Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Ah, yes you did.
    If you believed the globe was warming up you would never say "true or not"
    much less equate it as a religion.

    "global warming" as the general public puts it - and as your putting it
    here - is not only the _observation_ that global temps are on the rise, but
    the _assumption_ that it's man-made.

    "global warming" as the scientists put it is pretty much restricted to the
    observational part.

    You may not believe the assumption that the globe is warming up because of
    things. That I can understand, and so far it is still a somewhat defensible
    position. But your foolish if you don't believe that the globe is getting
    It is. Whether we are causing it or can do anything about it is a different
    kettle of fish.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 5, 2004
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Then you should have no trouble quoting it and pointing to relevant
    post in your favorite usenet archive, so do so.
    I am not a true believer. Others however are, and will defend the *entire*
    religon from temps are going up to it's due to evil american corporations
    to their last breath.
    Depends on which scientific papers one reads. The religon has not surpressed
    all other thought on the matter.
    "global warming" refers to much more than that and you know it. And don't
    forget the mixing of science and religon that we see here on usenet. There
    is a new religon and it masks itself within science.
    Warmer than what? We have maybe 50 years of good *global* data. Maybe a
    century of much of the world. The rest gets pretty spotty and the remaining
    is from proxy data that has to be interpeted correctly. Throw into that
    the proper use of statistics etc, and this warming trend does become
    questionable. However the religon demands that any analysis of the data
    that doesn't agree with the tenet that the globe is getting warmer is
    The leaders of the religon have already decided upon the path to salvation.
    Brent P, Jan 5, 2004
  3. Roughly 1/5/04 02:05, Ted Mittelstaedt's kept beating a dead horse:

    [totally freakingly disinterested groups removed...]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 5, 2004
  4. Roughly 1/5/04 08:53, Brent P's kept beating this dead horse:

    [totally freakingly disinterested groups removed...]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 5, 2004
  5. Roughly 1/5/04 02:05, Ted Mittelstaedt continued beating a dead horse:

    [totally freakingly disinterested groups removed...]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 5, 2004
  6. Roughly 1/5/04 08:53, Brent P beat the dead horse:

    [totally freakingly disinterested groups removed...]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 5, 2004
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Stroyer Guest

    Nope... I mean DEVELOPING countries like China. By actually checking out
    the Kioto treaty verbiage, you might also discover that the treaty had
    absolutely no teeth.... that the price would be paid by the US, but with
    essentially no real effect. These other countries would have to do
    essentially nothing per the treaty, but the US would have to place
    significant restrictions on the already strict emissions standards,
    resulting in huge costs and essentially no positive benefit.
    Hmmm.... so the 1 or 2 degrees of additional temperature (based on an
    arbitrary "baseline" that fits the argument) would then result in snow falls
    in the range of 30% or more over average? Interesting. When I was studying
    for my physics degree, I don't recall the evaporation rates rising at
    exponential rates with respect to the temperature. For that matter, it
    would only make sense that there must have been a major global cooling trend
    in the 30s that caused the dust bowl, eh?

    The real problem is that there is a significant difference between CLIMATE
    and WEATHER. The measured temperatures in a specific area, whether that be
    a small area, or even the entire plant, over a small number of years
    (a.k.a., less that a few hundred) can't substantiate a scientifically-based
    conclusion that there is a CLIMATE change. Have average temperatures been
    on the rise the last few years? yes..... have we yet caught up with the
    average temperatures from around 50 years ago? ... NO!... Sounds like Global
    cooling to me... (if we're going to define it that way). The average
    temperatures started down in the late 50s, then started an upward trend in
    the 70s.... the "warming" we've experienced is the upward cycling nature of
    the climate. It will likely reverse in nature in the next 10 years, and
    some liberal will take credit for it.... like inventing the internet.

    OH, I understand how snow is made. Made some myself a couple of weekends

    One thing we DON'T want to do is confuse those few "scientists" out there
    that are looking for the next buck, regardless of how the data has to be
    skewed, or how a statistically insignificant quantity of data can suddenly
    become "conclusive" to meet the political agenda of their clients with the
    real scientists that live by a code of professional ethics.

    Bottom line..... I'm not a meteorologist. I'm a physicist. However, in my
    work in atmospheric transport / dispersion over the past 15 years, I have
    learned one thing with almost painful clarity. If you can make such a broad
    statement such as claiming major climate changes based on single parameter
    measurements over a statistically insignificant amount of time, then why
    can't the Whether Channel or the Clinton News Network tell me if it's REALLY
    going to rain tomorrow? Or maybe what time it will rain? Anybody that can
    claim to perform such a miracle isn't a scientist.....

    2000 Cherokee Classic
    Stroyer, Jan 6, 2004
  8. Roughly 1/5/04 18:36, Stroyer continued mutilation of the dead horse.

    [Totally disinterested groups trimmed...]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 6, 2004
  9. Stroyer:

    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 6, 2004
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bobby Koch Guest

    x-no-archive: yes

    What is your point?
    Bobby Koch, Jan 6, 2004
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bobby Koch Guest

    x-no-archive: yes

    That's nice, Lon.
    Bobby Koch, Jan 6, 2004
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bobby Koch Guest

    x-no-archive: yes

    Bobby Koch, Jan 6, 2004
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bobby Koch Guest

    x-no-archive: yes

    Except to you of course.
    Bobby Koch, Jan 6, 2004
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bobby Koch Guest

    x-no-archive: yes

    Fixed. Just for you.
    Bobby Koch, Jan 6, 2004
  15. We wouldn't want to stop the US buying pollution credits from developing
    countries now would we.
    As sure as I am that there was a rain forest in my back yard where there
    is snow now, I'm sure there will be again some day.
    Chris Phillipo, Jan 6, 2004
  16. I think the kiddie thinks he is sending out forged cancellation posts. But
    for him his news admin isn't forwarding them. He probably thinks he's
    clever as if no one else ever thought of doing this, to the rest of us he
    looks like
    a moron.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 6, 2004
    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 6, 2004
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Brent P, Jan 6, 2004
  19. Roughly 1/6/04 01:42, Ted Mittelstaedt's monkeys randomly typed:

    No, unlike rachet jawed assholes like you that keep this off topic
    thread going, I know what a cancel post is and is not, as well as
    the concept of topicality.

    Now have a nice day and may the foo bird shine your head with
    good luck for the century.
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 6, 2004
  20. Under the illusion anyone cares, Ted Mittelstaedt spews more BS:
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 6, 2004
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