I am astonished...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David Thornton, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Every once in a while I come to this NG to find information on a particular
    Chrysler product, and without fail there are at least 5 or 6 "diss" fights
    going on here. I am amazed that the good people in this group actually
    still allow this to go on.

    It saddens me that someone new would come along actually needing information
    or advice and they have to wade through the tirades to get what they want.

    Well, I am for free speech and all, but there are proper venues out there to
    trash each other on. The sad thing is that I would probably get flamed for
    sticking up for the group, but I don't care, because I am better than that.
    Any response to the contrary would only prove my point.
    David Thornton, Sep 27, 2006
  2. David Thornton

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Try allpar.com...no trolls, good stuff.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 27, 2006
  3. Um, I stand corrected...

    There are not just 5 or 6, but mostly the same two people in many, many
    different headers going after each other. Each of them have their own
    followers, who then flame each other.
    And to think that people actually pay HBO and the like to see this stuff,
    when we can get it for free here on USENET. Popcorn, anyone?
    David Thornton, Sep 27, 2006
  4. I know. I am a frequent flyer there. But every once in a while I need some
    good advice from some of the old pros here in this NG. I just get tired of
    having to wade through the BS mudslinging puddles to get the proper help.
    David Thornton, Sep 27, 2006
  5. David Thornton

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Good perception of the problem. Don't blame me...I just came in here
    with a 318 with a failed lip seal in its water pump. The troll,
    Charlie Nudo of Drums, PA, stalked me in here from another NG he
    destroyed and started stirring the shit. Then, the usual action from
    which trolls like Nudo get their jollies, the "division of the house,"

    One thing trolls like Nudo thrive on is general ignorance of how
    Usenet works. People see several different IDs (he had over 14
    accounts with almost a hundred different pseudonyms until Google got
    wise and started kicking his ass) and think it's several different
    people...it's not. It's one troll with many fake faces. That's
    called "sock puppeteering" in Usenet parlance, and is usually a sign
    of serious mental problems. He can cause enough damage from Google
    Groups as it is. Just be thankful he's too incapacitated to figure
    out how to work a powerful newsreader client.

    There are some good sources of info in here, especially on the later
    DC stuff, so I wouldn't give up. For example, look at what Fokker has
    done with a flooded out LH just from info gleened in here...a totally
    resurrected car that the insurance companies would've simply junked.
    This is Usenet, and since Google allowed "WebTVers" like Nudo access
    to Usenet, the troll problem has gotten worse. That's what your kill
    filer is there for. I would, however, kill file
    and immediately,
    and kill file other irritants as they pop up. Google Groups has
    allowed the troll two remaining accounts, so he's easy enough to
    manage now. Just be glad you didn't have to deal with 14 of his "sock
    puppets" like I did!

    For a more illuminating history on Charlie Nudo the Troll, see:


    ....almost 17,000...yes, that's right...17,000 posts (and he already
    deleted hundreds of them after getting into trouble with eBay and
    Google) and counting. Psych students and practicioners can have a
    field day reading this stuff!
    DeserTBoB, Sep 27, 2006
  6. David Thornton

    damnnickname Guest

    The 2 are married and havent grown up yet..

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Sep 27, 2006
  7. David Thornton

    Bill Putney Guest

    I agree with you 1000%. The one that has replied to your original post
    several times posts under several aliases (has conversations with
    himself as if he's two people discussing something, usually to reinforce
    his anti-social venom) and is a particularly nasty sort - don't be
    fooled by his b.s. I guess this is the downside and risk of an
    unmoderated forum.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 27, 2006
  8. David Thornton

    elkhound68 Guest

    It was a fine group, until "desertbob" and "bicycle" came along...

    they then created about 10 fake usernames each, and have been bashing
    American made cars here, for the last few weeks

    on a Chrysler group...

    go figure...
    elkhound68, Sep 27, 2006
  9. David Thornton

    Steve Guest

    The "dissing" is just one guy with a bunch of sock-puppets talking to
    himself. Or maybe there really are a couple of them, each with several
    pseudonyms- I really don't know or care.

    Its happened before, this too shall pass when she/he/it gets bored.

    Nothing the rest of us can really DO about it, other than sift through
    and try to help people that genuinely need it (and hope others do the
    same when we post questions).
    Steve, Sep 27, 2006
  10. David Thornton

    DeserTBoB Guest

    This is the troll. If you look back at the history in this group
    since August, you can see the chronology. I came in, started a thread
    about an overheating problem, all was fine. Then, Charlie Nudo
    stalked me in here and all hell broke loose. Another nutjob by the
    name of Putney started chiming in with Nudo, and you have the current
    DeserTBoB, Sep 27, 2006
  11. David Thornton

    Bill Putney Guest

    You can't hide history. I, along with many others, have been offering
    genuine help to people here for years. The same can't be said of the
    new arrival (DB) either in longevity or on offering any genuine help
    whatsoever to others. He baits people just so he can get nasty. The
    record speaks for itself. Like Steve said, there's really not much to
    be done about it other than let it pass.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 27, 2006
  12. David Thornton

    Bill Putney Guest

    A quick check shows roughly 350 posts by DB since 8/15 when he first
    showed up. Roughly 8 posts per day, and with 5 or 6 days with anywhere
    from 17 to 30 worthless, intentionally disruptive, and nasty posts each
    of those days. Out of the approximately 350 total posts, there may be
    less than what you can count on one hand of any attempt at helping
    anyone. The rest - more than 98% - are nothing but personal stories
    unrelated to Chrylser vehicles in any way, baiting with loaded political
    comments having nothing to do with the topic, and using any excuse to be
    just plain nasty. That by anyone's definition is a troll.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 28, 2006
  13. David Thornton

    Dave Gower Guest

    Also a severely disturbed, and very sad, loser.
    Dave Gower, Sep 28, 2006
  14. David Thornton

    DeserTBoB Guest

    You, certainly, must be speaking of Charlie Nudo and yes, he is a
    disturbed loser.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 28, 2006
  15. David Thornton

    maxpower Guest

    OUCH!!! even I felt that. I hope my kids never kick their ball into your
    back yard Bill!! LOL
    maxpower, Sep 28, 2006
  16. David Thornton

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Never let your kids near trolls...especially ones who don't know fact
    from fantasy, as seems to be the case with Mr. Putney.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 29, 2006

  17. Which part do you disagree with?
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Sep 29, 2006
  18. David Thornton

    Joe Guest

    Well, nobody can control it. We've gotten a new troll who has two or more
    "stalkers" (i'm sure the same person) who post in everything thread calling
    the troll a troll. How do you stop a thing like that?
    Joe, Sep 30, 2006
  19. David Thornton

    elkhound68 Guest

    well said
    elkhound68, Oct 1, 2006
  20. David Thornton

    elkhound68 Guest

    actually, the record shows they were referring to YOU, DeserTBob
    elkhound68, Oct 1, 2006
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