Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Not really. What it means to me is that some rights are more
    important than others and some are necessary to have a truly free
    society. It doesn't mean that they are granted by some outside source
    any more than the foundation of your house was built by a different
    group of people than built the rest of your house.
    In a society any right is like that. You don't have it unless you (or
    someone else) has actively sought it.
    I understand that.
    No, I respect the Constitution and think it's a great piece of work.
    In it they appeal to a higher authority than the government to explain
    why the government can't take those rights away. Essentially all it
    is though is a contract limiting the abilities of the government.
    Brandon Sommerville
    remove ".gov" to e-mail

    Definition of "Lottery":
    Millions of stupid people contributing
    to make one stupid person look smart.
    Brandon Sommerville, Dec 15, 2003
  2. Some ceremonies don't have "'til death do us part" any more.
    Acknowledgement of reality if nothing else.
    Matthew Russotto, Dec 15, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Roughly 12/15/03 07:33, Matthew Russotto's monkeys randomly typed:

    "'til death do us part"

    ... hey, if that's what it takes to get you ratchet jawed
    mouth breathers to knock off the off-topic crossposting...
    Lon Stowell, Dec 15, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Roughly 12/14/03 20:02, Bill Putney's monkeys randomly typed:
    Ratchet jawed off topic crossposting is never purely a
    personal problem.
    Lon Stowell, Dec 15, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Roughly 12/15/03 06:42, Brandon Sommerville's jaws flapped uselessly:
    Lon Stowell, Dec 15, 2003
  6. Yeah, you're really motivating me to stop. Dale Carnegie you ain't.
    As for death -- when that vein in your forehead goes, it's going to be
    Matthew Russotto, Dec 15, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Stroyer Guest

    Hey guys, I think we're missing the overal point, if we're talking Global
    Warming. As far as environmental controls go, you guys are correct in that
    we can't implement world environmental policy when the bigger developing
    countries like China refuse to play. Continuing to work with these guys to
    resolve this policy is a good thing.... but:

    The focus is all hosed. Just like I learned in college physics.... you can
    "prove" anything you want with statistics, if you massage the data
    appropriately. If you blindly look ONLY at the meteorological data over the
    last 30 years, we seem to have a global warming problem, and the liberal
    wackos in the media are really playing that up. HOWEVER, if you look back
    further.... say back to the beginning .... when we first started really
    collecting met data.... you'll find that, even over the short period of 100
    years, we've seen a period of global COOLING.... and now we're in the upside
    of the cycle. Climate changes are cyclic, and I've never seen the scare
    tactics in the history books about the cooling side of the cycle....
    hmmmm... guess there was no political advantage to it! Furthermore, climate
    changes take HUNDREDS of years, not 10 or 20 or 30.... The scare about
    global warming is simply unfounded...

    Remember the panic about the "growing" hole in the ozone layer? It's like
    somebody in the media realized there was a hole, and then created a panic,
    because they arbitrarily decided it was growing when, in fact, it was
    SHRINKING.... and it's HAS been shrinking since the 50's.... Hmmm....
    haven't heard about that one lately have we?

    I'm a snow skier.... and I don't quite understand why, if the climate is
    warming at such an alarming rate, why Mount Baker got their all-time record
    of 1100 inches of snow in '98, well into the "warming period" and why we've
    seen so many epic snow years in the Rockies AND out east.... Targhee in
    Wyoming has received over 200 inches so far this year.... shouldn't these
    things happen during global "cooling" and not global "warming"? For some
    reason, I don't see any reason to worry about Northern Alabama becoming the
    next Mojave Desert soon....

    But really don't have a strong opinion on this....



