Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

    David J. Allen, Nov 29, 2003
    David J. Allen, Nov 29, 2003
    David J. Allen, Nov 29, 2003
    David J. Allen, Nov 29, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    DTJ Guest

    Translation - I am finally admitting all of you are right and loyd
    lying parker is wrong, so I am going to try to twist it into something
    DTJ, Nov 29, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Once upon a time a co-worker of mine went to china to support the plant
    there. He returned with pictures. I am looking at the photos and ask,
    'what's the haze over the photos?', thinking it was a photographic
    problem. The response, 'that's just the way it is there'.
    Brent P, Nov 29, 2003
  7. Never, in the history of human history has energy production been so
    efficient and less wasteful. More work is performed per unit of energy
    generated than any place on earth present or past. Leave it to a liberal to
    find a negative spin on that.
    David J. Allen, Nov 29, 2003
    Brandon Sommerville, Nov 29, 2003
    Brandon Sommerville, Nov 29, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    China is one of the last bastions of steam locomotion and power
    They use charcoal for heating & cooking.
    The pollution is far wors ethan in the US.
    No wonder Lloyd likes to move manufacturing there: China's communist,
    and moving manufacuring there punishes the US. A liberal's dream.
    Bill Funk, Nov 29, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    If the "Atlantic Conveyor" stops due to the salinity change, then places
    like Scotland which are kept warm by it, will experience a lot more ice (we
    have the same latitude as Moscow), but I haven't heard anyone claim that
    constitutes an ice age.

    Dave Milne, Scotland.

    Dave Milne, Nov 29, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jerry McG Guest

    No wonder Lloyd likes to move manufacturing there: China's communist, and
    moving manufacuring there punishes the US. A liberal's dream.>

    And THERE you have it, the heart of Leftist Lloyd's agenda! Attack the core
    of the society and you can cripple it irreparably, make the "big lie" stick.
    Meanwhile his comrades in China can do whatever they want, as long as the
    society he hates is damaged.

    Fortunately people are smart enough in free societies to see through all
    this bullshit.
    Jerry McG, Nov 29, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    If you think individuals doing academic research are all sweetness and nice, I think you are naive. Ask yourself this, how
    much grant money is flowing to scientist who say everything is OK? What is more likely to generate grant money, a Chicken
    Little like performance, or a calm reasoned presentation that says climate is a subject to long term trends that are the
    result of many factors which are not well understood?

    I'd rather take my chances with global warming rather than turn control over to the wackos who have grabbed onto the global
    warming scenario as a way to force the implementation of their ideas of how I should live. If global warming wasn't
    available, the wackos would have to create it, or something else like it so they can have an excuse for forcing the
    implementation of their ideas.

    C. E. White, Nov 29, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    MacIntosh Guest

    fact: cow's "fermenting" their dinner, and burping is one of the major
    sources of CO2 emissions....

    gotta ban the bloody cows!
    MacIntosh, Nov 30, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    Actually the methane coming out the other end is a much worse greenhouse
    gas than CO2.

    C. E. White, Nov 30, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I don't remember the whole theory off hand, googling it may turn it up.
    But the jist of it is that the ice melts, this changes weather patterns,
    which in turn makes much of the world colder, building ice sending climate
    into an ice age. I am not arguing it's correct or anything, it's just one
    I find interesting.
    Brent P, Nov 30, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jerry McG Guest

    I'd rather take my chances with global warming rather than turn control
    over to the wackos who have grabbed onto the global warming scenario as a
    way to force the implementation of their ideas of how I should live. If
    global warming wasn't
    available, the wackos would have to create it, or something else like it so
    they can have an excuse for forcing the implementation of their ideas.>

    Bravo, Ed! These people are attempting to impose their own social
    reengineering upon everyone based upon their own crypto-communist ideals.
    They hate capitalism and the abilities of free peoples to do as they choose.
    They latched onto this madness when people actually took them seriously 30
    years ago that a "new ice age" was upon us, when that fell apart they
    concocted this latest scam. The more people pillory these arrogant bastards
    the better off we'll all be.
    Jerry McG, Nov 30, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jerry McG Guest

    Yeah, and don't forget all the methane they produce farting all day long!
    (However, hmmm....what about all of these green bastards and their hot air?)
    Jerry McG, Nov 30, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    China consumes more coal than the US? Should we limit Chinese coal consumption?

    C. E. White, Dec 1, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    z Guest

    Yeah, that's a requirement for a grant, like your predecessors here
    say. You have to say 'and if funded, this project will destroy
    capitalism and further the crypto-communist agenda, destroying the
    middle class life style of myself and others like me and my family'.
    Bravo, you've figured it out. Down with science!!!
    z, Dec 1, 2003
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