Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Evolution is a theory, change in living things is a fact.
    Brent P, Oct 29, 2003
  2. Very well stated BrentP, bravo!

    These people are Socialists and crypto-Communists striving to control the
    masses via the old Leninist/Stalinist tactic of "The Big Lie". They'll use
    any fable, concocted theory, etc. for alarmist purposes in an attempt to
    gain political control.

    The bottom line is, CO2 is a non-poisonous, life-sustaining gas. These
    morons first sought control through the CO/NOx scares of the 60's & 70's.
    When industry brought those toxic gasses under control quite easily, they
    had to concoct something like the "global warming" CO2 scare. CO2 emissions
    are virtually impossible to reduce without sending everyone back into the
    caves, or better for the leftists, into government mandated employment,
    housing and transportation schemes. It provides the leftists an excuse for
    wealth, land & property confiscation and is nothing more than a
    "communism-masquerading-as-green" agenda. All these rants are
    paint-by-numbers recitations from the Socialist/Green playbook and the
    sooner we all see through the con job the better we'll all be. (And to think
    I used to be a Liberal Democrat!)

    allows for _control_ of the population, control of economies, central
    control by self appointed elites. It allows them to micro manage everyone's
    life for the good of the planet. Meanwhile they get to continue living the
    way they want. Note how dr. parker screams about putting too much CO2 into
    the air yet drives a mercedes benz. This is rather typical. There'd be alot
    more credibility if drove an insight or a metro.
    developed western nations while allowing 'developing' nations to make all
    the same mistakes that were made in the west. We know better now. If it were
    about the environment the policies would not be structured this way.
    Needless harm to the environment simply would not be allowed. <
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 29, 2003
  3. Plonk
    The Ancient One, Oct 29, 2003
  4. Got it ;-)
    The Ancient One, Oct 29, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I don't know how far it goes so I won't comment on this. But there
    seems to be a favoring of China IMO.
    There is nothing wrong with learning to have controlled and minimized
    all the toxins that shouldn't be released into the atmosphere. When
    it comes to controling toxins I usually don't have a problem with
    environmentalists until they start supporting different standards for
    different people or go well beyond the point of diminishing returns.
    This is really the 'everyone likes clean air and water' view.

    CO2 is different. It's part of the life cycle, and it isn't a toxin.
    Is it worth controling CO2? I don't know. But I do know that CO2 released
    for building widgets to meet US demand in China isn't any better than CO2
    released in USA for building widgets to meet US demand. Environmentalists
    however see this differently and that means politics come first, the
    environment second. It's the only explaination.

    Everytime I bring it up, the true believers divert into talk about the
    chinese cleaning up their open air cookstoves or per capita CO2
    releases per nation, etc etc instead of addressing the point. CO2 is
    CO2. The location of the manufacturing plant is not relevant for the
    global environment. If the environment came first, the CO2 per widget
    and the number of widgets made would be the issue, not where they were

    On another note, often in global warming arguements I will do a 'what
    about the water' arguement. Combustion, ideal combustion produces two
    things. CO2 and H2O. As many molucules of H2O as CO2... actually more as
    hydrocarbon chains have H on both ends too. In anycase water vapor is
    also a 'green house' gas. Sea level rise is also a problem created by
    'global warming', so I ask, what about the water?

    To date, none of these gobal warming true believers has put forth
    any explaination why the water isn't a problem. The best they can
    do is say 'it rains'. So it rains? It could also be more humid
    when not raining, and once it rains the water has to go *someplace*
    See level rise, erosion, change in weather paterns, ice increases, or
    even ice decreases, sality changes, etc etc all could be a result of
    the huge amounts of water being added to the global environment via
    combustion. ;)
    Brent P, Oct 29, 2003
  6. And now another theory as to possible causation for global warming:

    They still can't shake the ingrained notion that man has caused this,
    but they'll come around eventually and likely add new "causes" as well.
    Trouble is, it is very hard to separate causes from correlation,
    especially in areas like this where it is pretty hard to run controlled
    experiments. Simple observation of data can easily lead to such
    confusion. I suspect many other things can be found to correlate with
    global climate changes, but I'll also bet that few of them are causes.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 29, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I am waiting for the journal article. Until then all that will happen
    is an attack on the drugereport as a 'right-wing-corporate-whore'
    source and it will get dismissed. (as if drudge can't just jot down
    the facts as good as someone on the new york times) I'll look
    around the net for it in dec/jan if I remember about it.
    Brent P, Oct 29, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    Lloyd, what's your opinion on the sunspot theory ? This has been a long and
    boring thread, but if you can give us an intelligent critique on it, I for
    one would be genuinely interested.

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : And now another theory as to possible causation for global warming:
    Dave Milne, Oct 29, 2003
  9. A very lucid post, Brent.

