Hybrids having more engine woes

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Geoff, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Geoff

    Geoff Guest

    Not that it's any big surprise to ME, but...
    (*No* hybrids in my future as long as I can still get a plain old
    gasoline-engined vehicle.)


    Hybrids having more engine woes

    DETROIT, July 26 (UPI) -- Owners of first-generation gasoline-electric
    hybrid vehicles are experiencing more engine problems than gasoline-powered
    vehicles, a recent study said.

    J.D. Power and Associates surveyed owners of 2001 model vehicles on problems
    during three years of ownership. Surprisingly, owners of 2001 Toyota Prius
    and Honda Insight hybrids reported experiencing twice as many engine
    problems as owners of conventional gasoline-powered Toyota Corollas and
    Honda Civics.

    The hybrid vehicles needed repairs of engine computers and emissions-control
    systems more frequently, USA Today said.

    Toyota and Honda have since introduced improved second-generation hybrids, a
    larger more powerful Prius and a Honda Civic hybrid.

    Honda introduced the first gas-electric hybrid, the two-seat Insight, in the
    United States in late 1999.

    Owners of Volkswagen diesel engine vehicles reported double the number of
    problems as owners of gasoline-powered VWs.
    Geoff, Jul 28, 2004
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