Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Aardwolf Guest

    Nothing wrong with "old" as long as it's still competitive.

    GM should pinch just about everything. They actually make some of the best,
    most cost-effective products available in their market segments--elsewhere.

    Aardwolf, Oct 23, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Aardwolf Guest

    Models equipped with the performance running gear have been compared pretty
    favorably to BMWs several times, and are about half the price in their domestic
    market. The chassis is a pretty good one; it was further reinforced and revised
    over the original Opel design back when Holden acquired it, and has been further
    upgraded over the years.

    Aardwolf, Oct 23, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Aardwolf Guest

    Not just the SUV owners--pretty much the entire world's fossil-fuel powered
    infrastructure. :-/
    Besides it produces some pretty nasty byproducts itself, when burned.
    Well I'm a little more optimistic regarding the future of hydrogen, what with
    the possibility of distributed generation, and the fact that its not persistent
    in the environment, like natural gas is (hydrogen rises). The Hindenberg didn't
    explode after all--just burned, even after the gas load went. Its problem was
    that it was almost totally combustible--the main contibuting factor to the fire
    was that it used a fabric dope that was made of powdered aluminum (to reflect
    heat) and iron on a nitrocellulose base--i.e. the outer covering was basically
    painted with a mixture of rocket fuel and guncotton! But I digress; Hindenberg
    aside I've never yet heard of any large-scale hydrogen explosion. And it would
    still need _some_ sort of electricity generating infrastructure for production,
    anyway. If centralized it probably could not be made totally renewable at least
    in the beginning.

    Aardwolf, Oct 23, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jack Goff Guest

    Thanks, Brent. That was a breath of fresh air in a really stinky thread.

    Jack Goff, Oct 23, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Aardwolf Guest

    1996 Chevrolet Caprice/Impala SS/Buick Roadmaster/Cadillac Fleetwood. The
    Impala especially was never advertised but GM had orders for more than they
    could build, they still sell for list price if in good shape.

    Dodge for one seems to be betting otherwise. I guess time will tell.

    Only because it's percieved as cool. Deeply tied in with the popular culture of
    the moment, which, for consumer items at least, is largely controlled by
    advertising--whether pitched directly, or through the entertainment media.

    Doubtless the automakers are happy enough about it, they can charge based on
    demand while building off tooling that was paid for twenty years ago.

    Aardwolf, Oct 23, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    dizzy Guest

    Mental midget. Typical right-winger.
    dizzy, Oct 23, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    So wanting room makes you a Luddite? You really only appear stupider every
    time I read one of your posts.

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Oct 23, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    Personally, I think it is his stupidity. My politics overlap with his on
    some issues, and he is one of the people you really don't want on your

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Oct 23, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    CAFE for passenger vehicles should be the same for all passenger vehicle.
    That seems to be a reasonable desire. I'd question why you want varying
    CAFE for passenger vehicles depending on whether the rear seats fold flat.

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Oct 23, 2003
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Marc Guest

    What are the average emissions for 1968 vehicles in good condition compared
    to a 1 yr old 2003 car?

    My guess is that you won't look. If you were to look you wouldn't find it.
    If you found it, you would find that the 1968 vehicles do not put out 100
    times the emissions.

    For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"
    Marc, Oct 23, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    FDRanger92 Guest

    Didn't think of that, I've heard engines run cleaner at certain RPM ranges,
    but it never really got through the brainpan.
    FDRanger92, Oct 23, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    RJ Guest

    But the discussion was about larger vehicles -- like older station
    wagons and (true) full size sedans. None of these are practical for
    more than nominally 5 people and in reality 4 people.
    I grew up in the snowbelt off Lake Erie and have probably logged as much
    time driving a 2wd car in in snow as anybody. Dropping into 4wd makes a
    trip that was a pain into one that's easy. And, at the margin, there
    are plenty of times when it can be the difference between going and not
    going somewhere.
    Given the chronically weak economy of the area, this may not be due to
    their preferences.
    RJ, Oct 23, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    RJ Guest

    I agree.
    Your personal preferences and what will sell cars may be different. I
    think having lots of 4x4 choices that aren't SUVs could shift the sales
    toward more cars. In the case of people who tow things, the 4x4
    guarantees rear wheel drive, which is a towing necessity.
    RJ, Oct 23, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave C. Guest

    You're failing to mention that many drivers in the U.S. have a necessity for
    4X4 or AWD that has nothing to do with towing or even off-road driving. I
    personally think it's a good idea for each family to have at least one
    vehicle with all four wheels driven if they live in an area with REAL
    winters. It doesn't have to be a truck or SUV, except that in the U.S.,
    that would limit your choices to high-end luxury cars or smallish Subarus.
    In other words, for families, you're pretty much stuck with an SUV. Damn
    CAFE to hell. -Dave
    Dave C., Oct 23, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Ain't democracy wonderful!
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 23, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    I remember what happened to the economy too. When that much money gets sucked
    out of the economy and sent overseas, when industries shut down for lack of
    fuel, ...

    With ANWR?

    We let China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc., have their way now. It
    seems to depend on Bush's mood each day.
    Yes it is. Read the scientific literature. Read the National Academy of
    Sciences report. Read the IPCC report.
    No, computer models are only used to try to predict what GW will be like in
    the future. We know from data (CO2 is up, temp. is up) and basic scientific
    principles (CO2 is produced by human activities, CO2 traps heat) what's
    causing GW.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 23, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    No, the why is entirely settled.
    I teach facts and science, not right-wing political propaganda.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 23, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    In 2003?

    Based on US info that we now know was a bunch of lies.

    Again, not in 2003.

    Then where are they?
    So where are those huge quantities? Where is the uranium? Where are those
    drones that could deliver it all here?

    Lies, all a pack of lies.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 23, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    I suggest you read the constitution for is "treason" is.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 23, 2003
  20. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    You can't do it because there are none on your side. It's like someone
    claiming there are facts supporting creationism.
    Lloyd Parker, Oct 23, 2003
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