Intrepid - Drove with hood unlatched, arrghh

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jerry Taylor, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. Jerry Taylor

    Jerry Taylor Guest

    I did something stupid today, drove around for about 30 miles total with
    the hood on my second gen. Intrepid unlatched. Fortunately the latch is
    strong :) I had planned to check the fluids before I left, but then
    later dashed off in a rush and forgot about it, and the unlatched hood
    is hardly noticeable unless you you're looking at it, so I goofed.

    Did I do any damage by committing this folly? I try so hard to be good
    to this car, following all of the maintenance schedules religiously,
    washing, checking tires, oil, etc and then I do this. Fortunately the
    roads were dry today although there is still plenty of dried salt on
    the roads here in NH. I'm worried about getting dirt and junk into the
    engine compartment where it will never come out again :( Is it that
    Jerry Taylor, Jan 22, 2004
  2. Jerry Taylor

    Bill Putney Guest

    Not to worry. The secondary latch prevented it from flying up and doing
    damage, and there was no damage from it not being completely latched.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Jan 22, 2004
  3. Jerry Taylor

    Steve Guest

    No harm done. Close the hood and forget it. As for dirt and stuff, the
    whole underside of the engine bay is open anyway, not much extra dirt is
    going to come in through that 1/4 inch gap.
    Steve, Jan 22, 2004
  4. Jerry Taylor

    Greg Houston Guest

    Along the same lines, my engine has a lot of white granular stuff
    (road salt?) and dust/dirt in all of the nooks and crannies. Should I
    do anything to clean this? I was thinking about doing that after the
    winter but am concerned that engine cleaning might be more harmful
    than good.
    Greg Houston, Jan 23, 2004
  5. Jerry Taylor

    Geoff Guest

    You have a choice here. Either wait 'till spring drive it in the rain, and
    sooner or later that rainwater will wash the salt away and replace it with
    sand...or use a hose. I pick the hose and I've never had a problem doing
    so. Actually, I get out the brush and the pressure hose at the you-clean-it
    carwash, and carefully give it a little under-hood scrubbing. As long as
    you don't rip anything loose with the brush or hit any electrical
    connections with the high-pressure stream at real close range, it's fine.
    Works nice!

    Geoff, Jan 23, 2004
  6. Jerry Taylor

    Steve Guest

    Hosing the engine down with a garden hose will get rid of salt and grit.
    Make sure all the caps and dipsticks are fully seated, and don't be
    tempted to use a power-washer or high-pressure car wash wand. Those can
    blow gaskets right out from between sealing surfaces. You can safely use
    a hose-end nozzle to blast it, but not the 1200 PSI car wash wands.
    Steve, Jan 26, 2004
  7. Jerry Taylor

    Greg Houston Guest

    Ok, sounds good I will do that come spring, or July, which over comes first. Is there
    any chance that spraying with water could make things worse if the salt isn't completely
    removed? My concern is that spraying water makes the salt more corrosive when wet and
    could possibly drive the salt into more places.

    Greg Houston, Jan 27, 2004
  8. Jerry Taylor

    Greg Houston Guest

    ^ ^
    Greg Houston, Jan 27, 2004
  9. Jerry Taylor

    Steve Guest

    Flush it very thorougly, then drive it around to dry everything out and
    you shouldn't have a problem.
    Steve, Jan 27, 2004
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