    To me the whole Kyoto con job was simply an attempt by the UN and it's
    minions to hobble the wealthier nations and impose an "un-level" commercial
    playing field under the guise of "carbon credits", etc. In reality it gave
    China, India and other so-called "underdeveloped" nations a pass. Much
    ranting comes from the green community that the USA represents 6 percent of
    the global population but consumes 30 percent of the resources. Hmmm....and
    what percent of the worlds goods & services does the USA produce? Oh, right,
    about 30 - 40 percent! Seems a logical and fair trade-off, unless you're
    trying to legally gain an unfair advantage via "Kyoto Fiat" as your ticket
    to imposition of Socialism.

    As for your "what about the water" issue, I've also floated this argument to
    green zealots and get no answer, same as I get no response regarding the
    creation of the Sahara 7-10,000 years ago.

    Ironically, there's a piece in today's USA Today regarding the key research
    green have used since the 80's to promote the CO2 / global warming theory.
    In a nutshell, the green's much-heralded research which concluded that
    global temps had increased at a dramatic, unprecedented rate over the second
    half of the 20th century has been challenged and proven faulty, that in
    reality the climate cycle over that period of time was NOT abnormal.

    The entire greenhouse gas THEORY will remain "bunkum" in my book until some
    conclusive piece of research can withstand all challenges. Melting glaciers?
    Happened before, unprecedented heatwaves? Nope, it's happened before, on &
    on, & on. Just pray these people never gain real political power!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 30, 2003
  10. Moving them does not change ownership, nor does it make them cease to exist.
    In the case of Saddam his chemical and biological weapons are and have
    always been called WMD's, and yes the CIA knew he had them, he has used them
    at least 12 times.
    You just claimed Bush was responsible, now you admit the identity is
    unknown. I leave speculation to others, the truth will be known eventually.
    No one, including Bush, has ever claimed Sadam has or ever had Nukes. The
    claim was that Saddam was trying to aquire them.

    The case is a bit stronger for
    How so, when he has used them several times already?
    What further proof could you possibly require that Saddam has them than the
    fact he has used them repeatedly, both against his own people and Iran?

    It is clearly obvious to anyone with any education
    Your opinion.
    I know of no one who thought it was. WMD were only one of the reasons.

    Lloyd is incapable of coherant thought, much less arqument.

    But there is absolutely no logical, reasonable, or
    I fully agree with you here.

    Your opinion. But if Bush is as bad as you think, how much worse was
    Clinton? In my opinion Clinton was by far the worse President this country
    has ever had, bar none. That is my opinion.
    My opinion of Lloyd is simple, he is a lying hypocrit.
    Why do I say this? If Al Gore had won the election, and had then proceded to
    deal with Iraq exactly the way Bush has done, Lloyd would be singing his
    praises. To Lloyd, as a Liberal he must publicly support any decision made
    by a Liberal, and he must oppose any decision made by a Conservative. Bush
    is wrong simply because he is a Repulican instead of a Democrat. I would
    support the President in Iraq regardless, not because I wanted this war, I
    didn't, but because I do feel it had to be done, and better now than latter.
    You are an intelligent person Ted, I respect your opinion on this, even the
    parts I disagree with you on.
    Lloyd believes himself superior to anyone who isn't a Liberal or a
    scientist, so I can't help but take him down a few pegs. Beyond that I
    really have no interest in discussing Iraq or politics in general, and I
    vote for as many Democrats come election time as I do Republicans, depends
    on who I think is better qualified.
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 30, 2003
  11. Your welcome. I remember it very well myself. I've mentioned it to Lloyd
    before, he always said I was lying, there was no proof any scientist had
    made such a claim.
    This article proves LP wrong again, it names names, even National Academy of
    Sciences and NOAA. And as expected, not a word From Lloyd about it. He must
    really hate being proven wrong on every statement he makes. ;-)
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 30, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    tortrix Guest

    Tell that to the Apollo 13 astronauts.
    What biology course did YOU take? I got two A's in biology.
    I saw NOWHERE that humans breathe CO2.
    Get a clue: even chemical engineering and chemistry departments
    teach us that ANY chemical is toxic enough in high enough doses:
    even O2 for humans and CO2 for deciduous trees.

