Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Would someone please tell the 6th-grade drop-outs here to stop arguing science
    with scientists? As Pogo said, I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an
    unarmed opponent.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Guest Guest

    AWESOME, then my Duece and a half 6x6 should be darn safe. I just might
    make it my daily driver instead of one of my Jeeps.

    Guest, Oct 27, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Hall Guest

    ALL vehicles are unsafe if driven past the limits of the vehicle and the
    drivers abilities.. young drivers (males especially) seem to consider
    themselves invincible whether they drive an SUV (lifted and 31" BFG's) or a
    Civic (lowered and oversize rims and thin rubber).. moms and dads drive
    minivans.. they have become aware of their own fragility.. they carry kids
    to hockey etc.. they have nothing to prove.. the distance between A and B is
    down to whether they will have to backtrack to pick up stuff that the kids
    have forgotten, and not how fast they can cover the distance.. quit blaming
    the vehicles.. it is the people who sit behind the wheel that make the
    statistics what they are..
    Mike Hall, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    rickety Guest

    Have we met? :)
    rickety, Oct 27, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    rickety Guest

    It can be traced back to the origins of bow and arrow.
    rickety, Oct 27, 2003
  6. I'm still waiting for these CO2 zealots to 1) prove their theories, 2)
    assuming they are correct, propose a single workable solution besides
    getting mom to sell her SUV. The entire theory is a full of holes as their
    proponents heads.

    Funny how the greens ignore studies that show recent warming has a perfect
    correlation to the simultaneous spike in solar activity. Two Danish
    scientists (Friz-Christiansen & Lassen) have proven a direct cause & effect
    between periods of high solar activity and earth temps, going back hundreds
    of years. How arrogant (but typical) of anti-society, socialist green
    zealots to assume the puny effect of man vs. the absolute effect of the sun
    on global climatic norms.

    So, tell me oh green ones, 10,000 years ago, how many primitives driving
    gas-guzzling SUVs did it take to turn the Sahara from a lush oasis into a
    desert? (Oh, I see, you're hoping no one knows about that event, aren't
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 27, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Rick Merrill Guest

    No, only when it is a "diagnosis." :)
    Rick Merrill, Oct 27, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Brent P, Oct 27, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I see you've never paid attention to details and don't know why you
    shouldn't make universal statements.
    Brent P, Oct 27, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    And if you really had an understanding of science you wouldn't take
    corrolation as causation and then declare the causation fact.
    Brent P, Oct 27, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    Better a 6th grade drop out than an elitist know-it-all that blindly follows
    anything that comes out of the DNC, CR, or any UN based org. who replies to
    any differing opinion with "Learn some science.", "idiot", "nazi", "right
    winger", etc.......
    You sound like a broken record after a while Lloyd. Try having an open mind
    it might be a new experiance for you.
    FDRanger92, Oct 27, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave C. Guest

    It certainly appears that way, doesn't it? Doesn't it really hurt your
    pride to be outsmarted by an asshole like Saddam? -Dave
    Dave C., Oct 27, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Nate Nagel Guest

    I never claimed immunity, simply that I feel that I can predict the
    actions of *enough* (i.e. the majority of) drivers that it is of more
    benefit, safety-wise, to base my car purchasing decisions on "active
    safety" attributes like handling, acceleration, braking, etc. rather
    than "passive safety" features like airbags, crumple zones and the
    like. The fact that many people seem to be basing their vehicle
    purchases on passive safety over active safety is a telling commentary
    on how people view driving in the US - i.e. that crashes are
    unavoidable and will happen to everyone eventually. That doesn't seem
    to be too far removed from reality, as I've actually heard many people
    express such views in conversation - far more than I've heard mulling
    over the handling characteristics of potential vehicle purchases.

    Nate Nagel, Oct 27, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Nate Nagel Guest

    True. However, relativity is simply a theory - the best one we have
    at the moment - to describe the observations that we are capable of
    making at this time. By your Llogic, way back thousands of years ago,
    the geocentric model of the universe was a "fact" and then later
    Newtonian mechanics was a collection of "facts." We now know those
    concepts to be false and approximations respectively.

    So what is gravity, the fact? Can you state authoritatively that
    gravity ALWAYS follows the inverse square rule or is there perhaps
    some fine tuning to be done regarding interactions under conditions we
    haven't thought of yet? For crying out loud, we still don't know
    *why* objects with mass attract each other, simply that they appear to
    do so.

    Science is not a collection of facts to be parroted by rote, it is a
    process by which we refine our understanding of how various aspects of
    the Universe work. It's the height of arrogance to proclaim that one
    can authoritatively state that something is the TRVTH especially in
    light of the amazing changes that have come in our understanding of
    almost every scientific field over only the last few centuries. Of
    course, you appear to be no stranger to arrogance, beginning with your
    assertion that you are actually a scientist. At best you are an
    engineer, one who makes use of the discoveries of scientists for
    practical applications, however as an engineer I'd be ashamed to claim
    you in that rank even. Quite simply, at best you are a walking
    encyclopedia - and a rather annoying one, at that.


    ObWeirdness - I appear to be watching a scientist arguing with a
    creationist, and the creationist appears to be the more reasonable of
    the two. When was the last time you saw that happen?

    ObYesIKnow - this is the last you'll hear from me on this topic; it is
    true what they say about arguing with an idiot. I'm bowing out now in
    the interest of preserving what IQ points I have left.
    Nate Nagel, Oct 27, 2003
  15. I asked you first, oh lying one.
    The Ancient One, Oct 27, 2003
  16. Is there a scientist here, because Lloyd sure as hell isn't one.
    The Ancient One, Oct 27, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Brent P, Oct 27, 2003
  18. Hell Lloyd it was even on CNN last night, the story about the ice in the
    Arctic melting, which, as they put it, is caused by warmer temperatures,
    possible because of Global warming, although (their words) The CAUSE of the
    Global warming is still UNKNOWN.
    For someone claiming to be a scientist you sure don't know much science.
    Better learn some before you post here claiming to be one you lying wannabe.
    The Ancient One, Oct 27, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    He will now chastise you for getting information from CNN instead of scientific

    However, keep in mind that Parker believes Road and Track and Consumer Reports
    over SAE papers and articles.... go figure.
    Brent P, Oct 27, 2003
  20. Actually it began around 11,000 years ago, when the last ice age ended.
    The Ancient One, Oct 27, 2003
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