    2000 Cherokee Classic
    Stroyer, Jan 3, 2004
  8. Roughly 1/3/04 09:01, Stroyer's monkeys randomly typed:

    Yeah, mainly that this off-topic post is crossposted all over
    the darn internet, and every now and then yet another
    microcephaloid big mouth insists on adding yet more BS.
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 3, 2004
  9. Roughly 1/3/04 09:01, Stroyer's mouth uttered more BS:
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 3, 2004
  10. Dianelos Georgoudis

    rnf2 Guest

    You mean Developed countries like America? They decided to ratiy the treaty
    then Bush said no...
    So much dfor democracy, thats a dictatorship.
    Extra heat means more evaporation leading to more water in the air than upon
    hitting cold areas precipate out as heavier than normal rain or snow.

    For some

    1988 Isuzu Bighorn, (Trooper in the states)
    rnf2, Jan 3, 2004
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    So why didn't the US approve the kyoto treaty durring 8 years of the
    rule of Bill Clinton? The answer is easy, the kyoto treaty does nothing
    to reduce CO2 emissions. It only relocates them to other parts of the
    world. This alone exposes it for what it is, a political and social
    agenda, not for protecting the environment. If it were about protecting
    the environment various manufacturing processes would have a set maximium
    level of CO2 released regardless of where in the world the manufacturing
    plant was located. Also, by encouraging yet more manufacturing to go to
    nations with little in the way of environmental protections the treaty
    would only bring about more environmental damage, not less. See the
    rest of this thread as it has all be covered already.
    That's the beauty of the global warming theory, no matter what happens
    it proves global warming theory. Colder, wetter, hotter, drier, doesn't
    matter it's all covered.
    Brent P, Jan 3, 2004
  12. Roughly 1/3/04 12:47, rnf2's monkeys randomly typed:

    ....nothing of interest.
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 4, 2004
  13. Roughly 1/3/04 13:11, Brent P's demonstrated his coprolallia:
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 4, 2004
  14. Demonstrating coprolallia at 1/3/04 12:47, rnf2's randomly typed:

    [nothing of interest]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 4, 2004
  15. Roughly 1/3/04 13:11, Brent P's monkeys randomly typed:

    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 4, 2004
  16. Well, exactly. The fundamental part of the global warming theory is that
    global warming is causing weather change. Thus, the weather change would
    logically be either or any of colder, wetter, hotter, drier, etc.

    However, weather change in and of itself, does not prove that global warming
    is happening and is causing weather change. While the general public - like
    - seems to have made this cyclical connection the scientists prove that the
    globe is warming by the act of actually measuring it's temperature change
    a thermometor over time. They also prove (or attempt to prove) that weather
    change is happening by actually measuring that over time too.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 4, 2004
  17. Roughly 1/4/04 04:28, Ted Mittelstaedt's monkeys randomly typed:

    [groups that really really don't give a flying flip trimmed off]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 4, 2004
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    And thusly for politics it works wonderfully. Scare the people into
    adopting a political agenda they otherwise wouldn't stand for by blaming
    every big snow storm or other big weather event on it.
    Don't put words into my mouth, I gave no indication of anything of the
    sort. Global warming, true or not, is part of the new religion that
    stifles real science as much as the catholic church did centuries ago.
    Instead of torture and imprisonment the means are ridicule and wrecked
    careers, but the point is the same. Don't question the belief system.

    Weather by definition changes. By itself it is not an indicator of
    anything as the global warming true believers are so apt to point
    out every time there is a spell of brutal winter cold. (of course that is
    forgoten with every summer heat wave when anyone who suffers is
    delcared a victim of global warming and the evil corporations)

    Global warming has become a nebulus thing that cannot be shown faulty
    because it morphs over time to fit what is happening like the "Centuries"
    as written by Nostradomus. (wrong when read before the event, correct when
    read after the event) The whole earth could become frozen over and the
    posts in sci.environment would be saying it was the result of CO2
    Brent P, Jan 4, 2004
  19. Roughly 1/4/04 13:08, Brent P's monkeys randomly typed:

    [totally freakin disinterested groups removed...]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 4, 2004
  20. Roughly 1/4/04 13:08, Brent P's monkeys randomly typed:

    [totally freaking uninterested groups removed...]
    L0nD0t.$t0we11, Jan 4, 2004
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