Iacocca teams with Snoop Dogg

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MoPar Man, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. MoPar Man

    MoPar Man Guest

    Has he (Iacocca) no shame?

    I guess I'll have to get my Ebonics-to-English translator going to
    understand Snoopy.



    Iacocca teams with Snoop Dogg
    Chrysler, aiming for younger car buyers, teams retired chairman with
    rapper in new ad.

    August 5, 2005: 9:24 AM EDT

    Ex-Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca and rapper Snoop Dogg ride a modified
    golf cart in a new Chrysler ad.

    NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Lee Iacocca's newest spot for Chrysler includes
    rap star Snoop Dogg, as the auto maker tries to reach out to a younger
    group of buyers.

    Iacocca, who frequently appeared in Chrysler commercials during his
    tenure as chairman from 1979 to 1992, returned to pitch the company's
    cars in July, hyping its offer to sell vehicles at the
    employee-discount price to the general public.

    The latest spot, which numerous media reports say should start
    Saturday, includes Iacocca and Snoop Dogg, whose hip-hop speaking
    manner in the spot seems to confuse Iacocca.

    "You know, I'm not too sure what you just said. Now everybody gets a
    great deal," Iacocca says in the spot.

    "Fo shizzle, I-ka-zizzle," Snoop Dog replies.

    Iacocca is donating the money Chrysler is paying him to do these spots
    to a foundation he set up to battle diabetes, the disease which killed
    his wife. USA Today reports that Snoop Dogg told Iacocca during the
    filming that he has a brother with diabetes, and said he admired what
    Iacocca is doing.

    "He's just a good kid," Iacocca told USA Today about his co-star. "I
    didn't understand half the things he was telling me, but it was fun."

    The spot ends with Snoop Dog giving his own version of Iacocca's
    famous pitchline, "If you can find a better car, buy it."

    "If the ride is more fly, then you must buy," Snoop Dog says.

    Advertising Age last month found that more than 80 percent of people
    who had seen the commercials featuring Iacocca in July found the
    80-year-old retiree to be "believable" and "relevant." But the survey
    also found that he was far less recognizable among young adults.
    Chrysler believes that Snoop Dogg may help solve that shortcoming.

    "It's a great way to continue to break through the clutter," Chrysler
    spokeswoman Suraya DaSante told the New York Times. "Snoop is a
    hip-hop icon, a lot of people know him and recognize him, so it's a
    fun complement to Lee."

    The Times reports that Snoop Dogg is a car buff and a fan of Chrysler
    products who left a voice mail at Chrysler's West Coast office in 2004
    demanding the new Chrysler 300 sedan. The 300C he later received is
    black with tinted windows.

    Iacocca's first round of commercials in July included one with Jason
    Alexander, who appeared as George Costanza in the television show
    MoPar Man, Aug 6, 2005
  2. Snoop has also had repeated trouble with arrests for drug use over
    the years. He may make good music but he isn't particularly respectable.
    Chrysler would have done a hell of a lot better to get Eminem who
    by all accounts leads a far more respectable life than Snoop does,
    and is as good or better a rapper on a musical level, and is certainly
    as famous.
    I don't know why they are saying that, the only report on this that is out
    previously is that in 2001 he did the movie "The Wash" about a car wash,
    and in 2002 he had a Cadillac pimped (customized) for himself.
    They forgot to mention that he got that car for free in exchange for
    it in his video "Groupie Luv" Yes, he did ask for it - but he did so right
    when Chrysler was really desperate to promote it, thus having a great chance
    to get it for free. If Snoops goal was to get a free car at that time, that
    the exact model he would have asked for to maximize chances of getting one
    for free. It should not be assumed that he is in particular a Chrysler
    just because of that.

    There is some evidence he tried the same trick to get the Caddy for free
    in 2002, but Cadillac apparently didn't bite on that.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Aug 8, 2005
  3. MoPar Man

    Guest Guest

    He says: If you can buy a better car buy it".
    I assume he doesn't just mean quality, but the design as well.

    Yep Lee I can find a better car for me than your 300/Magnum to replace
    my '95 Concord, but since the Concord runs so well I'll wait a while for
    Chrysler to figure this one out.
    This waiting has payed off so far in that I'm firming up what I want in
    my next car. It certainly isn't a newer Concord.

    On my shortest list at this time is Subaru, with an Outback. What's
    holding me back is I'm not that fond with their engine un-reliability.
    It's form factor suits my needs well, but I'd prefer one built on the
    Sebring platform, with the Sebring 2.7L V6 engine. FWD OK, AWD not
    necessary for my trips to the ski hills.
    You're going to need a full sized spare capability though. Subaru even
    includes one.
    Contact me for more details.
    Guest, Aug 23, 2005
  4. MoPar Man

    Matt Whiting Guest

    What is unreliable about Subaru engines?

    Matt Whiting, Aug 24, 2005
  5. MoPar Man

    Guest Guest

    They need head gasket replacements far too soon.
    They also high on fuel consumption.
    Guest, Aug 24, 2005
  6. MoPar Man

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I hadn't heard about the head gasket problems. Many kit plane builders
    use Subaru engines because they are reputed to be very reliable among
    the automotive alternatives available.

