Is a Dodge Spirit a reasonable vehicle.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Denny B, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. Denny B

    Denny B Guest

    I am interested in purchasing a Dodge Spirit, is it a good
    reliable vehicle?
    What is the last year this vehicle was built in?

    I have never previously owned a Chrysler product however
    I have heard good things about the Dodge Spirit and I believe
    the Plymouth Acclaim is a similar vehicle.

    What are the Spirit Engines and Transmissions to stay away from.

    Thanks in advance
    Denny B
    Denny B, Feb 27, 2004
  2. Very much so. Especially if you get the 4-cylinder engine, or if you pick
    one with a V6, make it a '93 or later with the 3-speed automatic rather
    than the 4-speed.
    They were made from 1989 through 1995.
    Yes, also the 1990 to 1994 Chrysler LeBaron sedan -- all three, the same

    Here's the relevant part of a post I made a couple weeks ago on this

    From: Daniel J. Stern <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: Plymouth Acclaim purchase advice

    A Spirit/Acclaim in good condition with the 2.5/auto is a *very* solid

    Given the choice between trusting a basically-sound '95 Acclaim and
    trusting a basically-sound Taurus of *any* model year, I'd trust the
    Acclaim first, every time. The likelihood of any kind of stranding failure
    is just far lower in the Acclaim. The Tauruses tend to have electrical
    problems and transmission problems that render them rather untrustworthy,
    in my experience.

    I sold my '92, with the 2.5/auto, when it had 264,000 km on it. The engine
    was beginning to get a little tired, as was the driver's seat. I miss that
    car, should've freshened the engine and driver's seat and kept driving it.
    I bought it with 198,000 km on it (from a family member who'd bought it
    with 110,000 km on it), put an exhaust system and set of shocks/struts on
    it, and drove it 66,000 of the least-expensive, most-reliable KMs I've
    ever driven any car. It *never* stranded me, *never* failed to start,
    *never* gave me even the barest hint that it could not be trusted to take
    me wherever, whenever, and get me back home.

    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 27, 2004
  3. Denny B

    Dave Gower Guest

    I agree with Daniel. Great car with the 2.5 and 3-speed auto. Another good
    thing about it is that with its conservative styling it tended to be
    favoured by the senior citizen set, so you might still find pampered
    examples even though it ceased production in 1995. In 96 I bought an 89
    which had only been used to drive to Florida in the winter, and aside from a
    little sun fading on the upholstery looked like it was new.

    Plymouth Acclaim is the same car, so include it in your search.
    Dave Gower, Feb 27, 2004
  4. Denny B

    Bill 2 Guest

    They made them in '89? I don't see them mentioned in the 1989 FWD car
    service manual.

    Either way they are a tough reliable car. I still see all sorts on the road
    in good condition (except some have peeling paint). I know someone that
    bought one used 8 months old in 1992 for a really depreciated price. He
    still drives it every day.
    Bill 2, Feb 28, 2004
  5. Yes, I had an 89 Acclaim for 10 years. Great little car.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Feb 28, 2004
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