Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    I see.
    So making it BETTER brings on penalties, but keeping it dirty is OK?
    How is this supposed to clean up the air?
    Bill Funk, Dec 3, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Why not?
    It's the same block, but better (lower emissions).
    Why do you want to encourage the owner from making it better by adding
    more regulations and costs?
    Bill Funk, Dec 3, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    Right. And you have to go WAY out of your way to find "NOS" (new old
    stock) parts that have year-of-manufacture date codes and therefore
    still have all the shortcomings of the original part. I've got a show
    car, but it aint no trailer queen! In fact, I drove it to work today :)
    Steve, Dec 3, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Bill Putney, Dec 3, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    Bill Funk wrote:

    You know what's really sad? He's not kidding.
    Steve, Dec 3, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    The government discriminates all the time:
    Affirmative action.
    Seperate bathrooms.
    Voting age.
    Drinking age.
    And on and on.
    Discrimination per se is not wrong; it's how it's applied that can be
    Bill Funk, Dec 3, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    It doesn't.

    Marriage, in our culture (Judeo/Christian) has been historically
    defined by the religious society, and then codified by the
    This is why the idea of gay marriage rankles so much.

    In today's society, though, a "church wedding" means little more than
    a marriage in front of a JP. Just look at current divorce rates: 50%.
    Obviously, there's little 'sacred' about marriage in the US anymore.
    And, of course, being married by "Elvis" sure adds a lot to the whole
    thing. :-/

    Being married in front of a JP in an office is strictly a legal
    matter. As long as the rules are followed, the marriage is legal.
    Changing the rules, then, isn't that big a deal.

    Of course, Churches would still be able to say, "Not here."

    In my opinion, of course.
    Bill Funk, Dec 4, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    To the same degree that that's true, nor did liberals pass pedophilia
    laws. Nor will they (the supposed owners of all human rights issues)
    actively participate in freeing women from the oppression they live
    under in Islamic countries.
    Because that government is of, for, and by the people? Like I say, why
    aren't you re-defining "murder" as "whitewashing a fence"? Words have
    meaning (unless you're a liberal).
    Well, maybe just one, but only if she consents to sterilization - she
    doesn't have to consent, but in that case then neither do I then have to
    pay for her idiocy. It is her freedom to do so, but it is not her right
    to make me pay for it.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Dec 4, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    A cat is, intrinsically, a cat. No redefinition of the word "cat" will
    change what it is.

    A marriage is whatever it's defined to be, legally.
    Since a marriage is (and would remain, in the US at least) between
    only 2 people, what gender those two people happen to be doesn't
    affect the marriage of other people.
    It doesn't, obviously.
    But more important, it doesn't make anything else fall apart, either.
    Bill Funk, Dec 4, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Uh - excuse me, but my daughter's medical bills in one year were more
    than I gross in ten years. You still skirted the issue, which was that
    Canada's healthcare system sucks.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Dec 4, 2003
  11. I daresay you don't know what you're talking about. I'm an American living
    here in Canada, and guess what? Canada's healthcare system is *vastly*
    better than the US system in the vast majority of cases. Are there
    exceptions? Surely. There's no such thing as perfection. But the Canadian
    system does a much better job of handling most of the healthcare needs of
    most of the people at a reasonable cost.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 4, 2003
  12. Uh-oh, Bill, now you've done it. I wager by the time I hit "Send" on this
    post, one of the usual suspects will play the slippery-slope card and say
    "Gay marriage, sure, and what's next? Legal polygamy, legal bestiality,
    legal incest"...

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 4, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    So much for liberals being the source of all compassion. They're
    *PEOPLE* Lloyd - not numbers. Their fucking kids died due to a system
    that could not deal with situations that required more than
    one-size-fits-all treatment. We lose some too in spite of heroic
    measures, but these were due to an incompetent socialistic system.

    OK - lets look at the numbers: Find me comparative statistics on the
    survival rates of kids between the ages of ten and twenty years old who
    had Ewings Sarcoma/PNET and were treated in (1) the U.S., and (2)
    Canada. Then lets talk about numbers. Oh - and include in those
    statistics the time to diagnosis from the moment the kid became

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Dec 4, 2003
  14. OH! I understand your objection now.

    So, what are the new words for "Speeding"? There'd be one from 1987 and
    one from 1995. Prior to 1987, "Speeding" meant going faster than 55 mph.
    Between 1987 and 1995, there'd have to be some new word, since the
    national speed limit was raised to 65 mph, so obviously the old word --
    "speeding" -- wouldn't apply. And then in '95, the national speed limit
    was abolished, so whatever word was used to mean "exceeding 65 mph"
    between 1987 and 1995 would have been rendered useless, so you'd need
    another new word. You can't just change the law so the word means
    something else, after all, right?

    And what about "obscenity"?! Heck, under your philosophy that word
    would've been rendered obsolete and required replacement practically every
    week since 1620!

    Let's see, some other examples? Sure, how about "DOT legal headlamp
    system"? Prior to 1957, it meant two 7" round sealed beam units under
    NHTSA, indivisible, with tungsten and glass for all, to the exclusion of
    all others. From '57 to '73 it meant two 7" round sealed beam units *or*
    four 5.75" round ones, to the exclusion of all others. From '73-'75 it
    meant two 7" rounds, *or* four 5.75" rounds, *or* two 200mm x 142mm
    rectangulars, to the exclusion of all others. From '75-'83 it meant two 7"
    rounds *or* four 5.75" rounds *or* two 200mm x 142mm rectangulars *or*
    four 165mm x 100mm rectangulars, to the exclusion of all others. From
    '83-'86 it get the point.