    <more me-me-me anti-environmental lunacy from a pro-capitalist extremist
    caring only about their freedom to consume and pollute the world
    leaving nothing else for everybody else

    How about the freedom to live in a world with a few trees left,
    some clean air and water, some privacy free of overpopulation,
    and where the quality of life is better than death?
    tortrix, Oct 30, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I remember "global cooling" too. Got that in early grade school in the
    late 1970s. Much like they teach kids "global warming" today. But cites
    on the net were always few and far between due it being well prior to
    Brent P, Oct 30, 2003
  14. CO2 is essential for plant life, so it is a life sustaining gas. Plant life
    is essential to sustain animal life, so CO2 indirectly sustains human life.
    You did not deserve your A's if you cannot see what he meant by his

    CO2 is nowhere near that level, nor will it ever be.
    So anyone you disagree with is an extremist? No one here has suggested nor
    do they want to do as you suggest. What is desired is sensible, sane
    management based on facts, not emotion or political bias.
    We have that now, at least I do. The world is looking much better now than
    it did even a few years ago. Pollution levels are dropping, streams and
    lakes are cleaner, more people every year are working to make Earth a little
    nicer. Change takes time, extreme measures traditionally bring less than
    desirable results. Loosen up a little, you'll live longer and enjoy it more,
    plus you'll accomplish far more good than your present ranting will ever
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 30, 2003
  15. Yep, they cried doom until it started warming up, then switched to global
    warming and started crying doom again. I remember winters here as a kid,
    temperatures normally 0 or below, snow on the ground for 60 days or more
    without melting, just piling up deeper and deeper, always a fight to keep
    the road here open to get to town.
    We don't have weather like that now, but it will return soon, I'll bet on
    that. Just a question of when. I like it better now, temperature around 30
    and snowfall melts off in a few days to a week.
    Douglas A. Shrader, Oct 30, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Someone is playing usenet games. Nobody is talking about "high enough
    doses" in a closed box. In the global environnment he is correct so
    long as one considers that plants are alive. CO2 is needed for life
    on this planet, it is not poisonous in the levels being discussed (in
    the atmosphere). If you think it's poisonous you shouldn't be in the
    same room with yourself. Because you spew it every momement of every
    Then why do developing nations get a pass? Why is the environmental movement
    not *DEMANDING* that the developing world use known methods of
    protecting the environment? Why is the environmental movement supporting
    policies that will relocate factories from the USA and western europe
    where the environment is protected to nations where it is not protected?

    I want a clean world where the environment is protected and not destroyed.
    This is why I try to buy products made in nations with at least a decent
    level of regulation to achieve that goal. However the environmental
    movement doesn't stand for that. They stand for some political and social
    agenda where the USA is considered evil and the standard of living must
    be knocked down several pegs. The environment is being used for an
    excuse and it sickens me.

    And then guess what happens when someone decides to build a wind farm
    near the homes of some rich liberals? They throw a hissy fit.
    Brent P, Oct 30, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    When will you people quit promoting the false idea that Pinto's were
    particualrly prone to fires. They weren't. Ford made the mistake of
    proving this in court and having a jury ignore this and then award a
    huge amount of money to the parents of a teenager that was doing
    something stupid. Ford presented evidence in court that the fuel tanks
    in Pinto were no more likely to rupture ina crash than other
    contemporary cars. The toatl number of people killed in Pinto fires is
    lcomparable to the total number of people killed in Chevette fires,
    although many more Pintos were sold. The only reason people think Pintos
    were unique is becasue Ford made the mistake of taking on scum sucking
    trial lawyers instead of just forking over the cash like GM routinely
    does. I guess Ford learned their lesson and now they do the same thing
    in most cases. Until juries are required to have a minimal level of
    intelligence, this will continue. And guess who utimately pays? It is
    not Ford - it is us, the suckers who let trial lawyer harvest victums to
    feed their greed.


    Ed White
    C. E. White, Oct 30, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    The big problem for ford with the pinto was a known failure mode (the
    long seatbelt hold down bolt) that they didn't correct, but instead
    did a cost calculation on. But true, pintos were no more prone to
    fire than other cars of that size class and era.
    Brent P, Oct 30, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I think I've found the paper mentioned in the article:
    Brent P, Oct 30, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    They could be unrelated events, or maybe, global warming causes an
    increase in CO2.

    I just formulated a brilliant new theory as to the cause of global
    warming. It is the Chicago Cubs. When they win the world series, global
    cooling will start or maybe global cooling will start and the Cubs will
    win the world series. Hard to decide on cause and effect. However, I am
    certain that global warming is responsible for the increase in major
    league baseball home runs. I mean after all, we all know that warmer air
    is thinner and offers less resistance so the baseballs can fly further.
    Or maybe all those baseballs flying further are heating the air and
    causing global warming. Damn, I need a good scientist to study this for
    me. I bet with a computer model I can predict the home run totals for
    the next 50 years based on the increase in CO2 concentration or maybe I
    can predict the rise in global temperatures based on the number of home
    runs. Any volunteers? I bet there is a grant in this somewhere. Bush is
    a baseball fan, maybe he'll set up a special commission to study the
    effects of global warming on baseball. I smell lots of pork just waiting
    to be picked up by a clever scientist and/or politician. Heck, the
    envirowackos can even use this as another reason for outlawing SUVs. The
    case is clear, SUVs are destroying baseball! (and maybe golf too, the
    superheated air is letting those golf balls fly too d&*n far).

    C. E. White, Oct 30, 2003
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