Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Right you are, the hypocrisy is incredible.

    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 30, 2003
  2. You know Lloyd, if they made a list of the one hundred dumbest people on
    earth, you name would be in every spot.
    If I have something in 1990, and I don't get rid of it, then yes, I will
    still have it in 2003. Saddam had them, he never provided any evidence that
    he destroyed them, so yes, he still has them to this day until and unless
    proven, PROVEN, otherwise.
    Where are they? Well hidden, he had twelve years to do so, they may be
    buired in the desert, he may have transfered them to another country, until
    they are found we won't know. The fact that they are unaccounted for makes
    it imperative that we keep looking until we do know where they are, or if he
    in fact did destroy them, and simply hid that fact in an attempt to bluff
    us, which is what Hans Blix is suggesting. A suggestion, I might add, he
    would not have made if he and the inspectors knew they had been destroyed,
    which is what you claimed, thus proving you once again a lying asshole. You
    really should be taking classes instead of teaching them, you have so much
    to learn.

    Not at all. The claim he tried to aquire weapons grade Uranium from Nigeria
    turned out to be a lie, but that does not equate to Saddam seeking to aquire
    Nukes being a lie, that remains to be seen.
    Ther ones he used? Ask the hundreds of thousands of people he killed with
    them. The fact you are questioning this at all proves you a heartless
    bastard who would murder your own family if you thought it would benifit
    you. Your support of a Dictator who murdered for sport is sickening.
    You know where they are you lying bastard. Pull your liberal head out of
    Gores ass and think for yourself, you sound like a parrot.
    And Clinton, and Clintons staff.

    Which Clinton had nothing to do with. The economy was improving when Clinton
    took over. The current recession, however, began thanks to Clinton. The more
    you post, the more people see your ignorance for themselves. Keep it up.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  3. As opposed to your left wing sites heh?
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  4. Nope, still just you Lloyd.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  5. The same Ted Kennedy who murded that girl at Chappaquidik and used his name
    to get off.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  6. We know your here Lloyd, you don't need to introduce yourself every time you
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  7. Lloyd tries hard to never post facts, because then it is harder for him to
    lie his way out of it. Of course when confronted with facts he can't lie his
    way around he simply doesn't respond.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  8. Yep, that's what every post you make is.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  9. Yes, your very proud of your foolish ideas, lets see you actually counter it
    with some facts. You can't do it.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  10. I wish you would learn some science Lloyd, then you wouldn't come in here
    spouting your left wing propaganda you heard from your Sierra Club buddies.
    What peer reviewed Scientific journals do you read Lloyd, and where can I
    read your published articles in peer reviewed journals? Until you answer
    this your still just an individual with nutty ideas that are always proven
    wrong when you post them.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  11. That's all you ever post Lloyd, I'm still waiting to hear what ariticles
    you've had published in peer reviewed journals, and which ones you read for
    your information. Are you really so ashamed of the journals you read that
    you are afraid to post them?
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  12. More like saying if you get cancer you will die from it, ignoring all the
    cancer survivors out there. But you ignore all facts that don't agree with
    what you already believe. You are not a scientist, you are a parrot.
    The Ancient One, Oct 30, 2003
  13. Not man enough to admit you were wrong are you LP.
    That's OK, I knew you were a fraud from your first post. Now all of Usenet
    knows it.
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 31, 2003
  14. I've been waiting since Carter for the Democrats to run a candidate worth
    voting for. Clark looked like a possibility this time but he is quickly
    killing his chances.
    He needs to stop the Bush bashing and start promoting his own ideas, people
    are sick to death of negative campaigns. Odds are looking good at the moment
    for a Bush victory in 2004, but alot can happen in a year.
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 31, 2003
  15. Hehee. I really need to stop reading this thread. Tonight is my last time,
    scouts honor. :) Nice meeting you to BTW.
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 31, 2003
  16. Yes. Read every post I've made LP, I've answered this a dozen times. You're
    the scientist, you tell me. If an item is created, and is not destroyed in
    anyway, does it still exist?
    Your like the little kid who keeps saying "why" everytime it gets an answer,
    no matter how thorough the answer is, until the parent finally has enough
    and states BECAUSE I SAID SO!.
    LP, BECAUSE I SAID SO!!. Now shut up and go to bed, you wish to act like a
    child I'll treat you like one.
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 31, 2003
  17. More like saying if you get cancer you will die from it, ignoring all the
    "Lloyd want a CRACKER? Rawk!"
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 31, 2003
  18. This is the worst crop of candidates the Democrats have yet to put forward.
    Worse, their attacks on the President and national policy coming at a time
    of war, articulated for personal partisan gain, are reprehensible and a
    disgrace to the name of their political party. Never in history have we seen
    a major political party so devoid of vision and so obstructionist in its

    None of them has even a remote chance of beating Bush in '04, but in the
    process of all this they give true aid & comfort to the most despicable of
    enemies. (As a former liberal Democrat and McGovern campaign worker, I
    remind people I know losers when I see 'em.) Clark is nothing but a
    chameleon, running as a Democrat because he can't run as a Republican.

    The sad part is these assholes have nothing to put forward, except "tax the
    rich" (which really means tax anyone making enough to afford a roof over
    their heads) and "cut & run", proving they're nothing but cowards at heart.
    Imagine the total chaos in the middle east if we were to knee-jerk and pull
    out our troops at this time. But, if they gained power in the process, what
    would these selfish idiots care? Every Democrat since FDR has left a major
    world crisis for his successor to clean up.

    The Democrats have not articulated a inspirational, constructive vision
    since Kennedy & Johnson. Indeed, they have not implemented anything truly
    effective (other than confiscating income) since the New Deal. Sad, but
    unavoidable conclusion: they're so bound up in their special interest
    obligations they can't step forward with anything coherent or relevant to
    lead their country. As for Bush, Americans know a real leader when they see
    one. He may have his flaws, but after 9/11 he passed the test with flying
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 31, 2003
  19. Yeah, I'm out, too. Best!

    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 31, 2003
  20. October 30, 2003

    And so will you, as long as you continue to crosspost to sci.environment.

    Please remove sci.environment from your crosspost list.

    It's way out of context to your discussion.

    Thomas Lee Elifritz
    Thomas Lee Elifritz, Oct 31, 2003
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