (Vol. 38, No. 340) This hard-copy daily is a
    member of the Philippine Star Group of Publications, web presence,

    The phenomenal fuel mileage claim was attributed to their model DMAX 4 x 2
    full size cab pickup truck. View this wonder at:

    On page 7, Isuzu claimed 71 mpg for their ALTERRA model SUV. See this one

    On page 3, Isuzu made a rediculous claim when it said their CROSSWIND
    SPORTIVO achieved 196 mpg in the 2003 Isuzu Challenge in Cebu. Don't sue
    them just yet for false advertising because it has to be an innocent
    typographical error. But, if it isn't, let us get the legal machinery in
    motion to stop them on the spot. View this incredible machine at:

    As I said, if Isuzu advertising is truthful, they are heros, our saviours.
    Bless them.

    But, if not true, then they are guilty as charged for fraudulent
    advertising. For punishment, I recommend complete refunds on all cars sold
    if their buyers based their decisions on the fake ads. I would also, as
    judge, order Isuzu to advertise a weekly retraction in all Filipino
    newspapers for the next six months. Just about everything in the
    Philippines is fake, from Microsoft software to truth-in-advertising.
    Lawyers out there in Manila and Cebu, here's your chance to sue big time
    these fat cats if it turns out they make fake claims. Remember the Pepsi
    349 campaign? Pepsi = Swindlers

    Since these ads are not online for you to see, I have extracted a few juicy
    tidbits from page 3:

    "2 days. Over a thousand kms. With only P1000 worth of fuel."
    (translated roughly as "Over 600 miles, on $18 diesel fuel")

    "No engine shutdown. No turning off of aircons. No designated stops. No
    tricks. All real. Happening on July 7 to 8" [2006].

    "When speed calls, they answer. Anjo Perez, a photojournalist and Erle
    Sebastian a deskman for Manila Bulletin know exactly how to live life on
    the fast lane. Their work requires no detour and pushes them to the limits
    of speed. Those who wish to thwart them in the race need to take a look at
    their 83.45 km/liter mileage efficiency rating that placed them on top spot
    in the 2003 Isuzu Challenge in Cebu. Will they end up winners in this
    year's Isuzu Challenge?"

    83.45 km/liter = 196.29 miles per gallon!

    This post published to:
    Pinoy, Jul 13, 2006
  2. Pinoy

    SnoMan Guest

    Bet they believes in 75 MPG carbs that the oil companies supossidly
    bought up over 40 years ago too. This is a pipe dream.
    SnoMan, Jul 14, 2006
  3. Pinoy

    Guest Guest

    Remember: "If it's too good to be true it's xxx"
    Guest, Jul 14, 2006
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