Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Stone Guest

    Effective tax rate on the middle class is around 25%,

    Unless you live in the Empire of Pataki, New York
    Steve Stone, Nov 10, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Stone Guest

    What is a liberal these daze ?
    Steve Stone, Nov 10, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Vic Klein Guest

    I tried to not to answer these grossly off-topic discussions, but I
    couldn't resist <sigh> making just one point. What with the hoopla about
    global warming several years back when the Kyoto accords were being
    pushed (by nations that hadn't signed them, oddly), I wanted to see just
    how bad things were. We have a US weather station in Williamsport that
    has continuously recorded data for over 100 years, so I thought I'd
    download that for study. Of course, there's a lot of fluctuation, but if
    you plot a linear trend line to the data for the last 103 years you find
    the average annual temperature here has dropped by about 0.5F, not
    increased. Hmmm...where is the warming data? Is that only being
    collected in large, growing cities and not rural areas? Secondly, I
    plotted a 5 year moving average just to see what might show up and there
    is a remarkable cycle that appears, lasting about 11 years or so. Just
    the same as the solar cyles for sunspots. Curious. Maybe we're just
    different from the rest of the world out here in the country, but

    Bear Gap, PA
    Vic Klein, Nov 10, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    DTJ Guest

    What an idiotic statement.

    First, is global warming real?

    Second, what is the cause?

    You have yet to prove the first, yet are already assuming that number
    2 is the United States.
    DTJ, Nov 10, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    DTJ Guest

    Yes you are an idiot.

    The middle class pays federal rates higher than 25%, plus another 15%
    or so in SS (if the employer didn't pay it, we would receive it in
    wages), state taxes as high as 5% and more, gas taxes, sales taxes,
    phone taxes, property taxes, and on and on and on.

    My family is in the lower middle class, in the heartland, and we pay
    considerably more than 50% of our income in taxes.
    DTJ, Nov 10, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    DTJ Guest

    Your logic is flawed. The US has the TIGHTEST standards on emissions
    in the world. WE PRODUCE the most product. It has ZERO to do with

    Even if we did restrict things further, all that would happen is
    production would shift to countries with lower standards - resulting
    in, can we say it all together now - MORE POLLUTION.
    DTJ, Nov 10, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    DTJ Guest

    This is such a weak minded argument.

    Population has nothing to do with production.

    We have 80% of the production causing less than 20% of the pollution.
    Nobody cares what the population is, when we export so much to third
    world countries where the population is.

    How about this for a solution? The US stops selling food worldwide.
    Pollution disappears as huge numbers of people die. Problem solved.
    DTJ, Nov 10, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    DTJ Guest

    Thanks for admitting I am right. Since the Earth is cooling, adding
    CO2 will result in a slowing of the rate of change.
    DTJ, Nov 10, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    DTJ Guest

    Your logic is amazingly lacking. There is no correlation between
    production and population.
    DTJ, Nov 10, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    And, as usual, you'd be 180% wrong. Besides - I don't believe in
    reincarnation. 8^)

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 11, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Hear, hear! Or is it "here, here!"? In either case, right on, dude!

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 11, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Yep. Just like one of LP's favorite groups, the American Psychological
    Association. They published a peer-reviewed paper written by some guys
    (I spelled it right) from Temple Univ. When the paper started being
    cited by pro-pedophile groups and funding for APA activities got
    threatened, the APA officially denounced the paper. It had been peer
    reviewed, so how could that be?

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 11, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Nah. I'd allow the forest to be maintained properly near populated
    areas so that it didn't wipe out whole residential sections like it did
    in California. That would be a non-sequitur except (aside from the
    damage to the environment caused by the fire, release of CO2, etc.) that
    there are analogies to the CO2 issue as well, IOW - *K*eep *I*t *S*imple

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 11, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    st3ph3nm Guest

    There are ways to analyse temperature variations through the past, by
    looking at ice core samples, and tree rings, and fossil evidence.
    Having said that, accurate temperature readings have been around since
    the mid 1800's, and there's a strong trend showing:

    st3ph3nm, Nov 11, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    st3ph3nm Guest

    No, it's just pointing out that developed countries make more of a
    mess than undeveloped countries. And that we have a responsibility as
    global citizens to look at the mess we're making, and do our best to
    reduce it. That's all.
    I would have thought it was places like some Scandinavian countries
    and Germany that have led the way in cleaning up industry emissions.
    California probably leads the way in cleaning up auto emissions, I'd
    If you want to maintain your strong economy, it makes sense, too.
    There is a strong correlation between fresh water supplies and
    strength of the economy, worldwide.
    Well, totally replace? Yeah, you're right. We can, however, use the
    oil we have more efficiently, and use alternative sources where
    Yeah, yeah, yeah...
    At the risk of going off on a BIG tangent, keep in mind it was a US
    foreign policy (concentrated on stamping out Communism) that lost
    sight of the long term picture, putting Islamic extremists into the
    positions of power that they now have. If you're looking for
    solutions to the Islamic extremist problem, look to the sources of the
    troubles first. Still, this is getting so far OT, that I probably
    won't respond further to that particular issue here. Feel free to
    email me if you want a little donnybrook over that one! :)

    st3ph3nm, Nov 11, 2003
  16. Danish solar scientists Friz-Christensen & Lassen developed a perfect
    correlation between solar activity and earth temps going back hundreds of
    years. Their conclusion? Solar factors are by far the greatest factor in
    earth temps, and the warming trend noted since the early 80's perfectly
    parallels an increase in solar activity. Conversely, the cooling period that
    preceded it paralleled a similar low point in solar activity.

    Unfortunately the Socialist green elitists have tried to quash publication
    of these and other similar findings because it debunks their social
    revisionist agenda. The Discovery Science channel did an entire program on
    this subject, fascinating.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 11, 2003
  17. Effective tax rate on the middle class is around 25%,
    including federal and state income, sales, gas, social security, and
    property. <

    That's the biggest load of crap I've ever read! The middle income tax rate
    on federal alone is nearly 25%, to which you can add 3% social security,
    12.8% FICA, whatever the state charges, which can be as high as 9%, and 3-8%
    municipal tax for those in major metro areas.

    This is PRECISELY the kind of lies, outright lies, told by Democrats and
    their Socialist fellow travellers to mask income confiscation from the
    middle class.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 11, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    Marc, Nov 11, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    And the majority of voting shares are controlled by the financial elite.

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Nov 11, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    I live in a state that has no income or sales taxes and pays over $1000 per
    year back to residents.

    But then, I live in the least populous state.

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Nov 11, 2003
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