Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. But nobody is actually taxed at that rate from The Government. Especially
    just starting out - even an engineer. <

    You are an idiot! Of course you have to add ALL the taxes together, what,
    the non-Fed taxes isn't money taken away from you? Sheezus, do you :Liberals
    think everyone's stupid!??

    Living in an urban area of this Country a moderate income family will pay
    28-31% Federal, 6.5-8% State, 3 - 7% City, 6.2% FICA amd 1.4% Medicare (and
    that does not include the other 7.5% FICA/Medicare paid by their employer on
    their behalf...that's not a tax on the employer, it's booked income to the
    employee, paid to the government as a TAX, stupid). Then lets add in
    property tax (if you're lucky enough to have anything left with which to pay
    a mortgage) which in the East can run more than the mortgage payment each
    month. Taxes thus run 55% or higher EASILY on a moderate income.

    Wanna have a shock, my bushy-tailed, idealistic young College grad? Plug
    some numbers into Turbo Tax sometimes and see whats going to happen to you
    as your career advances and you get some raises! Easily 50% of every dollar
    you make will be gone to taxes somewhere.

    Where do you think all your liberal lies & schemes fall apart? At the ballot
    box, dummy, after everyone realizes "the rich" the Democrats (and some of
    their Republican buddies) talk about are really the middle class, trying to
    buy a house (or, even save the down payment while they pay $2k a month for a
    little aprtment somewhere), save for their kids college and their own

    Screw You and your liberal smoke & mirror "taxes on the rich" bullshit,
    pal!!! Everyone has seen through this scam.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 3, 2003
  2. What it really gets down to is too many people. Not having enough
    resources to go around will IMO constrain human activity earlier than
    anything else. >

    Bravo! Who'll be the first gallant politician to suggest population control?
    Not a Democrat (for sure!) or Republican, thye need the votes.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 4, 2003
  3. I wasn't aware that morons were confined to one particular political
    party. <

    I stand corrected, Dori! ;-)
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 4, 2003
  4. Just like I said - when you have nothing to say, you right-wingers resort
    to name-calling. <

    Why is it you leftist assholes always think anyone who disagreees with you
    is a "right-winger"? No wonder no one takes you seriously any longer.
    commercial for Rush or Hannity. <

    But, Nader is not part of the Republicrat establishment, is he? Neither was
    Perot, who I voted for the previous two elections.

    By the way, if you can purge your shallow little leftist mind of all the
    Socialist indoctrination you've been fed you'll find that people in the
    middle and on the right often have quite well formed positions on matters
    that the left has managed to dominate, and **** UP, for over 50 years.

    I hate to challenge your little leftist sensibilities, but Bill Clinton was
    not a liberal, he was just a politician wanting more & more power. He was a
    HYPOCRITE of the first order.
    Al Gore lost becuase he couldn't carry his own State, where he got creamed
    because he no longer represented the values of the people who sent him to
    Washington in the first place, and because Nader sucked off the Green vote
    which he'd not convinced.
    this time for sure.
    And that's the problem, isn't it Jonesey, too many people, indeed a MAJORITY
    of us, don't agree with you and your Socialist buddies! (Get used to being
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 4, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Exactly! They need the votes. The greater the population, the greater
    the stress on each individual, (be it from working more to keep the same
    standard of living or struggling to get by) the less they are watched
    and the easier they can keep their power.
    Brent P, Nov 4, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Phil Breau Guest

    That's very funny. Seriously, I laughed. No, I wasn't that crazy. First of
    all my Horizon wasn't worth the gas in the tank. Secondly, I had the weight
    distributed evenly. The car in the link looks like it has over 1000 pounds.

    To the other readers: have a laugh
    Phil Breau, Nov 4, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    rnf2 Guest

    They've already done it, AIDs elimination aid grants to africa are merely

    rnf2, Nov 4, 2003
  8. Notice of course with Lloyd that he continues harping on the one solid
    lie in the mess - that Bush was lying about WMD - and uses the fact that
    Bush lied to make the claim that we should not have gone to war in Iraq.

    And notice how he completely ignores the moral reasons we had to go
    into Iraq, because those are not lies, and thus he cannot argue against
    them. Thus, since they prove that his conclusion - we shouldn't have gone
    to war in Iraq - is wrong, he ignores them.

