Intrepid door noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Greg Johnson, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. Greg Johnson

    Greg Johnson Guest

    My front passenger side door has recently started rattling
    and it is getting worse (more frequent and louder) by the
    day. I have seen issues related to the stereo system, but
    this is a rattle at the slightest bump in the road.

    Not coincidentally (probably), the dealer did work on this
    same door over the summer, on the window and lock. I am
    wondering if they didn't screw something down tight, or if
    it is one of those clips used to hold the door panel not
    holding tight. According to the FSM, the clips should be
    replaced after removing the panel 3 times; I know they've
    had the panel off at least 2. Naturally this problem became
    evident shortly after the 90 day work warranty expired, so
    I'd rather not pay them to fix it, and possibly create
    another problem.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about how to fix this? I
    am very reluctant to remove the door panel, but perhaps this
    isn't necessary? The noise can be lessened by pressing
    (putting pressure) on the door panel over the armrest.
    Greg Johnson, Nov 14, 2003
  2. Greg Johnson

    Bill Putney Guest

    The two most likely causes:
    (1) The clips that hold the panel on - there are two in each door - go
    to the Chrysler dealer and ask for them - they are officially called the
    "white" clips by Chrysler and the dealerships to distinguish them from
    other types of clips. I would not suggest using generic type similar
    clips from the auto parts store "HELP" aisle.
    (2) Chances are good that if you look at the three screws along the very
    bottom edge of the door panel, you will see that one or more of the
    screw holes are cracked and broken. Chrysler has an OK bandaid fix for
    it in the form of special washers (same idea as fender washers, but
    special shape) that you order pre-painted to match the panel color.
    There's a thread (started by yours truly) that gives part numbers and
    even photos of what the washers look like installed here:

    Also might check speakers to make sure they are installed correctly and
    tight. Hopefully it is not caused by the dealer having left something
    loose, but even that should be easy to fix by removing the panel and
    seeing whats not tight.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 14, 2003
  3. Greg Johnson

    Bill Putney Guest

    Oh - almost forgot the simple things - make sure the dealer put all the
    screws back in the panel.

    Let's see - there are (working from memory here):
    1 screw in inside door handle recess (look straight in behind handle)
    1 screw in door pull cup (on the arm rest, in the very bottom of the
    pull cup)
    Three distributed radially around the speaker (remove speaker grill -
    they are in very deep recesses - may need a flashlight or good daylight
    to see if the screws are in there or just holes with no screws)
    The 3 along the bottom edge of the panel.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 14, 2003
  4. Greg Johnson

    Bill Putney Guest

    Oh - two more screws in deep wells in the large concave area that faces
    the end of the dash when the door is closed - can't miss them when the
    door is open. (Would have posted this earlier today, but was at work
    and didn't want to post thru Google - not sure I can trust them not to
    SPAM me if I sign up with them.)

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 14, 2003
  5. Greg Johnson

    Greg Johnson Guest

    Thanks for the tips! A preliminary inspection didn't reveal any missing
    screws, although I'll be looking much more closely when I get a chance. One
    thing I noticed is that the noise seems to go away after I've been driving.
    Maybe this is why I didn't notice anything wrong in the summer: because it
    was warm. Perhaps whatever is loose expands slightly when the car warms,
    thus 'fixing' the problem.

    It's been chilly lately and I'll try to pay attention to the inside
    temperature versus the door noise. It's a real annoyance when it is
    rattling. I hope it's not those $#@$ panel clips! :)
    Greg Johnson, Nov 15, 2003
  6. Greg Johnson

    Bill Putney Guest

    You're welcome.

    About the only thing inside rattling around would be:
    (1) Window motor assembly - four bolts on a flat plate and a brace that
    attaches with one bolt towards the rear of the door (in open slotted
    hole - make sure it's in the slot and not just flapping around).
    (2) window tracks
    (3) The sheet metal piece that the pull cup screws to (doglegs out to
    form a horizontal pedestal for the cup to sit on and attach to) - it is
    aligned vertically and attaches to the door with one bolt at top and one
    at bottom of the door - the top bolt is in an open slotted hole - make
    sure it isn't missing the slot completely - would bang around if out of
    the slot.

    I have to assume they put the inner liner (water shield) back in - it
    helps cushion and provide sound deadening. Also, a linkage (inside door
    handle back to latch, outside handle to latch) could be rattling against

    Speaker tight?

    Door latches tightly when closed? (Try shaking whole door when it's

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 15, 2003
  7. I had a rattle in the driver's door of my '99 300M. Had the dealer look at
    it when the car was in for service. On the work order was a note that
    "mounts are broken" or some such. Got hold of the Service Manager and had
    him look up the history of repairs on the car. They'd had the door apart
    three of four times for window problems. "Ill order you a new panel and
    call you when it comes in." About ten days later I got the call and took
    the car in. New panel installed, no rattle, no charge! Good dealer in my
    Jim "Gramps" Shulthiess
    Rockingham, NC
    Red 1999 800A
    VROC #300, WARB #39
    NCVulcan #47A
    GAVROC #0026
    Zenriders #315
    TNVROC HM#43
    Jim Shulthiess, Nov 15, 2003
  8. Greg Johnson

    Greg Houston Guest

    I took a look at that front right door today. (Boy was it beautiful out!) You
    guessed it, there are cracks around every screw at the bottom. It looks the
    dealer tried to overcome this with some kind of rectangular washer deal. The
    special colored washers you found look like they are a lot bigger. Perhaps this
    is the source of my problem. Unfortunately it's real hard to diagnose b/c the
    door only makes noise when I am driving, and then I"m in the left seat! :)
    Complicating this is that the noise doesn't happen at predictable times, it
    happens at some bumps in the road, but not others. Bumps don't seem to cause the
    door to make as much noise when the car is warm for some reason (expansion?) I
    have noticed that when I apply pressure to the panel the rattling stops. I really
    want to solve this one, perhaps if I can get those colored washers it will fix
    it.... Thanks!
    Greg Houston, Nov 24, 2003
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