Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. It seems the solution to a long life is not only not driving much, but
    not getting out of bed :)
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 19, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    You are delusional if you really think that. I think we just met the
    criteria for Godwin's law.
    The proper question to ask is, over the next 2, 20, 30, 40 years how
    much the numbers *would* have increased had we not taken a stand?
    Neither you nor I can answer that with any certainty at this point, and
    we certainly can't afford to sit around doing nothing to wait and find

    I'm glad that your attitude wasn't prevalent in WWII after we were in it
    only 6 months. By the numbers, lots of money had been spent, and deaths
    only increased. So I guess we should have pulled out. I wonder what
    our lives would be like now. Idiot.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 19, 2003
  3. Unless you have the common sense to refrain from attempting the kind of
    sudden turning behavior that can cause one to roll over, at least until
    you have practiced enough with that SUV to know its limits. Most
    rollovers are new SUV owners who assume they can drive it like a car.
    Hogwash: then we'd continue to be as vulnerable to trucks and fixed
    obstacles as small car drivers are now. And speed governors are not a
    solution to anything, but a stupid breaking of the system themselves.

    The safest strategy overall would be to repeal CAFE so that people with
    large families can go back to buying station wagons instead of SUVs.
    John David Galt, Oct 19, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    yes, there are 5 million people in Scotland, 60 million in the UK. However,
    our motorways are amongs the most crowded in Europe, and average mileage is
    about 12K/yr. I'm not against improving road safety, just those who blindly
    attacking SUVs and ignore why people have those SUVs or how many miles they
    do in them ... let's face it, SUVs are an easy target .

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : In article <RpDkb.223$>,
    : says...
    : > those were UK figures, including Scotland.
    : >
    : >
    : I kind of doubted there was sixty million people in Scotland, more like
    : five million. With so few people is it really that crowded? There were
    : around 20,000 road casualties in Scotland last year (sorry I said deaths
    : before, that was incorrect), even with the short distances driven there
    : don't you think better designed roads would cut that 20,000 figure down?
    : Your fortunate in that you don't have many opurtunities there for high
    : speed head on collisions to occur. A quick look at used cars for sale
    : in Scotland shows about 8-10,000 miles per year on them, I drove about
    : that much last month.
    : --
    : ____________________
    : Remove "X" from email address to reply.
    Dave Milne, Oct 19, 2003
  5. When American's stop making this bullshit parallel with Hitler I'll stop
    pointing out that US Imperialism is really starting to show through int
    he current administration.
    That's not he question to ask at all, because in 2, 20, 30, 40 the
    numbers will increase, there is no question.
    Ah the US education system at work, you seem unaware how the US sat at
    the sidelines for TWO YEARS while WWII raged on. I wonder what your
    life would be like now if Canada and England hadn't held out on their
    own for those two years. Idiot indeed.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 19, 2003
  6. Well that's the problem isn't it, these people are more than happy to
    take try and take your 4x4 away in order for them to feel safer on the
    roads, but spend a dime of their tax money on research into something
    that could save thousands of lives like autonomous freeway navigation
    and they'll kick the man responsible out of office.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 20, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    our country spends 20% of road revenue on roads and road development. The
    rest goes into the general goverment unaccountable pot.