    This is how Lloyd argues, and it is very tiresome. He finds some verifyable
    facts out there, then builds an entire conclusion based on them and runs
    spouting that his conclusion must be right because it's based on fact. Then
    when someone comes along and points out some other facts that are in
    conflict with his conclusion, he ignores this and just goes back to his
    set of facts.

    Basically he gerrymanders the argument to prove his point. I really don't
    that he knows how to argue against any point that conflicts with his world
    I have never once seen him do so.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 4, 2003
  9. Your mostly correct except that the right also wants control over thought
    and speech, and how people live, etc. That is why they are passing
    laws, anti-flag-buring laws, uniforms in schools, etc.

    Basically what it boils down to is that everyone wants everyone else to
    think the same way that they do. And to tell the truth, in subgroups where
    there are safety valves (ie: Mennonite, Quakers, Mormons) where people
    who don't buy into the subgroup's belief structure can just leave, those
    subgroups are actually very harmonious, within their group.

    So, if your goal is real peace, and real goodwill among most people, just
    get everyone to think, act, talk, walk and dress alike, and use the same
    products, drive the same models of cars, work the same jobs, etc. etc.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 4, 2003
  10. No, that's not why...
    That's the real reason why. Republicans may be stupid but never this
    A vote in the general election for Nader was a vote for George Bush. What
    happened was all the liberals out there talked themselves into believing
    "it's only I that is voting for Nader, everyone else is voting for Gore so
    free to vote my conscience without helping Bush" Then when the results of
    general election came in all the liberal fuckups that voted for Nader
    they outsmarted themselves and realized they had just set the entire
    party back 20 years. That is why nobody is taking them seriously now.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 4, 2003
  11. Of course, consider too that the sexually promiscious lifestyle prevalent
    has greatly encouraged the epidemic. And I am not talking about a mere
    different sex partners over a lifetime being worthy of note, I'm talking
    a society where buying a different prostitute 3-5 times a week is not that

    AIDS is one of those population limiting devices that is about 80%
    20% involuntary. If people don't want to die from it, they can tremendously
    increase their odds against getting it by limiting multiple sex partners.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 4, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    sides, not just "your half") and

    Then let's include the employer's property taxes and utility bills.
    Gee, if you right-wingers include everything anybody pays as YOUR taxes, I bet
    you could get up over 100%!
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 4, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Why not read something a real scientific group says? IPCC, or EPA, or
    National Academy of Sciences? Afraid?
    Arsenic is natural too; want to eat a pound of it?
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 4, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    So "the" government doesn't mean "one" like it logically should?
    Wrong. You're confusing marginal tax rate with effective rate. Your first X
    dollars aren't taxed, your next Y dollars at 15%, etc.

    Again, you're confusing marginal and effective rates.

    Up to a maximum.

    It's no more income to me than sales tax or property tax my employer may pay.

    Let's add in insurance and price of groceries then.
    Most people view paying taxes in return for government sources as something
    necessary. That's why they live in a society and not an anarchy.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 4, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    If you're going to call people names, it hardly behooves you to piss and moan
    when they call you names.

    And gee, wasn't the country doing great under him?
    I doubt many agree with you and your fascist buddies either.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 4, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Bush never gave those as reasons -- it was the threat against us.

    So when are we going to overthrow the saudis? The Chinese? Does your
    morality extend to all nasty regimes?
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 4, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Clinton received more votes than any of his opponents. Bush did not. That's
    the fact, dumbass.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 4, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Nature maintains forests very nicely, as she has done for a very long time.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 4, 2003
  19. Then when someone comes along and points out some other facts that are in
    conflict with his conclusion, he ignores this and just goes back to his
    first set of facts.
    believe that he knows how to argue against any point that conflicts with his
    world view, I have never once seen him do so. <

    He'll therefore make an excellent leftist politician!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 4, 2003
  20. think the same way that they do...... So, if your goal is real peace, and
    real goodwill among most people, just get everyone to think, act, talk, walk
    and dress alike, and use the same products, drive the same models of cars,
    work the same jobs, etc. etc. Nirviana. <

    Now you understand the goals of Socialists, the far right and Osama as
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Nov 4, 2003
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