Is the Chrysler 3.5 engine any good?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    A friend is thinking about getting a new 300, most likely with the 3.5
    engine. From reading magazines over the years, I know that this engine
    is "nothing special." At least is doesn't win the awards and high
    praise that certain Honda and Nissan bent sixes receive. My friend
    doesn't care much about having the world's best V-6, but is concerned
    about service life and general reliability. How is the 3.5 in this
    regard? Are there any specific issues, like valve gear, bearings,
    accessories, sludging, or anything else of significance?

    TIA for any info from those who work on, or own high mileage 3.5's.
    Guest, Jun 25, 2004
  2. I have a 10 year old Concord with the 3.5, I have a 119,000 miles on it.
    The head gasket was replaced once around 50,000 but no problems since then.
    General Schvantzkoph, Jun 25, 2004
  3. Guest

    Geoff Guest

    Those same magazines who are telling you that the 3.5L is nothing special
    are the ones that were singing its praises 3 years ago. If you happened to
    read that opinion in Automobile magazine, I would take it with a very large
    grain of salt, as I do with *most* of what they say.

    The 3.5L is a durable, well-designed engine. If it has not undergone major
    changes, it is the same one that was placed in 2nd generation LH cars
    beginning in 1999 for the 300M, and as a premium engine in the other LH
    cars. Although all engines can sometimes fail prematurely, the 3.5L doesn't
    have a track record of doing so. It is equipped with a coil-over-sparkplug
    ignition system that is very reliable and essentially maintenance-free.

    For its displacement, it is a very powerful engine, and it yields more than
    1HP/cubic inch, which is something that the magazine guys normally get all
    excited over. Unfortunately, it is overwhelmed by the great bulk of a
    Pacifica, an extremely overweight vehicle, as many engines of larger
    displacement also would be. My understanding is that it performs quite
    acceptably in a 300.

    Personally, I have a 3.2L engine, which is a close cousin to the 3.5L,
    sharing many aspects of the design. It has been a remarkably trouble free
    engine, smooth and powerful for its size, and reasonably economical. Mine
    has 95,000 miles on it, and has no odd noises, leaks of any kind, or
    performance/starting issues. So far, I've replaced one idler pulley that
    got a bit noisy around 80,000 miles. I would expect similar service from a

    There was an earlier version of the 3.5L placed in the 1st generation LH
    cars. It was the premium engine in that application as well. People have
    driven that version well past 200,000 miles with only normal maintenance.
    However, the design was changed radically for the second generation cars, so
    direct comparisons aren't necessarily valid.

    Geoff, Jun 25, 2004
  4. Guest

    Hmmm... Guest

    Can you elaborate on the "radical" design changes between the 1st and 2nd
    generation LH 3.5L? Just curious. I think I read something about 1st
    generation being non-interference, and that was changed in the 2nd
    Hmmm..., Jun 25, 2004
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for this, and all the other informative replies.
    Guest, Jun 25, 2004
  6. Guest

    Geoff Guest

    There's a pretty good discussion of the 2nd-gen 3.5L on AllPar's site at

    The 1st-gen is covered at, scroll down
    to the section entitled "The 3.5 liter engine according to Chrysler"

    Happy reading.

    Geoff, Jun 25, 2004
  7. Guest

    David Zatz Guest

    So far, the 3.5 has not managed to have any major specific issues. It
    produces an easy 250 horsepower with about 250 lb-ft of torque for
    effortless acceleration in the 300M - lots of low-end torque which is
    missing from many competitive engines.

    Magazine reviewers are often trendy and fashion-conscious and will
    dismiss good vehicles and engines simply because that's the way they
    feel that month. Others, like the Civic, ride on their past reputations.

    There's an extensive article on the 3.5 at which includes the changes from the
    first to the second generation.

    As far as I know, there are no major quality issues with ANY current
    Chrysler engine other than the early 2.0 liters (1995-1998) running
    through head gaskets, the 2.7 (rarely) having rod failures and sludge,
    and the 2.4 turbo sometimes overheating in the PT (but not in the SRT-4
    as far as I can tell).

    My wife has the 3.5 in the 300M where it is quite fast. In the
    Pacifica, it isn't a hot rod but it does move quickly enough. There
    isn't a long delay before acceleration as there is in the automatic
    Camry 3.0 V6, the Suzuki V6-auto, etc.
    David Zatz, Jun 25, 2004
  8. Guest

    RPhillips47 Guest

    As an owner of a Pacifica since last August 29 (and an occasional driver as it
    is my wife's vehicle) I can tell you that in normal, daily Los Angeles driving
    situations (including merging onto freeways at 65+ mph) the Pacifica is not
    overwhelmed but performs quite well. Only once have I found it overwhelmed and
    that was when I had to stop for a red light at the bottom of a steep hill and
    then proceed up the hill when the light changed. As we are both #1 lane (fast
    lane) drivers we have no complaints about the performance. I have read some
    accounts of reviewers that say the performance of the 3.5 in the 300 and Magnum
    is quite respectable.
    RPhillips47, Jun 25, 2004
  9. Guest

    mic canic Guest

    this engine has proved itself as being a sturdy and well built engine
    i'm now seeing them with 200k at the dealer and going strong
    of course maintence is the key factor on engine durability
    mic canic, Jun 26, 2004
  10. Guest

    Steve Guest

    Auto magzine writers are idiots.
    Point proven.

    My friend
    Does 215,000 miles without any more than a water pump count? Granted,
    thats my wife's 1993 iron-block 3.5, but the aluminum-block version is
    doing just as well. I'd take it over a Nissan v6 any day of the week.
    Even a over a Nissan made BEFORE they were bought by Renault.
    Steve, Jun 28, 2004
  11. Guest

    Steve Guest

    The biggest change is that the first-genration had a cast nickel/iron
    block, the second gen has an aluminum block with nickel/iron liners. The
    second gen also has coil-on-plug ignition, and is apparently now an
    interference engine due to changes either in the combustion chamber or
    the piston compression height. However, very little (essentially
    nothing) changed with the rotating assembly- still a forged steel crank,
    nice long rods swinging short "slipper" pistons with a relatively low
    bob-weight (some other makers stick with taller pistons and shorten the
    RODS which leads to greater side-loading on the cylinder walls and
    higher stresses in the rod itself), cross-bolted mains (I believe with a
    full block girdle in the aluminum version, not necessary in the iron
    version). All-in-all its one HELL of a fine engine. You don't hear much
    about it because, like the 318, 383, 440, and slant-six before it, it
    just goes out and does its job for hundreds of thousands of miles
    without fancy advertizing.
    Steve, Jun 28, 2004
  12. Guest

    Steve Guest

    I mentioned here some weeks ago that I had a rental Magnum with a 3.5
    and was favorably impressed. It did not embarass itself in any way. My
    wife's 93 Vision with the lower-powered first-generation iron 3.5 could
    walk away from it easily because the car is lighter, but it couldn't
    exactly RUN away from it. The purely logical, analytical side of me
    would be very tempted by the 3.5 in the Magnum for the simple reason
    that you don't get stuck with an over-complicated Mercedes automatic
    transmission with it as you do if you pick the Hemi. But being weak, I'd
    probably still pick the Hemi. :)
    Steve, Jun 28, 2004
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