Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. yes. it is linear, because a car's kinetic energy KE = 1/2 * mass *
    velocity^2. mass is a linear term, so proportionally heavier cars are
    the same. speed is a different is exponential, meaning a
    little more speed can do a LOT more damage.

    John T. Waisanen, Oct 18, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Approximately 10/17/03 18:44, John T. Waisanen uttered for posterity:
    So buy a Porsche Cayenne Turbo and get a nimble vehicle that
    weighs over a coupla tons.
    Lon Stowell, Oct 18, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Nate Nagel Guest

    No, just to *predict* what other drivers are going to do and *avoid*
    being collected by them. Works pretty well so far.

    Nate Nagel, Oct 18, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Nate Nagel Guest

    I did... but I know Fagerlin is reading it from RAD because he's been
    posting there semi-regularly.

    I really should have known what with all the x-posted groups that this
    would be yet another "SUVs REALLY REALLY are safe, 'cause the salesman
    told me so!" thread and should have bitten my tongue. Fingers. Whatever.

    Nate Nagel, Oct 18, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    It has to do with far more factors than weight. Design plays a very
    big roll. This is why I'd rather be in a 5000lb car than a 5000 lb truck
    if I were to crash. So there is no real scaling with weight, there are
    too many factors to consider. The one generality that is clear is the
    structures that protect the passengers in cars like the crown victoria,
    the old caprices, etc are where the extra mass ends up, even if it's
    there just to hold the car together and make bigger. In light trucks
    alot of that extra mass goes to things that don't help in a crash. Such
    as suspension arms that can hold up to off road use.
    I would expect fewer deaths if CAFE was abolished and traditionally
    sized cars returned with all the benefits of modern knowledge.
    Brent P, Oct 18, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Meanwhile we are stuck with roads full vehicles that can't be turned
    and accelerate any decent rate at the same time thanks to their CG height
    and others can't see beyond them so traffic lights process fewer vehicles
    and more congestion results, which wastes fuel, yadda yadda yadda. (see
    previous threads with cite)
    Brent P, Oct 18, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Go put some lead blocks in your vehicle and see they make you safer.
    They'll add momentum.
    Brent P, Oct 18, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Nate Nagel Guest

    And what's with the premise that people who don't like seeing SUVs on
    the roads don't like off roading? Personally I'd be HAPPY if I could go
    to a dealership and buy a basic, manual-transmission SUV with a manual
    transfer case, vinyl seats, and hose-clean rubber floormats. I just
    wouldn't drive it to work every day. Until such time as that happens
    I'll just wait until my dad gets sick of the old Scout II rotting in his
    barn and save my ducats for a fiberglass body tub.

    Nate Nagel, Oct 18, 2003
  9. I knew it was going to be another SUVs are not safe because CR told me
    so thread. I'm biting my sandwich.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 18, 2003
  10. Uh, nope. I don't expect to wreck but I bought a very safe vehicle
    just in case.

    Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?
    Your cluelessness apparently knows no bounds.
    So because I drive a very safe SUV, that outhandles and outperforms
    many passenger cars, and you can't seem to grasp that simple concept,
    that makes me an ass?

    I guess I'll have some of what you've been smoking.
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 18, 2003
  11. Whatever.

    My comments have nothing to do with "salesman's claims" and everything
    to do with pure fact.

    Despite that fact that you find my claims incomprehensible.
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 18, 2003

    Key words:

    "so far"

    If you think you can avoid accidents because you think that you can
    predict what other drivers are going to do then you are even more
    hopelessly clueless than your other posts indicate.
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 18, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Nate Nagel Guest

    Many shitty passenger cars, maybe. Good passenger cars, I doubt it.
    Either that, or it's one of those horrible car-based SUVs that are
    supposed to look like SUVs, handle like cars, and don't do either well.

    Nate Nagel, Oct 18, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Nate Nagel Guest

    "hopelessly clueless?" I don't think so. Try "has good situational

    Of course, I wouldn't expect you to understand anything about skill.
    Heck, that guy just pulled right out in front of you with no warning,
    didn't he?

    Nate Nagel, Oct 18, 2003
  15. well.

    Nope. Not car-based. Full ladder frame in fact. Low range, etc.

    Watch your assumptions lest you make yourself look like an even bigger
    idiot than you already have.

    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 18, 2003
  16. SA is a good thing but still doesn't make you immune from the acts of
    others. To claim otherwise is very clueless.
    What kind of idiotic assumption is that?

    How can you possibly assume that I don't "understand anything about
    skill" because I've challenegd your silly assumptions?

    SA doesn't make you immune idiot. Since you apparently think it does,
    hopefully you won't have a rude awakening that causes you any bodily
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 18, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Brent P, Oct 18, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    If I remember right petey has one of those MB ones. I haven't driven
    one, but riding in one doesn't inspire the sort of confindence petey
    boasts about.
    Brent P, Oct 18, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Sean Prinz Guest

    Let me try to help you folks out...My Jeep doesn't have 4 doors....only
    2...and part of the year it has none. My jeep is not an SUV, your SUV is
    not a jeep. PLEASE stop cross posting your trolling drivel to the newsgroup. If we agreed with you we would be
    in a different newsgroup than we are and this debate will never get solved
    on the internet only waste bandwidth.


    Sean Prinz, Oct 18, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    I don't know if you are addressing me, or somebody else, but you replied
    to one of my posts, and left it included, so I'll assume it's me. That's
    the kind of problem that happens when people top post, can't tell exaxctly
    what they are trying to do because they are too damn lazy to trim anything
    or bother with context.

    I don't give a shit what you think your jeep is or how many fing doors
    it has. And while you are at learn what a troll post is. Hint: the post
    you replied wasn't one.

    Continuing on to your next dumbass post, I am reading a different
    newsgroup, I'd love to see alot less SUV and other
    light truck crap in the group. But it's not like it's going to go
    unchallenged when it comes around either.
    Brent P, Oct 18, 2003
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