Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Totally false. I suggest you learn some science.
    The Ancient One, Nov 6, 2003
  2. A complete lie. Better ditch those lying left wing sites and read some facts
    Lloyd. In your words, Prove it.
    The Ancient One, Nov 6, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    CO2 content of the atmosphere been changing for millions years. Did you not
    look at the data you keep harping on?
    Brent P, Nov 6, 2003
  4. You've never learned. period. You lose every argument you start, but you
    keep starting more. Do you like being laughed at Lloyd?
    The Ancient One, Nov 6, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I've learned from science, and it's not science that you preach parker.
    You spout political views and hide behind a PhD in chemistry as if
    that makes your political views correct. You dismiss without discussion
    any scientific data or analysis that challenges your beliefs. That is *NOT*
    Brent P, Nov 6, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    Cute, but zealots have claimed to be on the side of God throughout history.
    The fact is, the political spectrum runs from communism and socialism on the
    left, to fascism and Nazism on the right.

    More like a circle. Imagine a clock face- at noon you have communism.
    Moving clockwise you have liberalism, down around 6:00 you have
    conservatism. Moving toward 9 and then back to 12 you have increasing
    levels of the police state until you finally get to fascism, which in
    terms of the rights of the individual is no different than communism and
    is right back there at 11:59 on the clock dial. One side of the circle
    values the indiviual, the other empowers the goverment albeit in
    different ways.
    Steve, Nov 6, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    Lloyd Parker wrote:

    ead who might be
    No one denies that those things can happen, but not "for each" of the
    previous examples. The documented TRUTH is that in states where
    concealed handguns are legal, the number of those events does not even
    come CLOSE to the number of times when a legally-carried gun stops a crime.

    I suggest remedial reading...
    Steve, Nov 6, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Approximately 11/6/03 06:09, Lloyd Parker uttered for posterity:
    Lloyd has several problems, one of the most egregious being
    with lack of grasp of basic concepts, most of the rest have
    to do with general comprehension issues, including the ones
    concerning intellectual honesty. Essentially you folks are
    wasting your time and bandwidth arguing with a rock that has
    severe learning disabilities compared to normal rocks.
    Lon Stowell, Nov 6, 2003
  9. Humans put out more CO2 than nature by several orders of magnitude. <

    A SCOOP for Lloyd!!!!!!

    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  10. Sorry, Mr. Scientist, but volcanic and other geothermal activity are one of
    the greatest contributors to climatic shifts. The eruption of Krakatoa
    caused global COOLING on a massive scale, the total effect of which lasted
    several years, indeed the first year was referred to in Europe as the "Year
    Without Summer". More recently the eruption of Mt Pinatubo caused almost
    instantaneous weather pattern changes and had an extreme effect on upper
    atmosphere conditions globally.

    Hey, you're supposed to be the scientist around here and you don't know this
    stuff? Hey, REMEDIAL READING FOR YOU!!!!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  11. Not proven. <

    Was proven and confirmed. The resulting squeal you jeard was Joan Claybrook
    and her idiot friends at the Center for Auto Safety making up more lies.
    together cars of different weights, they lumped together model years with
    different safety features, etc. <

    Not true, the NAS had no role in either the original or sunbsequent
    research. These people died because the cars lacked mass. Simple, end of
    argument fact, Lloyd, they're DEAD because they got forced into death traps
    by meddling, know-nothing Socialists.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  12. Without commenting on the aptness of it, traditionally in such a diagram
    6:00 would represent libertarianism (or possibly anarchism.)
    Conservatism (as the term is used today in the US, anyway) would be at
    Marc VanHeyningen, Nov 6, 2003
  13. Well, Lloyd, I'm sure when you've amassed roughly $650k in combined net
    worth (easy to do with either coast's real estate market) your heirs will be
    more than happy to fork over 50% of it to the Socialists to spend on
    patronage jobs for their leftist cronies.

    MILLIONS of normal, everyday folks are worth this much and their heirs
    either have to give it away in terms of $10k gifts, of sell the family
    residence to pay the fucking taxes.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    You'll have to explain what you mean by "balance." The concentration of CO2 has
    never been static. In fact, the long term trend was a reduction in the
    concentration until about 10,000 years ago. CO2 is constantly being more or less
    permanently removed from the atmosphere and tied up in corral reefs, limestone,
    coal, oil, peat, etc., etc., etc. Recently mankind has released some of the
    stored CO2. Maybe we are actually helping to restore the balance. At any rate the
    era of fossil fuel will sooner or later come to an end. It may take another 200
    years or 1000 years, but it will end. On the geologic time scale it will just be
    a blip.

