Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Care to compare Clinton's economy to either of the Bushs'?
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 7, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    I see another fool who's never actually read the constitution. Article I,
    section 8, not the preamble (not the spelling too).
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 7, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Lloyd Parker, Nov 7, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Lloyd Parker, Nov 7, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Like atmospheric chemistry?

    Yeah, tell them about your scientific qualifications to judge me too.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 7, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Gee, you know more science than the thousands in IPCC, EPA, NASA, NOAA,
    National Academy of Sciences, and American Geophysical Union!
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 7, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Well he just offended 95% of the "average guy" in the last couple of
    days with his spastic tap dancing. Al Sharpton still hasn't decided if
    he'll accept his apology as a representative of "all the black people".

    Like they say: "You couldn't write this stuff!".
    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Nov 7, 2003
  8. Man's hardly making a dent. (and man is not exactly separate from
    nature anyway).

    Now, you want to talk about pollution, at one time there were these
    single-celled organisms that released as waste a corrosive gas which
    eventually became up to 30% of the atmosphere. MAJOR die-offs then,
    the stuff was deadly poison to nearly all the organisms alive at the
    time. And perfectly natural, too. Man? Man's a piker. Pushed up
    CO2 levels a little maybe, but not even anywhere near all-time highs.
    And the stuff's nowhere near as toxic as the earlier gas.
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2003
  9. That's one model. A better model is a single-nap cone, with the apex
    at the bottom. Towards the wide end of the cone, individual rights.
    Towards the narrow, less. The usual spectrum is a closed curve drawn
    on the surface of this cone; your circle is a projection of it.

    The curve is dropping quickly towards the apex.
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    C. E. White wrote:

    If the ecosystem were as unstable as the global warmers implied, one of
    the countless cataclysmic events of the past would have tipped the
    balance millenia ago and run the environment off to either hellish heat
    or a frozen wasteland.

    Atmospheric CO2 is no doubt higher now than at the dawn of the
    industrial age, but the earth has *huge* buffering mechanisms that can
    kick in to stabilize temperatures. Far more than the "ban all cars"
    crowd gives it credit for.
    Steve, Nov 7, 2003
  11. America will heal itself. We're just letting Dean along for the ride
    because we think he's going to listen to the average guy... instead of the
    wealthy few. <

    The "wealthy few" amount to millions of people whom Howard Dean will court
    favor with, as does any politician. The last time the poor tried running
    countries Mao and Joseph Stalin became their leaders.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
  12. It is not money that is being taxed, it is people. After all it is
    people who pay taxes, and rich offspring have never paid any taxes on their
    parents estate. Even so, Democrats proposed to abolish the tax for estates
    of up to 2 million dollars (later 5, 10 or even 100 million), but this was
    not good enough for the Bush administration, they had to abolish a tax that
    mainly affected the already super-rich.<

    Are you nuts? The threshod for ther Estate Tax is $650k, that's hardly
    "super rich". My sister's husband has an aunt whose nearly two hundred year
    old Indiana farm appreciated to nearly $700k. The estate taxes were such
    that it's had to be sold and most of the proceeds broken up into "gifts" to
    keep the government from confiscating roughly 60% of its value in taxes. She
    never made more than $30k a year.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Your wrong again Parker.

    Clearly this shows that CO2 levels were aproximately 195ppm 17,000 years
    ago. Rising to aproximately 265ppm about 9000 years ago.
    You clearly haven't. In a couple minutes of searching I've turned
    up proof from a source you've certified (NOAA), that you are wrong.
    Brent P, Nov 7, 2003
  14. Science tells up CO2 absorbs heat, science tells us the earth is warming,
    science tells us CO2 has increased along with temperature, science tells us
    human activities produce CO2. <

    Yeah, WEIRD, GREEN Science!!!!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
  15. Naa, I just know more science than you. (OK, perhaps not chemistry,
    but I wouldn't bet on that if I were you). Heck, I'm even published.
    Matthew Russotto, Nov 7, 2003
  16. They have a sense of entitlement and moral superiority that aloows them to
    use whatever extreme measures are required to return themselves to their
    proper place in the seat of power. <

    Precisely, these arrogant, elitist people are currently spouting alarmist
    rhetoric about the dangers of "one party rule", but seemed to think it was
    okay back in the mid-late 7-'s under Carter and a Dem Congress. What a bunch
    of hypocrites!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
  17. People are dead because fascists like you herded them into death camps. <

    Lloyd, you've reached a new low! (And, what would you Socialists call your
    pal Joe Stalin's Gulags, Boy Scout Camps?)
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
  18. Since 2001, 12 governorships have gone from republican to democrat, and 12
    the opposite. <

    And you just lost 2 more!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
  19. Lowered the deficit, showed investors we were serious about getting our
    deficit under control. <

    He had NO PLAN to lower the deficiet, he enacted a massive tax increase in
    order to generate funds for more tax & spend bullshit. His deal got
    completely queered when Republicans took control of Congress (the ones who
    do the actual spending) and refused to allow any more spending silliness.
    The resulting surplus was a fluke.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
  20. I've already paid taxes on my salary, so I shouldn't have to pay sales tax
    when I use it to buy something. <

    RIGHT! Hey, Lloyd is catching on!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 7, 2003
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