ignition noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by justlarry, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. justlarry

    justlarry Guest

    I have an '00 Intrepid and an '02 Stratus, and whenever I try to use a
    battery operated CB radio (for trips) or a "ham" radio, whether with
    internal or external antenna, I get lots of ignition noise when the car is
    running. It's not a "whine" but more like a speed-intensive "pop." The
    noise is present even when running of the power outlet. Shut off the
    engine, and the interference is gone.

    Wondering what I could do to eliminate the noise. Would running the units
    directly off the battery (or in my case the positive and negative terminals
    in the engine compartment) help.

    Thanks for any clues.
    justlarry, Apr 1, 2006
  2. justlarry

    Mike Surwill Guest

    The ignition pulses are being picked up by the wiring under the hood. Need
    to get an ignition filter from RadioShack or similar location, ground it
    well, and connect your wiring for your CB/HAM radio through it. If you're
    really handy, you can build your own filter from instructions found in any
    one of several HAM radio books which should save you some money. Good luck
    Mike Surwill, Apr 1, 2006
  3. justlarry

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi Just...

    Running it off the vehicle battery - no matter where you
    connect it - won't make a bit of difference.

    What _might_ help is checking that the hood is very, very well

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Apr 1, 2006
  4. justlarry

    Steve Stone Guest

    Kenwood mobile ham gear like the triband 742 D came with a huge toroid hung
    noise suppressor on the power input leads that prevented just about any
    noise from getting in that way.

    Bond your hood to the body with a hunk a flat ground cable.

    Try moving the antenna and coax leading to it someplace else ( I assume you
    are using a mag mount ?)

    Try making sure your antenna has a good ground.

    try an external speaker with a built in DSP noise reduction circuit.
    Steve Stone, Apr 2, 2006
  5. justlarry

    justlarry Guest

    Thanks for all the replies. I've tried both mag mount and "set-screw"
    mountings for the antenna; no difference. But will check the grounding from
    hood to body. I'm inclined to think the noise is being picked up by the
    antenna, since it still noisy with internal battery power.
    justlarry, Apr 2, 2006
  6. justlarry

    philthy Guest

    ground the unit at the best ground on the vehicle and that's the battery
    then make sure the noise u are hearing is not from the plug wires and gm cars
    are well known for this issue it even affects other cars radio's at stop lites
    water test the plug wires
    philthy, Apr 2, 2006
  7. I have from time to time run my Icom IC-706MkIIG in our '02 300M. The
    rig is mounted in the trunk, with #6 power wiring direct from the
    battery (with a fuse in the +ve lead right next to the battery). I use
    an appropriate Ham-Stick (or similar) antenna attached to a trunk-lip
    mount. I "bridged" the hood and trunk hinges with battery grounding straps.

    I've sometimes detected the ignition interference, but the noise blanker
    will usually take it out (and the 706 noise blanker is generally thought
    to be far from the best around).

    I do have a RadioSchlock "Heavy Duty Noise Filter" ready to install, but
    so far I haven't gotten around to doing it.

    (aka Alan NV8A)
    Percival P. Cassidy, Apr 2, 2006
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