Is this the end of GM (Or Ford and Chrysler)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pete E. Kruzer, May 31, 2009.

  1. Is this the end of GM? I think it might be the end of Ford and
    possibly Chrysler. The Government will own GM. They'll have an endless
    supply of money. Look at UPS and FEDEX. The Government told them, "You
    can't deliver letters."
    What's to to stop them from telling Ford or Chrysler, "You can't make
    trucks." "You can't make vans." Or SUVs.
    The Government owning another company scares me.
    Pete E. Kruzer, May 31, 2009
  2. Pete E. Kruzer

    News Guest

    News, May 31, 2009
  3. Yes, from city to city. When did UPS put an envelope in your mailbox
    or hand you a package with USPS stamps on it.
    Pete E. Kruzer, May 31, 2009
  4. But then, GM and Chrysler could continue to exist, and
    will make vehicles designed by Congress and Al Gore.
    They will have to be subsidized by us as taxpayers, of
    course, until Congress also passes laws forcing us to
    buy the products.
    Pete E. Kruzer, May 31, 2009
  5. Pete E. Kruzer

    News Guest

    And WHY would they use stamps? They use airbills, as does FDX.
    News, May 31, 2009
  6. Pete E. Kruzer

    News Guest

    Since you have it all figured out, why not cut to the chase, and FOAD.
    News, May 31, 2009
  7. Pete E. Kruzer

    jeffinputnam Guest

    Well, I'd like to see the Fed own the energy and telecommunications
    industries. One car company is no big deal. Keep in mind that the
    government is none other than you.

    jeffinputnam, May 31, 2009
  8. Pete E. Kruzer

    Bill Putney Guest

    Are you going to revert to your Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals"
    tactics again?
    Bill Putney, Jun 1, 2009
  9. Pete E. Kruzer

    who Guest

    It's not unlikely.
    Now that Gov is calling the shots, they have the power to bend the
    industry rules to their liking.
    What an opportunity to change all cars to those Al Bore wants.
    who, Jun 1, 2009
  10. Pete E. Kruzer

    News Guest

    When are you going to drop your Nathan Thurm performance?
    News, Jun 1, 2009
  11. Pete E. Kruzer

    Steve Guest

    And yet, they thrive. And the USPS is running in the red.

    Your analogy has a gaping hole in it.
    Steve, Jun 1, 2009
  12. Pete E. Kruzer

    Steve Guest

    Very, very, naive thinking....
    Steve, Jun 1, 2009
  13. Pete E. Kruzer

    News Guest

    And UPS is in fact carrying First Class and Priority USPS mail.
    News, Jun 1, 2009
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