Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Ok, but the argument still holds that "provide for the general welfare"
    doesn't imply any right to welfare citizens can lay claim to from the
    David J. Allen, Nov 7, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    Whoops, you forgot the proof Lloyd. It was a nice opinion piece though. Where is
    the peer review? Where did the article support your contention that "Humans put
    out more CO2 than nature by several orders of magnitude." The article only said
    "Humans are releasing more than 8 billion tons of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere
    annually, Thompson said. By comparison, the natural contribution of CO2 from
    volcanoes ranges from 300 million to 1.1 billion tons per year." This only
    addresses the CO2 from volcanoes, not from all of "nature."


    Ed White
    C. E. White, Nov 7, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Levels have been varied considerably between 9,000 and 22,000 years
    ago alone.

    Looks like you are using political scare tatics instead of science
    from the NOAA et al. Why don't you follow your own 'advice' Parker?
    They were going up until about 10,000 years ago bounced up and down
    slightly and then fell slightly for a couple thousand years. (figure 2)
    Stop hiding behind a PhD to justify your politics parker and start
    presenting science with real cites to back your claims.

    I've cited at least 3 different scientific papers on the topic in this
    thread alone just to show you to be wrong, you've cited none in return.
    Brent P, Nov 7, 2003
  4. You mean the ever expanding recount? The "one" that could never find enough
    extra Gore votes so they kept expanding to the point of wanting to recount
    the entire state using a redefined counting starndard?
    David J. Allen, Nov 7, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Brent P, Nov 7, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Corrolation vs. Causation Parker.

    You could equally say the human population has increased and humans
    exhale CO2 in your corrolation.... Doesn't mean it's a cause.
    Brent P, Nov 7, 2003
  7. lol......its nice to see youre still the same idiot loser twit youve always
    been. the same ignorant ass that claimed rear wheel only engine braking was
    just as effective as 4 wheel engine braking off road on steep slick declines
    because of some "scientific" reasoning you read in a magazine. it doesnt
    take any "scientific qualifications" to know youre a idiot lloyd. you speak
    for yourself rather well.

    and just incase you were wondering, i still hope you die a slow miserable
    death as the cholesterol that wraps your obese heart chokes the life out of
    you. i read the atlanta journal online daily hoping to find "obese
    homosexual professor dies due to massive blood loss when the gerbil he
    shoved up his ass worked the tape from his claws". only a matter of time,
    feltcher. :)
    Nathan Collier, Nov 7, 2003
  8. what a putrid existance. please die soon.
    Nathan Collier, Nov 7, 2003
  9. hey lloyd, i killed a bunny rabbit and a sapling with my atv this weekend.
    enjoyed it. :)
    you mean any kid attempting to share a meal where you may be eating?

    die pig.
    Nathan Collier, Nov 7, 2003
  10. dont you mean the 37th recount was halted?

    die pig. choke on your gross consumption of anything that cant out run you.
    Nathan Collier, Nov 7, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    Can you site a source that agrees with this. There is lot of conflicting
    information available, but none of it shows the concentration as being stable. The
    UN site is the closest, but it show fairly wide variation in concentrations on
    cyclical basis (from a low of around 180 ppmv, to a high of over 300 ppmv - not
    including the current period). See the following references (some of which may be
    peer reviewed):
    Can you site some evidence? Just saying I an wrong does not make me wrong.

    Actaully I think my opinion on global warming is just as valid as yours. How many
    peer reviewed papers have you written on the subject? How much research have you
    done on the subject? What qualifies you as an expert on global warming? You may
    have a PhD in chemistry, but other than knowing the chemical properties of CO2, I
    don't see where this gives you any special insight into global warming. It seems
    to me that you picked your side of the global warming debate based on politics,
    not science. I picked mine becasue of self interest. I am not interested in having
    my life rearranged becasue a group of liberal chicken littles are claiming the sky
    is falling.


    Ed White
    C. E. White, Nov 7, 2003
  12. ha! you honestly believe a piece of paper can mask your level of ignorance
    dont you? that is yet another example of your true stupidity. go slam
    another pork chop porky, and try not to bite your hand off this time.
    Nathan Collier, Nov 7, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Matt Mead Guest

    But the point is you don't. But either you know that and don't care
    because it doesn't suit your agenda, or you just believe everything
    you see in the mainstream press. (With an .edu e-mail, I'm guessing
    it is the first.....) Personally, your opinion matters not to me.

    Have a great day!

    99 V-10 Super Duty, Super Cab 4x4
    Matt Mead, Nov 7, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    It requires significant cuts in the US, but not in the third world which is where
    a lot of the CO2 producing activities will shift. So while the few American that
    can still afford them will be driving around in Chinese built hybrid vehicles, the
    Chinese will ramp up their economy and dump more CO2 into the atmosphere. The net
    effect will be a wrecked US economy and global warming.

    C. E. White, Nov 7, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    And if we tear apart the country and never find them, even after
    exhaustively searching all possible locations, it is still possible that he
    had them. It is impossible to prove that he did not have them. All we
    have to go on is the certainty of our guesses. The same people that
    indicated they were there also indicated locations. There was no evidence
    at those locations that there are WMDs, nor indication that there were some
    within the previous year that were moved to another site. The intelligence
    that indicated that there were WMDs was flat out wrong on every verifiable
    fact pertaining to WMDs, so why would we assume that they got one of the
    unverifiable facts right?

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Nov 7, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    Who is "we"? The liberal establishment?

    Has "science" ever been wrong before? I seem to recall from a history of science
    course that there were respected scientist in the 19th century who were predicting
    that the Earth would run out of oxygen within a 100 years. Malthus claimed we run
    out of food over a 100 years ago. Respected scientist believed disease was caused
    by bad air. Scientist have in the past believed that the universe was filled with
    a ether which connected everything together. I am sure you know of many cases
    where the collective wisdom of the scientist of the ay proved to be wrong.

    C. E. White, Nov 7, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    Marc, Nov 7, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    If you take $1,000,000,000 out of the private sector and move it to the
    public sector and create exactly the same number of jobs at exactly the
    same pay as lost in the private sector, how does that affect the economy?

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Nov 7, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    You obviously didn't read about the last few rebates. Some people actually
    put them in the bank.

    Assuming government spending is linked to government income, when you tax
    people, you take the money out of their hands and into the hands of an
    entity that does not save. The government expands to fill all possible
    revenue. So, a tax cut will pull money out of the active economy, causing
    a recession. Leaving taxes alone does nothing. Raising taxes will
    decrease the money that someone can save, and passes it along to an entity
    that will spend it. As the government continually tells us, spending is
    good for the economy.

    Any questions?

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Nov 7, 2003
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