    Fuel consumption isn't a reliability issue.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 24, 2005
  7. MoPar Man

    Bill Putney Guest

    IIRC (it's been awhile since I've been in the Subaru world), it's the
    EA82 engine (early 80's era) that is popular for the airplanes because
    the cam is gear driven. None of this "modern" belt-driven-cam-crap when
    your life is at stake.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 25, 2005
  8. MoPar Man

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Yes, that is correct! Although, ironically, many folks use belt driven
    reduction drive units. They are lighter than the gear driven units,
    don't reverse the direction of rotation and damp vibration much better.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 25, 2005
  9. MoPar Man

    Joe Guest

    I've never built an airplane, but don't you guys think the form factor is
    the big sell for a Subaru-powered airplane? In other words, Subaru is just
    the best of the flat engines. I'm just askin'.
    Joe, Aug 25, 2005
  10. MoPar Man

    Guest Guest

    A good step up from the VW engine.
    Yes the head gasket problem is very big, fortunately the first fix is
    usually under guarantee. I've read about the suspected problem, if true
    it will return over and over. About 65Kkms is when my friend's Forester
    had the first replacement.
    It is a shame because they have some very nice vehicles that put
    function ahead of styling- where I am.
    I agree but is is a buying factor.
    For some reason their fuel consumption is high and it's ridiculous with
    the turbo.
    Toyota seems to have by far the lowest fuel consumption. The Avalon is
    amazing for power and fuel economy.
    Toyota's even take a full sized spare and they usually include it.
    Another car company putting function ahead of styling, but I agree their
    styling is a bit dull.
    Guest, Aug 25, 2005
  11. MoPar Man

    Bill Putney Guest

    Subaru's design guidelines have deteriorated considerably over the years
    - ironically to remain competitve. I sold an '86 turbo wagon with 275k
    miles on it with the original turbo and engine still running great -
    still had the original brake rotors that had never been replaced or
    turned and were smooth as silk. That would never happen on today's models.

    Today, they have continual design problems with brakes, clutches, and
    rear wheel bearings. A real shame. But they run well - that's all that
    matters to some people and keeps them competitive.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 25, 2005
  12. MoPar Man

    David Guest

    Because GM is making the cost cutting decisions know, instead of FUJI
    Industries. Amazing the flat 4 and the 6 never really were a problem until
    GM took control of Subaru from Fuji, And GM masterlyu introduced cost
    cutting initiatives to make Subaru more competitive and grow ther margins.

    I sold an '86 turbo wagon with 275k
    David, Aug 25, 2005
  13. MoPar Man

    Matt Whiting Guest

    That is one reason, but I think others are light weight, reliability,
    etc. And I just saw in my latest issue of Kitplanes that they are now
    using the newer Subaru 6 cylinder engine, I think they called it the H-6
    or some such designation.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 25, 2005
  14. MoPar Man

    Tom Betz Guest

    From <http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/arizonaliving/articles/0820people0820.html>:

    Eminem goes into rehab and family strikes

    Aug. 20, 2005 12:00 AM

    Before we get started today, it may be helpful to remember
    that, sometimes, the real reason a celebrity seeks medical
    treatment is often a wee bit worse than the case stated. For
    example: "had boil lanced" equals "was hooked up to
    24-hour-a-day penicillin drip to combat super bug contracted
    during long weekend at a two-star Amsterdam brothel with Tom
    Sizemore, Courtney Love and Andy Dick." Now read the
    following, and set your imaginations on "kill": Eminem, who
    bowed out of his European tour this week after claiming he had
    succumbed to the celebrity scourge of exhaustion, is
    undergoing treatment for dependency to sleep medication, his
    publicist says.

    Dennis Dennehy says Eminem (real name: Marshall Mathers III)
    "is in the hospital under doctors' care," the Associated Press
    reports. In related news, even more of Eminem's relatives hate

    Jack and Betti Schmitt, Eminem's uncle and aunt, have filed a
    lawsuit against the mom-and-ex-wife-hating rapper, claiming
    he's trying to evict them from the home he built for them, the
    Detroit News reports.
    Tom Betz, Aug 28, 2005
  15. MoPar Man

    Bill Putney Guest

    That commercial with the two on the golf course has to be one of the
    worst commercials ever done. I cringe with embarrassment for DC when I
    watch it.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 28, 2005
  16. Ah, well then he's no worse than our friend Rush Limbaugh!
    Heh. Yup, the entire text of that lawsuit is on the Internet. As I read it
    the Schmitts sold their Missouri home, moved into a home built for
    them rent-free for a period of 3 years, got paid about $60K a year for
    several years while doing it. And Jack is a truck driver it's not like he
    gave up a 20 year career at IBM or some such. Since they don't see
    eye to eye anymore why don't they just move back to Missouri and
    buy another home with the proceeds of the sale of the first one? I don't
    know about you but if a rich relative paid my mortgage for 3 years I'd
    be pretty happy!

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 27, 2005
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