Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    A critical mass of educated buyers of products most certainly can hold
    corporations in check. They control the profits of the corporations,
    so companies *HAVE* to listen or perish. A market forces arguement
    really. The buyers demanding this or that.

    The problem is that educated people are a threat to those who want
    power. They are especially a threat to those who seek power by making
    the populace dependent upon government. This is why the answer becomes
    government control rather than educating people to stand on their own.
    Brent P, Nov 17, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    Kind of like China illegally donating money to AlGore's campaign and the
    Democrats. I keep forgetting there wasn't any controlling authority and Al
    had to take a leak from too much tea at the temple.
    FDRanger92, Nov 17, 2003
  3. Oh good heavens no. Education should be dispassionate and fair as much as
    possible. It should not be afraid of making judgements, but to me, the US
    is special in history and has been such a force for good in the world that
    it stuns me that people can want to transform education of the US into a
    long list of evil deeds.

    The mistakes the US has made should be taught in context of the truth.
    There is evil in the world. Tyranny and despotism is worth fighting and a
    fight is never clean.
    It works both ways. Why was there such a hatred and distrust of blacks?
    Does anyone ever talk about that? It almost always starts with white racism
    as a given.
    You might be suprised to know that people like me believe that it was a
    mistake for the Europeans to go into the world (colonialism) to exploit the
    natural resources of Asia, Africa and America only looking after only
    profits and power instead of the welfare of local populations.

    But again, one HAS to remember the context of the time. Almost every place
    the Europeans went, the local populations were barely, if at all, out of the
    stone age. That mattered. There was also the political realities inside
    Europe with wars and threats of war occuring. That mattered.

    You can't just start with "whites are racist, therefore...", or "the
    Europeans selfishly exploited their colonial subjects, therefore...".
    Wrong? Mistakes? Sure, but people move on. The bad things we try to fix,
    the good things we try to keep.

    The middle east problem would be different or less without oil to be sure.
    But the politics of the middle east are "as much" about the failure of
    middle east countries in to develop their own selves. One reason Israel
    came to be is that there was no prosperous Palestinian nation or culture.
    The whole place was sleepy and backwards. Jews came for years and began to
    use the land prosperously. The nomadic Arabs had no use for oil... at least
    at the time. The power shifted to outsiders. Terrorism is about
    re-acquiring power. They aren't lunatics, but they turn otherwise normal
    people into suicide bombing lunatics. Islam and xenophobia is the hold on
    the people, but if they were solely interested in Islam, in religion, there
    wouldn't be this terrorism.
    David J. Allen, Nov 17, 2003
  4. You're wrong about these countries having ever been free democratic
    The British and US supported the shah over the PM. One of them was going to
    prevail over the other. The Soviets were behind the other side. Cold war
    politics for certain.

    They can try. Our enemies have been funding these groups for years. The
    Chinese certainly did what they could to make sure Clinton was re-elected.
    The Soviet threat was bigger and badder than SAVAK. Again, cold war
    politics. Would all be well in Iran had the Shah not been allowed to seize
    power in 1952? I'll bet you think you know. Would the Soviets have left it
    David J. Allen, Nov 17, 2003
    David J. Allen, Nov 17, 2003
  6. How do you know that?
    David J. Allen, Nov 17, 2003
  7. sure they did. his name was bill clinton.

    now, go die bitter, cold, and alone.
    Nathan Collier, Nov 17, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Interesting, you consider being infiltrated by a chinese spy, having
    a mole in the organization who is really there working for someone
    else to be far worse than taking payment from the chinese and then
    needing to perform for those funds?

    What you are saying is that in order to find out what republicans
    were doing the Chinese had to use traditional spying techniques and have
    a mole work its way in. But the democrats, all the chinese had to do was
    go to the top guys and give them some money. So the democrats were
    easily bought, but the republicans couldn't be and had to be spied on

    I don't know about you, but I'd rather require foreign nations to
    work in spies to get low-level information than have the top people
    hand stuff over for cash.
    Brent P, Nov 17, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    Lloyd Parker wrote:

    Hell, the idiots didn't even have AMERICAN spies on the payroll! Or at
    any rate they didn't pay attention to them, or else they'd have captured
    Bin Laden when the Sudanese tried to *give* him to us in 1996.
    Steve, Nov 17, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Joe Guest

    "Guess America currently is not really a democracy either"
    Never the intent... you should have learned this in grade school:
    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the USA, and to the REPUBLIC for which it
    Joe, Nov 18, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve W. Guest

