Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    Well, whatever Lloyd. I asked for your opinion in good faith on a perfectly
    interesting theory and you just don't respond.

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : In article <eCbob.146$>,
    : >Looks like Lloyd replied to every other post except this one. I guess
    : >when he shouts "Learn some science", our educator didn't mean from
    : >Interesting how he is vocal in criticizing other opinions as long as they
    : >don't come from other scientists, and equally has no intention in backing
    : >what he believes himself.
    : Yes, I criticize dithering that doesn't come from science. Consider
    : so criticized.
    : >
    : >Dave Milne, Scotland
    : >'99 TJ 4.0 Sahara
    : >
    : >: >: Lloyd, what's your opinion on the sunspot theory ? This has been a long
    : >and
    : >: boring thread, but if you can give us an intelligent critique on it, I
    : >: one would be genuinely interested.
    : >:
    : >: Dave Milne, Scotland
    : >: '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara
    : >:
    : >: : >: : And now another theory as to possible causation for global warming:
    : >: :
    : >: :
    : >:
    : >:
    : >
    : >
    Dave Milne, Nov 5, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    Bravo! Couldn't have put that better myself. Read and try to open your mind
    just a bit Lloyd maybe you'll learn something.
    FDRanger92, Nov 5, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    I'm not a right-winger Lloyd, I've just got enough common-sense to not
    swallow either line from the far left or far right hook, line, and sinker
    like you so obviously do from the far left.
    FDRanger92, Nov 5, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    Not as many as Democratic. The counties Gore tried to Cherry-pick in Florida
    were Democratic strongholds. Do you think that was an accident?

    I can't fault FMLA, in itself its a good thing. Workplace safety sometimes
    goes to far the way the laws are written. Whether you like it or not Lloyd
    there is such a thing as over regulation. I think abortion is wrong, but its
    not for me or anyone else to legislate it, hence I don't think it should be
    an issue.
    The Brady Bill and assault weapons ban are a joke, if you actually got out
    of that ivory tower you're holed up in you might realize it. If it were up
    to you I could think of three people off the top of my head who might be
    dead at the moment if they didn't have a firearm handy.
    An Atlanta police officer's wife who killed her would be rapist.
    A man who shot a would be carjacker on the northside of Atlanta somewhere in
    a Wal-Fart parking lot.
    A wal-Fart employee in Florida somewhere IIRC who was being stabbed by some
    nutcase who was foiled by an old lady w/ a pistol.
    FDRanger92, Nov 5, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    "Real Scientist" - Ultra-left wing liberal who follows whatever facts that
    support the agenda of the UN, Democratic party, CR, or any other group that
    thinks it knows what's best for everybody else in the world. you

    "False Scientist" - Anyone w/ a different opinion who's facts are to be
    debunked, ignored, and ridiculed as right-wing propaganda whether they are
    or not.
    FDRanger92, Nov 5, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    What about all those greenhouse gasses that the fires have spewed into the
    air? Does that mean that the environmental groups that blocked any thinning
    of the forests are responsible for releasing all that CO2 and contributing
    to global warming. Its certainly put more CO2 into the air than my little
    truck ever will or has in the 11 years I've owned it.
    FDRanger92, Nov 5, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    You forget, it's the source and location of the CO2 that matters in
    the political arguement. Not that it simply takes from a carbon sink
    and releases CO2 to the atmosphere. A forest fire produces good CO2. An
    automobile in the USA produces bad CO2. A factory in China produces good
    CO2. A factory in the USA produces bad CO2. A tractor on a farm in the USA
    produces bad CO2. A coal fired electric plant in china produces good
    CO2. And on and on.

    I'll believe that CO2 is bad when people promoting CO2 limitations
    start being consistant and being against all CO2 production (where carbon
    is moved from sink like a tree or fossil fuel into the atmosphere due
    to human causes), not just the production that doesn't agree with their
    Brent P, Nov 5, 2003
  8. I was thinking the same thing when I went out to get the paper on Sunday
    morning and saw plumes of smoke the size of thunderheads all the way across
    the horizon. There aren't enough SUV's in the world.... NO!.... in history
    to put out the amount of greenhouse gases being released in one day! The
    whole SUV/Greenhouse gases thing is a canard.

    Ironically, one of the reasons SUV's are so popular is the supply of large
    cars with powerful engines were so restricted starting with the1973 CAFE
    David J. Allen, Nov 5, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    1976. and the required MPG level didn't reach critical levels until the
    mid 1980s.
    Brent P, Nov 5, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    The inability to do *all* one wishes to do does not translate into the
    need to do *nothing*.
    Don't be so childish.
    Bill Funk, Nov 5, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    That's what usenet is for.
    Bill Funk, Nov 5, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Would that be by instituting the largest tax increase in our history?
    Explain how increased taxes improve the economy.
    Bill Funk, Nov 5, 2003
  13. Bravo! Couldn't have put that better myself. Read and try to open your
    mind just a bit Lloyd maybe you'll learn something.>

    Indeed, Lloyd will become conservative and green-fable-questioning when 1)
    he works his @$$ off, gets a well-deserved promotion and finds out 55% went
    to taxes, and 2) when the forest around his house is neglecetd by law and
    the resulting inferno burns his house to the ground. He'll then learn he's
    too wealthy to qualify for Federal assistance because he makes more than
    $30k a year.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 5, 2003
  14. Great post, David.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 5, 2003
  15. What about all those greenhouse gasses that the fires have spewed into the
    air? Does that mean that the environmental groups that blocked any thinning
    of the forests are responsible for releasing all that CO2 and contributing
    to global warming. Its certainly put more CO2 into the air than my little
    truck ever will or has in the 11 years I've owned it.>


    Frankly, one volcanic eruption releases more toxic gasses inthe atmosphere
    in an hour than all the man-created activities for the preceding three
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 5, 2003
  16. You forget, it's the source and location of the CO2 that matters in the
    political arguement. Not that it simply takes from a carbon sink and
    releases CO2 to the atmosphere. A forest fire produces good CO2. An
    automobile in the USA produces bad CO2. A factory in China produces good
    CO2. A factory in the USA produces bad CO2. A tractor on a farm in the USA
    And on and on.

    BrentP nails the issue once again!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 5, 2003
  17. The whole SUV/Greenhouse gases thing is a canard. <

    Of course it is, but anyone even suggesting this becomes a
    cars with powerful engines were so restricted starting with the1973 CAFE
    regulations. >

    Absolutely. Back then the left figured that by now they could have forced
    everyone into micro-cars and mass transit.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 5, 2003
    The Ancient One, Nov 5, 2003
  19. 1976. and the required MPG level didn't reach critical levels until the
    mid 1980s. <

    Right, and to achieve this result mfrs had to "downsize" all their cars.
    However this put drivers at much elevated risk of death & serious injury,
    even the Clinton-era NHTSA reported findings that concluded the forced
    downsizing resulted in the unnecessary deaths of nearly 20,000 people. They
    concluded the increases in milage achieved by weight reduction could have
    been easily achieved through powertrain management systems that by the time
    of thewir report, 2000, were already in production. You cn stick the entire
    fiasco on the backs of liberals like Hopward Metzenbaum of Ohio (who gave
    us the 55 mph speed limit... remember THAT fiasco?) and that @$$#01e Joan
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 5, 2003
  20. Maybe we're both wrong.... It was the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of

    David J. Allen, Nov 5, 2003
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