    I don't doubt that an increase in the concentration of CO2 might cause a change
    in the climate. However, climate change will occur whether there is or is not a
    change in the CO2 concentration. The component of climate change attributable to
    human activity may actually be beneficial. It might counter some "natural change"
    (whatever that means) or reinforce the "natural change" or it may be trivial
    compared to the "natural change." The manmade component might be a good thing, a
    bad thing, or an insignificant thing. I object to what I perceive to be a
    hijacking of the issue of global warming by groups who are trying to use it as an
    excuse for promoting their other unrelated goals. I think the potential for harm
    is deliberately overstated. I think the science supporting global warming is not
    subject to the sort of scrutiny that it should be because it is a "popular
    theory" with liberals. I think the new medias trumpets global warming because it
    generates a lot interest. I think a lot of scientist promote global warming
    because they can get money to study it.

    If I am wrong and the worst case scenario happens, the sea level will rise 10
    feet and millions of people will have to move. Fortunately, it won't rise over
    night, so they can move. If you believe in global warming, I suggest you buy land
    in Kansas now. If the global warming people are wrong and nothing dramatic
    happens, millions of people will be spared the pain of having their lives
    rearranged for no reason. If the global warming people are right, rearranging the
    lives of millions of Americans to meet the terms of the Kyoto treaty won't have
    any affect on the end results. We will just continue to move most of our CO2
    generating industries to third world countries, and in the end, NYC will still be
    underwater, and no one will care because everyone will be out of work anyhow.

    To sum it up - even if global warming is true, I believe the cure is worse than
    the disease. And furthermore, I think that even if it is true, the case is being
    dramatically overstated.

    C. E. White, Nov 6, 2003
  15. Not so. My employer won't even give me the money they save by my not
    being married and not needing their subsidy for health insurance for a
    spouse, tuition for children, etc. You're deluding yourself if you think
    employers would give employees the money they'd save if they didn't have to
    pay SS.>

    No, they'd probably invest it in research, or HEAVENS, pay it out to the
    shareholders, you know, all those filthy rich scubags making $40k a year.
    HORRORS!!! The employer MIGHT MAKE A PROFIT, where's Joe Stalin when you
    need him?

    amount, with the second half called "self-employment tax" on the 1040,
    another piece of subterfuge your liberal tax & spend eleceted
    representatives concocted back in the '70's when they wrote this entire scam
    tax code. >
    all out, but it's actually very easy to unravel it using a program like
    Turbo Tax....>>

    Lloyd never comments on stuff he's worried about, ("Sheesh, no wonder I'm
    always broke, Ted Kennedy got all my money!" Lloyd's just ordered Turbo Tax
    and will secretly register as a Republican next year!!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  16. FL law allowed for a candidate to ask for a recount in specific counties.<

    Common sense says people know total bullshit when they smell it!

    to their children. Guess that puts you on the wrong side of the

    Guess thais proves you're not very good at either history, logil or debate,

    did, and the public hasn't forgotten. By the way, Texas has only recently
    become a Republican state. The Democrats have controlled politics there
    since the 1870's, and their latest trick to keep from accepting reality was
    to LEAVE THE STATE! Some representation! >>

    Again Lloyd avoids dealing with the obvious. Face it, the Democrats are
    fading into obscurity, they even lost TWO MORE Governorships this week, and
    will probably lose anpther next week.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  17. I've learned from science; you never have.<<

    Now, now, Lloyd, can't you come up with something more robust than that?
    Back to debating class for YOU!!!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  18. You spout political views and hide behind a PhD in chemistry as if that
    makes your political views correct. You dismiss without discussion any
    scientific data or analysis that challenges your beliefs. That is *NOT*
    science. >

    Ah, but it does make for great sport!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 6, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    But you didn't answer the question:
    How does a tax increase improve the economy?
    Simply saying that an improved economy followed a tax increase proves
    How about it?
    Bill Funk, Nov 6, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    No, Clinton's was higher.
    It's fairly obvious that, since increased taxes hurt an economy,
    Clinton's tax increase hurt the economy.
    To say that the economy wasn't hurt by it defies reality.
    Think how good the economy would have been without the tax increase.

    Is this how you teach? Make false statements, then try to lie your way
    out of it?
    Bill Funk, Nov 6, 2003
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