Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Thanks for defining "TROLL" for us all...

    Robert A. Matern, Nov 18, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    In other words you have no response and attack me by claiming I am
    'lying' but not defining about what. Lame Lloyd.
    You accepted that the democrats were bought by the chinese via campaign
    donations a couple posts ago with your 'but there wasn't a spy' response.
    Brent P, Nov 18, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Brent P, Nov 18, 2003
  4. Sure, the Republicans hire Chinese spies. You can never tell when you'll
    need one.

    Oh please. You love to ascribe simpleton causes to such grand problems. As
    if turning left instead of right would have brought us to peace in the
    middle east... were it just for this one act of supporting the Shah. I can
    argue that had Reagan or Bush been in office instead of Carter during the
    Iranian Hostage Crisis that history would have played much differently in
    the middle east (for the better).
    David J. Allen, Nov 18, 2003
  5. In other words, you've lost yet another argument Lloyd. You would save
    yourself a world of embarassment if you just stopped replying on subjects
    you know nothing about, your old "he's lying" routine fools no one but you.
    The Ancient One, Nov 18, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Joe Guest

    Joe, Nov 18, 2003
  7. Urban myth. A Sudanese man claimed he could deliver bin Laden. Turned
    out he couldn't. <

    Don't you wish that was the truth??!!

    Bush will soon drive the Demo-Losers WILD when his campaign, already well
    funded, actually gets in gear. I can't wait to see the Demo-Coward weasels
    respond to their pacifist, tyrant-coddling, failed tax & spend cronyism
    record. Get used to your Demo-heros losing and being increasingly
    irrelevant, Parker.
    Jerry McGeorge, Nov 18, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    As if the republicans driving up spending with a war, rebuilding another
    country or two, and a huge new entitlement program so ford, GM, and
    others can drop their drug coverage for retirees is better? six of one,
    half a dozen of the other.
    Brent P, Nov 18, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Bravo to you once again, David!

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 19, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Carl Taylor Guest

    Sorry, but the very people who bring you that sort of information are
    concerned about manmade CO2 additions, so they must have a perspective
    that armchair critics are quick to dismiss.

    Ironically, speeding contributes to CO2 buildup by lowering gas
    mileage, even in the most efficient cars. Anyone who drives 90 MPH
    regularly (in any vehicle) is wasting fuel and pumping out more CO2
    than they ought to. With so many drivers speeding, slowing down alone
    could cause a notable drop in CO2 output.

    If you are inclined to tell me that speeding doesn't reduce
    efficiency, read this first:

    Carl Taylor, Nov 19, 2003
  11. Ironically, speeding contributes to CO2 buildup by lowering gas
    mileage, even in the most efficient cars. Anyone who drives 90 MPH regularly
    (in any vehicle) is wasting fuel and pumping out more CO2 than they ought
    to. With so many drivers speeding, slowing down alone could cause a notable
    drop in CO2 output.<

    By reducing sexual acivity, indeed, by embracing celibacy, humans will
    exhale less C02, thereby saving the ice caps. All radical green zealots are
    therefore to completely refrain from any form of sex in the interests of
    saving the planet.
    Jerry McGeorge, Nov 19, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Parker demands info from the NOAA be used. I proved him wrong with
    NOAA data. If you have better data, then present it.
    Everything you do is about your idiotic drive slower than carl crusade.
    Well Carl, I'll consider your fuel economy arguement to drive slower on the
    interstate when you start driving 55mph to save fuel and lead by example.
    Nice rule-of-thumb page. That neglects a whole host of factors.
    Why don't you pick up a real automotive text sometime and gain
    a real understanding. Better yet, why do *YOU* drive at least 10mph
    faster than the 40-60mph recommended by your cite?

    And if it wasn't for LLB's like you blocking the passing lane forcing
    other drivers to brake and accelerate fuel consumption would go
    down as well.

    So carl, when you stop blocking other people, get in the right most
    lane and drive 55mph, I'll consider your arguements as worthy when
    you follow them yourself. Until then, it's just your selfish notion
    that you own the roads and nobody should go faster than you and nothing
    Brent P, Nov 19, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Benjamin Lee Guest

    While we are finger pointing, the US was also quite aggressive in using the
    first nuclear bomb. We too were agressive in third world countries, Vietnam,
    Korea, Afgan. Is not necessary wrong what we did, but just to point out that
    both sides were aggressive. It is war after all.

    The real phobia is world wide totalitarianism. That is a valid fear, and it
    is to be avoided at all cost. The US did the right thing in preventing the
    world from going into a totalitarian society. The US policy is good. Is the
    propaganda that is troubling.
    There is a difference between communism and the police state. The phobia of
    communism is the result of propaganda. As in all wars, there are propaganda
    to rally the people. The communism concept should be looked at in light of
    its own merit. Just to say there is no merit is to ignorance.

