Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    No. Isotope dating works very well.
    No, the scientific literature and agencies like EPA, NASA, NOAA, IPCC,
    National Academy of Sciences, American Geophysical Union...

    Find me some sources to the contrary.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 21, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Actually, I'd say more like 99% of scientists so believe. And that's as much
    unanimity as you'll find on anything in science.

    Uh, the data does.

    No it's not. It's done all the time. It's called factor analysis.

    Simply not true. Have you read the IPCC report? The National Academy of
    Sciences report?
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 21, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    They did not. No scientific publication or group said that. Some "popular"
    press magazines, like Popular Science, are the only places you will find that.
    Someone on sci.environment has a standing challenge for anyone to find a
    scientific journal that made that claim. No one has.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 21, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Lie. No group said that.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 21, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    That's misleading. It's an independent think tank affiliated with Harvard; no
    more Harvard than the Hoover Institute is Stanford, for example.

    And there are hundreds of scientific articles saying just the opposite.
    Further, this article has been substiantially refuted in Nature recently.
    That's just not true.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 21, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    You can't predict that because you can't predict what emissions of CO2 will be
    like. That's like asking, what will be the pH of this beaker of water after
    everybody in lab adds something to it.
    Again, that's one article. There are hundreds showing just the opposite. Go
    to sci.environment and read some of the postings.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 21, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Why don't you follow your own advice parker? If you had, then NOAA cites
    wouldn't prove you wrong, now would they?
    Brent P, Nov 21, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    I also remember they were being pretty hysterical over holes in the
    ozone layer, too.
    Oops, turns out they, too, are cyclical, and normal.
    Bill Funk, Nov 21, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    IOW, I'm right, they aren't known.
    It does. Read it.
    It allows developing countries to skate, with the very predictable
    results that manufacturing will move there.
    Again, that's not been proven, only demonstrated in small models.
    When you know what caused past ice ages, and the subsequent warming,
    let the rest of us know how that applies to the current situation.
    And yet again, we don't.
    We *think* we know, and we can demonstrate it in a very limited lab
    But we still can't manage to translate that into why it's happened
    There's a slight difference there, Lloyd.
    What's being asked for is a major change in lifestyle, not just
    wondering why water is salty.
    Since the consequences are major, it's only wise to make sure the
    action is necessary.
    You DO understand that, right?
    Bill Funk, Nov 21, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Read where that article got it's info from.
    Brent P, Nov 21, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Approximately 11/21/03 02:57, Lloyd Parker uttered for posterity:

    Please excuse poor little Lloyd folks, he has been spending a bit
    too much time at Neverland ranch.
    Lon Stowell, Nov 21, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Have you realized that Alger Hiss was really a spy yet?
    I ask because you demonstrate a remarkable ability to not keep up.
    Bill Funk, Nov 21, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    The same people who saw a normal hole in the ozone layer, and
    proclaimed that the sky was falling.
    Bill Funk, Nov 21, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    That can't be right.
    Lloyd says the causes of past ice ages and subsequent warming periods
    are well known, and cites the NOAA as authority for this.
    Hmmm, the NOAA must be lying, or Lloyd is lying.
    Gee, tough choice...
    Bill Funk, Nov 21, 2003
  15. They did to. That article names names Lloyd, NOAA, National Academy of
    Science, they said it, your lies can't change it. You are wrong, you are
    always wrong.

    No scientific publication or group said that. Some "popular"
    The Ancient One, Nov 21, 2003
  16. NOAA did, National Academy of Science did. Come on Lloyd, grow up and admit
    you're wrong, it won't kill you. No one believes you, you are incapable of
    telling the truth. Prove me wrong, admit you are wrong for once.
    The Ancient One, Nov 21, 2003
  17. You'd say. That alone proves it isn't true. Stop lying Lloyd.
    Have you read anything above a preschool level? Didn't think so.
    The Ancient One, Nov 21, 2003
  18. Hundreds huh? Show them to us Lloyd. For once in your life back up your
    lies. I want to see hundreds of articles listed here supporting your claims
    and rebunking his. You can't do it. His report is far more accurate than any
    hogwash you've posted.
    The Ancient One, Nov 21, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Is Nature a peer-reviewed scientific journal?
    Bill Funk, Nov 22, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Greg Guest

    "Analysis of the sun's varying activity in the last two millennia indicates
    that contrary to the IPCC's speculation about man-made global warming as high as
    5.8° C within the next hundred years, a long period of cool climate with its
    coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected. It is shown that minima in the 80
    to 90-year Gleissberg cycle of solar activity, coinciding with periods of cool
    climate on Earth, are consistently linked to an 83-year cycle in the change of
    the rotary force driving the sun's oscillatory motion about the centre of mass
    of the solar system. As the future course of this cycle and its amplitudes can
    be computed, it can be seen that the Gleissberg minimum around 2030 and another
    one around 2200 will be of the Maunder minimum type accompanied by severe
    cooling on Earth. This forecast should prove skillful as other long-range
    forecasts of climate phenomena, based on cycles in the sun's orbital motion,
    have turned out correct as for instance the prediction of the last three El
    Niños years before the respective event."
    Greg, Nov 22, 2003
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