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : In article <lCEkb.282$>,
    : says...
    : > yes, there are 5 million people in Scotland, 60 million in the UK.
    : > our motorways are amongs the most crowded in Europe, and average mileage
    : > about 12K/yr. I'm not against improving road safety, just those who
    : > attacking SUVs and ignore why people have those SUVs or how many miles
    : > do in them ... let's face it, SUVs are an easy target .
    : >
    : >
    : > Dave Milne, Scotland
    : > '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara
    : >
    : Well that's the problem isn't it, these people are more than happy to
    : take try and take your 4x4 away in order for them to feel safer on the
    : roads, but spend a dime of their tax money on research into something
    : that could save thousands of lives like autonomous freeway navigation
    : and they'll kick the man responsible out of office.
    : --
    : ____________________
    : Remove "X" from email address to reply.
    Dave Milne, Oct 20, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    not strictly true - they did supply us with ammunitions at a very nice
    interest rate. However, the cold fact does remain that the Japanese did us a
    hell of a favour by attacking Pearl Harbour ...
    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : In article <>, says...
    : >
    : > Chris Phillipo wrote:
    : > >
    : > > In article <>, says...
    : > > ...By the way, the only one I see trying to
    : > > take over numerous other countries like Hitler did, is from Texas.
    : >
    : > You are delusional if you really think that. I think we just met the
    : > criteria for Godwin's law.
    : When American's stop making this bullshit parallel with Hitler I'll stop
    : pointing out that US Imperialism is really starting to show through int
    : he current administration.
    : >
    : > > > One would have to be an idiot to think that the way to fight willful
    : > > > murderers is to do nothing so that you don't antagonize them. The
    : > > > to get rid of murderers is to get rid of them - not let them
    continue to
    : > > > kill at will unencumbered. You don't try to reason with them or
    : > > > negotiate with them.
    : > >
    : > > Show me how the numbers have decreased since the spending has
    : >
    : > The proper question to ask is, over the next 2, 20, 30, 40 years how
    : > much the numbers *would* have increased had we not taken a stand?
    : > Neither you nor I can answer that with any certainty at this point, and
    : > we certainly can't afford to sit around doing nothing to wait and find
    : > out.
    : >
    : That's not he question to ask at all, because in 2, 20, 30, 40 the
    : numbers will increase, there is no question.
    : > I'm glad that your attitude wasn't prevalent in WWII after we were in it
    : > only 6 months. By the numbers, lots of money had been spent, and deaths
    : > only increased. So I guess we should have pulled out. I wonder what
    : > our lives would be like now. Idiot.
    : Ah the US education system at work, you seem unaware how the US sat at
    : the sidelines for TWO YEARS while WWII raged on. I wonder what your
    : life would be like now if Canada and England hadn't held out on their
    : own for those two years. Idiot indeed.
    : --
    : ____________________
    : Remove "X" from email address to reply.
    Dave Milne, Oct 20, 2003
  9. Awoke the sleeping giant up off the couch as it were.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 20, 2003
  10. Never said the benefits of cars didn't outweight the costs, just that
    3,400 deaths is hardly something to classify as insignificant. How many
    deaths each year occur from the other things you mention?

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 20, 2003
  11. And firearms to shoot the ammunition and many other supplies.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 20, 2003
  12. He was making a joke, Matt.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 20, 2003
  13. No, he was attempting to, but failed miserably. I often think we'd be a
    lot better off if we didn't feel compelled to rebuild every country we
    defeat ... and stick to only engaging in wars where we really need to be
    engaged. After Pearl Harbor, we needed to go after Japan, but I'm not
    convinced we should have participated in the wars in Europe, or Vietnam,
    or Korea, etc.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 20, 2003
  14. Well the big one in Europe would have come to you if you didn't go to
    it, but the rest of them were skirmishes in the Cold War and that never
    should have happened in the first place.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 20, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave C. Guest

    You haven't seen the escalade commercial? They didn't animate it to look
    like some kind of tiger from hell for nothing. -Dave
    Dave C., Oct 20, 2003
  16. Certainly doesn't sent any more of a message than the Camry commercial
    with the Camry skidding and spinning along on the freeway ... amazingly
    free of any other traffic. All car commercials are full of hype. Any
    consumer who reads stuff into the commercials isn't terribly bright.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 20, 2003
  17. Brooklyn?

    Nope, I know it outhandles many cars.

    p.s. The bridge still isn't for sale.
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 20, 2003
  18. Nope. In don't drive one of those yet, but I'm not mistaken.

    Go figure.
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 20, 2003
  19. Cluelessness induced laughter? Wow!
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 20, 2003
  20. LOL!
    P e t e F a g e r l i n, Oct 20, 2003
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