    In each of these examples, and many others besides, the scope and
    definition of what is covered by a legal term have changed, expanded
    and/or contracted simply by dint of a change, deletion or reinterpretation
    of an existing law and/or the introduction of a new one.

    Humanity is considerably more adaptible than you give us credit for, as it
    seems, for in every such case we've managed to get along just fine.
    Nobody's been confused about what "speeding" means, nobody's been confused
    about what is or isn't a "DOT legal headlamp". So, the assertion that
    Bad Things<tm> will happen if gays are allowed to get Married<tm> because
    it will render the term legally confusing, contains no merit upon which to

    The only logical conclusion, therefore, is that this objection to the
    application of the word "marriage" to same-sex unions is a false front for
    something else. What else? Well, it could be a dislike of homosexuals, a
    plain case of snobbery, religious fervor, "I got mine, Jack, so ****
    you"...or a combination of the above.
    "Marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage is between a man and a
    woman. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage is between a man
    and a woman."
    Then you're sorta fucked, see above. Legal terms' meanings shift and drift
    all day, every day. Can't keep up? That makes one of you. The rest of us
    are doing just fine.
    You'd prefer pointing and grunting? Or perhaps some mathematics-based
    system, or a legal system based on musical notes or tints and hues?
    ....exactly as the Defense of Marriage act has been passed prohibiting such
    unions, yes. That's one very strong parallel.
    That is exactly what anti-miscegenation laws did.
    Bzzt. The "right way" is for all married Americans to have the same
    responsibilities and rights, period. Not for one specific group to have
    whatever table scraps lawmakers "agree on" throwing them.
    The majority frequently feels provoked, put upon, abused or otherwise
    wronged when their exclusive privileges are extended to others not like
    them. A nominally democratic and free society is a provocative place.
    <eyeroll> Yeah, that's it. They're doing it *expressly because they know
    it pisses you off*. They're fighting expensive legal battles *just to get
    your goat*.
    This claim, in light of your other assertions in this and other posts, is
    not believable. It's apparent you *do* wish to engage in exactly this sort
    of discrimination -- you just won't admit it, apparently. Don't feel
    lonely, Ed, this has been going on for a very long time. Those who argued
    vehemently in favor of keeping anti-miscegenation laws considered
    themselves enlightened and unprejudiced. After all, they didn't seek to
    *enslave* blacks, as their horrid, ignorant, cruel and hateful forebears
    had done. No. They just sought to maintain God's natural law by
    prohibiting the mixing of the races, that's all. Just as folks like you
    swear you're not predjudiced or hateful. Not like your horrid, ignorant,
    cruel and hateful forebears who rounded up gays and threw them in
    institutions, "treated" them with electroshock, or simply stoned them to
    death. No. You just seek to maintain God's natural law, etc. etc. etc.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 4, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Bill Putney, Dec 4, 2003
  16. Are you two sure that it's not you guys that's letting all that high test
    gas escape.. Is this Jeep talk????????
    CJimmie in Iowa, Dec 4, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jerry McG Guest

    I had exposure to both the UKs socialized medicine and Canadian health away! A Brit friend was visiting our offices in the States and
    took a run up to Toronto to see the Company's Canadian operations. While
    there she got the unmistakable signs of appendicitis. The Canadians basicaly
    forced her onto a plane to get her over the border to the USA, telling her
    she wanted NOTHING to do with the Canadian health care system. EMS met her
    at the airport, rushed her to the hospital where she had an emergency
    appendectomy within minutes of arrival. She then convalesced for four days
    "in hospital", as the Brits would say.

    She claimed she'd never received better care, that in the UK she'd have
    likely ruptured before they got around to treating her, which might have
    been days later. The only way to get health care "on demand" there would be
    to have either deep pockets, or as most folks do, private health insurance.

    I could go on, but before you think having the Govt. run health care would
    be better than what we have, think again. Yeah, our system sucks, but not as
    much as the others suck!
    Jerry McG, Dec 4, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Exactly. Or maybe the more cogent response would be "Because a same-sex
    relationship is, by definiton, not marriage since marriage is defined as
    a certain relationship between opposite-sex couples".

    In the same way that, if someone were to ask "Why isn't cutting down a
    tree not murder", you would answer "Because cutting down a tree is not
    murder" (to use your straw-man circular argument), or perhaps "Because
    the word 'murder' is defined as the killing of a human being; trees are
    not human beings; therefore cutting down a tree is not murder", and any
    reasonable person would get it because they know that the word "murder"
    has a meaning in the English language, and so does "marriage".

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Dec 4, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Approximately 12/3/03 17:45, Bill Putney uttered for posterity:
    Thanking both of you in advance for attempting to get back
    on-charter and with less crossposting.
    Lon Stowell, Dec 4, 2003
  20. So your perception of Canadian healthcare is based on the experience of a
    friend of yours who was warned off the system by some unknown other

    Mine is based on getting very suddenly struck down with a large and lodged
    kidney stone at 4 in the morning while in Toronto. Extremely painful, but
    not life threatening. I was diagnosed, treated, operated upon and
    prescribed suitable meds in a fast, efficient, capable, thorough manner.

    I think my firsthand experience beats your fourth-hand crapola.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 4, 2003
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