Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. A Scientologist?
    Scott in Aztlan, Oct 26, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Then where did all the ice go?
    It seems that you are denying the presence of pasdt ice ages (and the
    following global warmings).
    Bill Funk, Oct 26, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    The universe?
    Are you saying that it came from parts that were just floating around?
    Doesn't that just beg the question: "where did those parts come from"?
    Bill Funk, Oct 26, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Let's try again:
    Hypothetical question:
    It's a given that you have illegal drugs in your house.
    The police send you a notice that they will search your house, giving
    you the dates and times. They ask you to be there as they search, in
    fact, they ask you to help them by showing them the various places
    within your house.
    Are you stupid enough to let them fund any illegal drugs?
    Bill Funk, Oct 26, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Let's try this yet again:
    Hypothetical question...
    Firget it, you don't get it.
    Bill Funk, Oct 26, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    That's it?
    *THAT'S* your answer?
    That's pretty disingenuous of you.
    Can you not grasp the question? Is your reading comprehension that
    bad? It certainly seems so.
    Bill Funk, Oct 26, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    Show a mini-van that has as much seating space and as much cargo room
    as a Suburban.
    Bill Funk, Oct 26, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Funk Guest

    That *you* don't tow does not mean others don't.
    Be a little more honest, and you'll gain much in the way of being
    Bill Funk, Oct 26, 2003
  9. Only in your mind.

    Any you're both based on your past posts in this group.

    True to form, name calling always occurs once the argument is lost.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 26, 2003
  10. Fallacious logic? Well, you are obviously an authority in this area.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 26, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave C. Guest

    What school did you go to? I don't remember studying the handling
    characteristics of vehicles in school. -Dave
    Dave C., Oct 26, 2003
  12. Bingo, The UN couldn't find them, although it is well documented that they
    existed. That is why they were still looking, that is why we are still
    looking. We haven't found Saddam yet either, but we know he exists as well.
    Or do you think that is also a lie?
    Turn your brain on for a minute Lloyd, I know thinking is painful for you,
    but do try. WHEN they are found, I'll be waiting for you to admit your
    ignorance, IF they are not found, you can bet they will be used someday.
    Again, the fact that Saddam had them is well documented, where they are now
    is a mystery, are you reallty to dumb to understand something as simple as
    that, or is it all an act?
    BTW, yes, I do think you are dumb, you prove it with every post you make.

    Look it up lazy, should take you about ten minutes to find all the proof you
    can handle. It is well documented, and has been reported numerous times.
    Pull your head out of the sand, look up Halejba, he used them there. Sheesh,
    you're not only dumb, you enjoy being ignorant. Saves you the trouble of
    Even you know better than that dumbass. Read what I wrote, IF i had been
    ordered to destroy any drugs, or anything for that matter, I would do so in
    the presence of witnesses the government would accept, such as the UN
    inspectors were in Iraq before Saddam kicked them out in 98. You do know how
    to read don't you Lloyd?
    Saddams habits are well documented, look it up lazy.
    We enforced international law, which Saddam has been violating for twelve
    years. Yes, we invaded a country, and the majority of the Iraqi people are
    glad we did, of course, the Liberal media focuses on the negative, so the
    positive results are seldom reported until you talk to people who are
    actually there. And yes, I have, though a liar like you will never believe
    anyone ever tells the truth.
    LOL, you're a joke Lloyd. The difference between you and me is that although
    I hate the war as much as you do, I know that the price of freedom is always
    paid for with the blood of brave men and women. A warmongering sheep? When
    did you ever see a sheep go to war?
    There is a time for talk and negotiation, there is a time to back it up.
    There is also a time for you to grow up, and now is the time. The real world
    isn't all sugar and spice, sometimes you have to trim a few thorns.
    The Ancient One, Oct 26, 2003
  13. Prove it. Not to me, but to someone who chooses not to believe it. Now you
    know what arguing with you is like, you choose not to believ anything you
    don't already believe. That is why you are Usenets biggest laughing stock.
    The Ancient One, Oct 26, 2003
  14. Or when your chatting with Lloyd, calling him names is fun.
    WHy is it fun? Because it's true! ;-)
    The Ancient One, Oct 26, 2003
  15. a bunch of meaningless BS.

    I see you still won't tell us what peer reviewed journals you read Lloyd,
    nor where you have been published.
    You're no scientist, your a wannabe. Shutup and stop pretending to be
    something you will never be, you are embarrrassing the real scientist with
    your shameful behavior.
    The Ancient One, Oct 26, 2003
  16. Only an idiot would believe the climate we have now is stable. It has never
    remained stable for long, regardless of whether man were here or not the
    climate would still warm for awhile, then cool off again, then warm again,
    just as it always has. Lloyds claim is that the current global warming is
    man made. He ignores all the evidence which contradicts his claim. He is a
    joke, a self delusional wannabe scientist grasping for any fame he can find.
    He is actually prety pathetic, but not so much I won't laugh at his stone
    age beliefs.
    The Ancient One, Oct 26, 2003
  17. I agree. My truck handles great, as long as I don't try to drive it like a
    sports car.
    You must not have had Drivers education then.
    The Ancient One, Oct 26, 2003
  18. For a brief time, then it becomes a waste of time. That is what twit
    filters are for and now Lloyd is in mine so I don't have to seen his
    rantings any longer.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 26, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Vic Klein Guest

    Hey, that simple comparison was to refute the original statement that
    Mercedes and Volvo had better reputations for safety than SUV's. Alas,
    those two models were the only ones I could find to compare with

    Bear Gap, PA
    Vic Klein, Oct 26, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave C. Guest

    What school did you go to? I don't remember studying the handling
    I take it you received "Drivers education" somewhere outside the United
    States then. If someone told me any driver's ed class here in the U.S.
    covered handling characteristics of vehicles, I'd be so shocked I'd probably
    experience instant heart failure. The driver's ed I remember consisted of
    lots of lectures and movies that made you lose your lunch. It was far from
    helpful, and had absolutely NOTHING to do with driving. -Dave
    Dave C., Oct 27, 2003
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