    They didn't need a Chinese spy when Klinton was in, he handed them
    anything they wanted straight out of the safe. Don't need a spy when a
    Komrade holds the office.... Especially when your paying for the guys
    Steve W., Nov 18, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    They didn't need one w/ your hero giving them all the technology they
    FDRanger92, Nov 18, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Benjamin Lee Guest

    The French are a weird bunch. They were thinking of using nuclear weapons in
    Vietnam too.
    Communism is a economic system. It should have nothing to do with how a
    nation is governed. A socialist country can be democratic like Norway. A
    capitalist society can be a totalitarian society. Witness current China or
    what it tries to become.
    Soviet Union was not democratic not because of communism. It was because
    they did not have a man named George Washington during the revolution.
    America is democratic not because we embrace capitalism, but because George
    Washington relinquish his power to let the people rule themselves.

    The US government was using a single example, the Soviet Union, to
    illustrate how communism means totalitarianism. Part of the problem was that
    the general public can only understand simple concepts. By the way, the US
    is quite socialistic today with our minimum wage, labor unions, health care
    and wellfare. We in a way are turning into an example of socialistic
    democracy. The ultimate goal of any labor unions is to do nothing all day
    while making the same wage as the CEO. That sure sounds like communism.
    A popular misconception is that socialism equals misery. We have enough
    production capability for everyone to live a comfortable life while working
    half the time we are now. All it takes is for the rich to share their wealth
    with the rest of us. If everyone made about the same wage, we would all be
    pretty comfortable. With such a large underclass in America, the gradual
    trend towards socialism may be inevitable. All it takes is for them to
    realize they have voting power too, or somebody to motivate them.
    Benjamin Lee, Nov 18, 2003
  14. The point is that the Soviets were so aggressive it scared everyone. Even
    the French. Kennedy felt that nuclear war with the Soviets was inevitable.
    They were practically daring us to use nukes, because they didn't think we
    had the guts to use them and knew they outgunned us otherwise. The Soviets
    showed very little restraint in pushing for revolution in third world
    countries worldwide.

    People mock the US for believing in the domino theory. But, the Soviets
    themselves gave everyone every reason to believe in it. So to dismiss US
    policy as centered on a "phobia" of Communism is trite and shows a complete
    lack of understanding of the times.

    Wrong. The means of production is owned by the government. The economy and
    the government are one. Property is owned by the government. Wages are
    paid by the government. People who seek to enrich themselves above others
    are punished by the government.

    If Socialism is the means of production owned or controlled by the workers,
    then I'm not so sure the nordic countries qualify because corporations and
    business are privately held. However, they do highly tax themselves and
    provide cradle to grave services. It's a choice they make. The profit
    motive is still there, dampened by high taxes. You can also bet there is an
    active and thriving secondary economy to get around the high taxes.
    Democracy always flourishes in at least one form inside Communist countries.
    People flee.

    You may be able to separate Communism and the police state in your mind, but
    they go hand in hand.
    Cambodia, North Korea, Albania, Eastern Europe, Cuba, USSR, China, etc. No
    the public is quite informed of how Communism and the police state go hand
    in hand. I can't think of an example to the contrary.
    Be careful how you throw the world "socialistic" around. A society that
    chooses to tax itself to this degree is not socialistic. That happens when
    benefits become rights and society can't vote to untax itself.
    That's the mistake socialists always make. The presumption that wealth is a
    constant and must be redistributed equally to be fair. If the profit motive
    is killed by taxing too high, production diminishes, unemployment rises, or
    underground markets emerge.
    Who do you think would be paying this equal wage?
    Where've you been? Under a rock? The so called underclass isn't so large
    as you think it is. It's the middle class who's votes carry the most
    David J. Allen, Nov 18, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    At least the Dems didn't have a Chinese spy on their payroll.
    Not to the average Iranian. And all the US support for the shah is in large
    part responsible for the mess in the Middle East today. "I shot an arrow in
    the air..."
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 18, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    I consider it about equal to lying like you're doing.
    Bought how?
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 18, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Urban myth. A Sudanese man claimed he could deliver bin Laden. Turned out he
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 18, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    If you're referring to missile and defense tech, I suggest you read the Cox
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 18, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Two words, right-wing fundamentalist: Cox Report
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 18, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    I accepted none of your lies.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 18, 2003
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