intermittent window nose 05 Convertable Sebring & $101.5 1-hour diagnostic fee

Discussion in 'Sebring' started by Mr.X, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X Guest

    On my last visit in June I gave the service writer a copy of this:

    When the passenger side door and rear windows are in a full up
    position there is a rattle, tapping or knocking that occurs when
    going over rough/bumpy road surfaces. This rattle will disappear if
    either the front or rear passenger side window are lowered any
    amount, or if pressure is applied to the top rear of the passenger
    door window when both are in the full up position.

    It was returned with a note to the effect:
    "problem not found, functions normally"

    The dealer is efficient in that when I made my appointment for this
    friday the service writer must have reviewed my file and the confirm
    email states:

    BEFORE - $101.5 (1-hour diagnostic fee only)"

    I plan to hand the service writer the following, unless I get a better
    suggestion here, Thanks for any responses

    noise is intermittent and is still present at times. When it is
    present , sometimes noise will disappear when raising rear window
    while pressing outward on rear window. if fee is $101.5 I will want it
    noted on service record request , but will not want it diagnosed at
    this time
    Mr.X, Dec 6, 2006
  2. Mr.X

    Art Guest

    Rattles may only be covered under warranty for first year of ownership but
    if reported during that year and not fixed you shouldn't have to pay a
    diagnostic fee in my opinion.
    Art, Dec 6, 2006
  3. Mr.X

    Shep Guest

    These type of repairs/compaints are covered bumper to bumper 3/36, don't let
    them get away with with this unless they try and say it is caused by some
    Shep, Dec 7, 2006
  4. Mr.X

    Ugly Guest

    The Sebring Convertible is a big heavy car that has 'Body Flex'. When you go
    down the rough bumpy road the whole cars body is flexing and twisting
    slightly.. there's no hard-top roof there to add support. Your dealer
    probably isn't going to be able to do anything about it... the top of the
    window is moving with the 'body flex' while the convertible top is moving
    and 'flexing' in a different direction. Most convertibles look nice but are
    noisey rattly things... that's part of the joy of owning a convertible.
    Wedge a matchbook or something cardboard up there if it bugs you too bad.
    Check this link out:
    Ugly, Dec 7, 2006
  5. Mr.X

    Mr.X Guest

    Thanks all for the responses, I do understand convertible 'Body Flex'
    is a significant part of this noise, yet since the noise is
    intermittent and annoying only on one side there is something out of
    line on that side. The Sebring may not be the ultimate luxury top of
    the line convertible where owners would not put up with a intermittent
    noise of this sort, yet it's not a bottom line piece of junk where
    noises like this are to be accepted as normal.
    Mr.X, Dec 7, 2006
  6. Mr.X

    Art Guest

    Maybe, maybe not. Ask all the people who have posted here about the sound
    of water swishing in their fenders. Kind of junky to me.
    Art, Dec 8, 2006
  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X Guest

    when it's in it's tapping/rattle mode the bump could be the typical
    cement expansion joint in the pavement to produce the tapping. noise
    over a RR track I'll accept.
    could be a factor, as the noise happened during warmer weather

    yep I'm not driving while hanging onto the roof
    more of a tapping between the glass frame members or possible the top
    of the glass and the roof member or something in the roof member when
    both windows are up

    looks good and I took a close look
    thought about that but didn't do it yet

    will do it if the tapping returns
    this is a new off the lot car now with 7k miles
    actually roads considered good with minor defects will create the
    tapping when it's in it's tapping mode
    that's a built in feature of the Sebring , it will lower the windows
    about 2 inches when raising the top
    Mr.X, Dec 12, 2006
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