Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Phil Breau Guest

    Large SUV's are great for bad drivers. It will lessen the likelihood of
    being fatally injured WHEN you get in an accident.
    Read this article
    I used my '89 Horizon as an SUV. True story: I put 4 6x6 16' long timbers on
    the roof racks. Weighed 500 pounds. Racks were rated for 100 pounds max.
    Let's see you do that with your precious Hummer that you bought with the
    inheritance money mommy and daddy left you with.

    Real men don't drive SUV's.
    Phil Breau, Oct 31, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Which lies got us into.

    Like Bush.

    You're an idiot.
    By lying? By running and hiding, like he did when he was in the NG?
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 31, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Yes, I criticize dithering that doesn't come from science. Consider yourself
    so criticized.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 31, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Did God have a big halogen lamp then?
    Which one? The one where man comes first and then animals, or the one where
    the animals are made first and then man last?
    If you don't take this part of the Bible literally, how can you demand people
    take any part of it literally?
    Taking the Bible literally does.
    World-wide, as the Bible says? where did the water drain off to?
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 31, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Provide proof. remember, the UN destroyed weapons after the GW I.

    OK, you had your baby teeth. Prove you lost them, or we must assume you still
    have them.
    Bush claimed there were an imminent threat to us. That means out, ready to
    use, not hidden. Powell showed the UN pictures of where they allegedly were.

    So they weren't ready to be used, an imminent threat to us?

    Where are the WMD? Simple question, the thing we went to war over.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 31, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    You forgot to claim Clinton murdered Vince Foster.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 31, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    The facts are in the IPCC report, the National Academy of Sciences report.
    But you'd have to read to read them, not just cut and paste from your usual
    right-wing web sites.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 31, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    No, you've said they MAY be hidden, they MIGHT have been transferred, PERHAPS
    they're buried. If he had them, an imminent threat, ready to use, where are

    You're assuming he didn't destroy them. Prove it.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 31, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    TJim Guest

    TJim, Oct 31, 2003
  10. Priceless! Notice not only that the death-trap driving idiot overloaded the
    feeble suspension on the tin can Jetta, but he appears to have tried to
    restrain the load with twine! At least when the idiot's entire load gets
    dumped on the highway, those in suvs who hit it will have a chance to
    survive. Frankly, it's morons like this who vote for Democrats and believe
    in greenhouse gasses!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 31, 2003
  11. Lloyd, stop taking all those drugs, it's completely destroying your ability
    to reason.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 31, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jonesy Guest

    Wrong. 1988...
    BWAHAHAHA! I love this particular brand of hypocrisy from
    Wrong. GOP, 1993.
    Another bunch of BS from your typical right-winger.
    Hip deep. Maybe if you stopped listenen to your drug-addled pal on
    the radio, you might have a clue.
    Enlighten us - when did Clark say this? Dean? Kerry? Edwards?

    I guess when you don't have any real argument, you either call names
    or just make shit up.
    Truman? Nope.

    Carter? LOL. Nope.

    Clinton? Only for those folks who want to pin 9/11 on him. Yeah,
    those terrorist-hating GOPers really put the screws to Hezbollah in
    '83. Or to Libya in '86 ('88??) Kuwait '91? Yeah, if those cowards
    would have just done the job right the first time, none of it would
    have happened.
    Yeah, that "New Frontier" and all that man on the moon stuff was just
    a bunch of crap. I getcha. Died under a GOP admin, too.

    But really, the GOP hasn't even had a new idea since Lincoln.
    LOL. Yeah, that GOP sure is altruistic. You right-wingers crack me
    And the Shrub ain't it. Real leaders know that charging into the guns
    isn't leadership unless you can get others to follow. Following one's
    convictions doesn't imply that the convictions are based on fact or
    are in any way moral. Remember that Bin Laden was following his
    convictions, too...
    Any monkey in a Brooks Brothers suit could have done the right thing
    after 9/11. It really was a no-brainer - just the perfect speed for
    this president.

    Jonesy, Oct 31, 2003
  13. Prove you have more intelligence than a dead goose, you csn't do it. The
    facts are there for you to read, do so. Better yet, get your students to
    explain it to you. In a battle of wits, you're not only unarmed, you're
    braidnead and ready for buriel. I've wasted enough time on you, but yes,
    until they are proven destroyed, which even the UN said they had NOT been,.
    (You need to read the news once in awhile Lloyd) then it must be assumed
    they still exist and are an imminent threat to US and World security.
    The Ancient One, Oct 31, 2003
  14. Irrelevant. It was up to Saddam, as per the UN resolution which every nation
    signed, to prove he had indeed destroyed them. He failed to do so, no
    further justification is required.
    The Ancient One, Oct 31, 2003
  15. If God is real, and God created the Universe, then God could have anything
    he desired, including a big Halogen light.
    The Ancient One, Oct 31, 2003
  16. Hmm, didn't know that, tell me more.
    The Ancient One, Oct 31, 2003
  17. You mean the same people who claimed we were heading into an ice age 25
    years ago should now be believed because they cry global warming. Boy Lloyd,
    you're sure gullible, wanna buy a bridge?
    The Ancient One, Oct 31, 2003
  18. Then you should critisize every post you make Lloyd, because you haven't
    used science yet.
    The Ancient One, Oct 31, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    rnf2 Guest

    Already had this pic before, someone posted it in response to my comment I
    actually USE my SUV to haul lumber, cement and other supplies.

    rnf2, Oct 31, 2003
  20. I'll cut to the chase, my well-indoctrinated leftist, I used to be a liberal
    Democrat until the lies & hypocrisy became too much to ignore. I register as
    an independent and in '00 I voted for Nader. Given the crap the Democrats
    are putting up as leaders, I'll vote for Bush this time for sure.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 31, 2003
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