    You have just given a text book definition of communism. Your last line
    about punishment does not necessary follow prior statments. Yes, factors of
    production are owned by the government in a communistic society. The
    government would pay the people wage. Does that equate to a police state.
    NO, no and no.
    Consider these statements:
    The government owns the military which has more than enough power to squash
    the people like an ant. The president is head of the military. The
    government owns the police which has surveilance capability to listen in on
    any conversation. The government owns all the record which keeps track of
    where each person lives, how much they make, and what they talked about in
    THEREFORE, this country must be a totalitarian state. Wrong.
    You must agree government ownership of military is more powerful than
    factories. Military can easily bomb the factories. So why is it not
    totalitarianism. It is because of checks and balance, and most importantly,
    the power of the people to vote. Checks and balance and power to vote are
    not exclusive to a capitalistic society. A country with communistic economy
    can have the same thing. A major country like that does not currently
    exist. But, it does not mean it cannot exist. I am sure there are minor
    countries that are communistic with voting power. Propaganda would have you
    believe that it cannot exist, so you never even consider the possibility. I
    dare you to think outside of the box.

    Yes, you must give stern warning to anyone who "throw the world socialistic
    around". It is a sacrilege to "throw" such an evil word around. That
    sinister word is to be used with utmost care least you applied it to the
    wrong case. Gasp! God help you if you used the word "socialistic" wrong.
    Instant burnt at the stake and hell for you.
    This is exactly what I meant by phobia of socialism.

    I would say a society that use heavy taxation to redistribute wealth so that
    eveyone is equal is closer to socialism than capitalism. It might be missing
    the part about government ownership of all factories, but the concept is
    socialistic. Realisticly, there can never be pure socialism just like there
    can never be pure capitalism or pure democracy. Living in an theoretical
    world is not practical, and no country can do it. Is all a matter of degree,
    and doctrination that is followed.

    To be sure, there would have to be some reward structure to motivate people.
    Money is a good motivator, but not necessary the best. Some people will have
    to make more than other up to a certain point. I would say 16 to 1 highest
    to lowest paid worker wealth ratio like Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
    Corporation. Problem with unlimited wealth is people do everything to make
    more money even at the cost of the environment and the wellfare of the
    nation as a whole. Look at Enron. After a certain level, just because a
    person makes more money does not mean society as a whole benifit. Look at
    Bill Gates and the Microsoft monopoly. We are still using computers that
    crash, and are vulnerable to attacks.
    No, I have not been under a rock. You must have been living under a rock if
    you must use personal attacks. It does not take a genius to see that there
    are more underclass people than the wealthy. Just go to the local DMV. How
    many poor people do you see there. For everyone that works in an air
    conditioned office, how many are there that works at low paying jobs. Look
    at the statistic. The bottom 40% of the US population owns only .2% of the
    total wealth. The bottom 60% owns 5% of the wealth. Now you tell me where is
    the middle class? Go read my post again. Yes, middle class do carry the most
    vote currently because the poor do not vote. I said WHEN the underclass
    learns to vote, there will be no contest.

    This is too far from the 4x4 topic.
    To bring it back somewhat, I will say driving a bigger than necessary truck
    harms the society as a whole. It is a show of wealth. If people are going to
    show their wealth, please, just buy some expensive wine or go to an
    expensive resturant or something rather than using up natural resource.
    Benjamin Lee, Nov 19, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Lloyd Parker, Nov 19, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Another fool with 3rd grade reading skills, I see.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 19, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    I wish you wouldn't get your "facts" from right-wing propaganda sources.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 19, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Let's see, change of 76 ppm in 6000 years (per that source). Now we've seen
    an increase of the same magnitude in 120 years. Do you think there's no
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 19, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    OK, "needing to perform for those funds." That's your lie. Happy?

    Sure, if it's passing a bill, or in the case of Bush, giving multi-billion
    contracts without bids. But you're accusing Clinton of providing secret
    defense info.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 19, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    You can't even quote correctly. Honesty problem lloyd?
    As can be seen, there is no lie here. But you knew that, your
    claim is just to divert away from an issue you've lost the debate
    on. Those who take money to run for office do need to perform for their
    contributors or they won't get more money. This is a simple fact of
    politics in the USA.

    Parker has no response.
    Brent P, Nov 19, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Matt Mead Guest

    Have you read the book "War's End" by Maj gen Charles W. Sweeney,
    (USAF Ret.)? This guy flew with both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    missions and laid out a pretty good case for why we needed to use
    nuclear weapons. Personally, I wouldn't call us "quite aggressive"
    given the situation at the time.

    99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4
    Matt Mead, Nov 19, 2003
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