Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    Good news Mike - You have moved into second palce in my cross posting count with 42
    crossposts to this newsgroup ( on my newserver. Unfortunately you are
    still over 60 cross posts behind Lloyd. but keep trying, you'll get there!

    C. E. White, Dec 5, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    Sure, I can live with that.

    C. E. White, Dec 5, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    C. E. White Guest

    Lesbian couples can even have children. I still don' think this makes a same sex
    union a marriage in the traditional legal sense.

    C. E. White, Dec 5, 2003
  4. Didn't Chrysler do the same thing?
    Brandon Sommerville
    remove ".gov" to e-mail

    Definition of "Lottery":
    Millions of stupid people contributing
    to make one stupid person look smart.
    Brandon Sommerville, Dec 5, 2003
  5. You keep mentioning this point. Why is this a problem?
    So gay families with either adopted kids or kids from prior
    relationships don't count?
    Brandon Sommerville
    remove ".gov" to e-mail

    Definition of "Lottery":
    Millions of stupid people contributing
    to make one stupid person look smart.
    Brandon Sommerville, Dec 5, 2003
  6. Because in my direction, it removes a denial of equal treatment under the
    law that is currently applied to one specific group of people, WITHOUT
    affecting or taking away from those who are currently not denied. In your
    direction, it codifies the denial towards the specific group, for no
    articulable reason more concrete than your alleged discomfort.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 5, 2003
  7. I did try to point out that this wasn't the issue. The fact that people
    contribute to society by their good will and good works isn't what we're
    talking about.
    There's no doubt about that. But the existence of people like that doesn't
    mean the institution is dead or meaningless. There's plenty of people out
    there who don't fit that description.
    Individually? No. Heck I don't even know who's legally married or not on my
    street. For all I know the little old lady down the street with all her
    cats... oh never mind. But it DOES matter how we as a society in general
    regard marriage and family and how we treat the institution. Redefining
    marriage to fit the gay activist agenda opens a door to others similarly
    agendized. After all, would "civil rights" apply only to traditional
    straights and traditional gays?
    David J. Allen, Dec 5, 2003
  8. No. For the same reasons as argued before. Those cases don't change what
    marriage is. Gay marriage does.
    David J. Allen, Dec 5, 2003
  9. You're in true form Lloyd. Do you shoplift?
    David J. Allen, Dec 5, 2003
  10. That's the only option for this argument...unless you're being
    disingenuous about it.
    Gracious, how magnanimous and progressive of you.
    The rights and responsibilities of marriage are codified, granted and
    enforced by society. That, by definition, makes them civil rights and
    civil responsibilities. Some people believe there are additional rights
    and responsibilities codified, granted and enforced by their god; these
    are separate from the civil rights and civil responsibilities.
    ....except for childless couples, who are just an exception to the rule and
    therefore don't really change the principle UNLESS they happen to be
    childless GAY couples, in which case they're a dealbreaker.

    Here's a nice 1/2" wrench to throw into the works: Gay couples WITH
    You've just defined "civil rights".
    Not all civil rights flow from the Constitution. And of those that do, not
    all of them are individually enumerated in the Constitution.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 5, 2003
  11. Sounds like the result of a health care system run on a for profit
    Brandon Sommerville
    remove ".gov" to e-mail

    Definition of "Lottery":
    Millions of stupid people contributing
    to make one stupid person look smart.
    Brandon Sommerville, Dec 5, 2003
  12. Well, let's see. What are Coretta Scott King's qualifications as an
    authority on the civil rights struggle for blacks? Her credentials, her
    track record and experience and that of her late husband.

    What are Clarence Thomas' qualifications? The color of his skin...?

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 5, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    z Guest

    Better now. Only doctors doing 'Partial Birth Abortions', whatever
    those may be, get fines, jail time & loss of license. Much better.
    z, Dec 5, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    I am not a psychic so I don't know which group all the cross posts are
    coming from.

    Mike Romain, Dec 5, 2003
  15. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    I define abuse as posting off topic bull shit to a newsgroup that has a

    No netcop here, I haven't reported anyone to their abuse department yet.

    If you read your terms of service with your ISP, you will find that
    constantly posting off topic crap to a newsgroup with a charter is
    breaking your TOS agreement.

    That is abuse.

    Mike Romain, Dec 5, 2003
  16. Same here.

    Now Lloyd, CEW and I have agreed on something, so I need to grab up some
    canned food and bottled water and head into the fallout shelter. End times
    are doubtless nigh.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 5, 2003
  17. By giving it's benefits civil rights status.
    No, the search for "rights" to benefits is strictly a left wing thing. The
    further left you go the more anti-capitalist.
    Depends on what you mean by "normalize". By redefining our social
    institutions to abstract out any notion of sexual preference? That kind of
    normalization is not good. Normalizing the application of true civil rights
    and protection under the law is good.

    Liberals have a hard time unloading certain terms, i.e., "discrimination"
    and now "normal". These words don't carry notions of good and bad by
    themselves. "Normalizing" something is not by nature good or bad.

    You engineers out there will understand this. I'm doubtful about chemists
    David J. Allen, Dec 5, 2003
  18. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    Typical liberal hyperbole.

    The problem is removal of CHOICE from the individual. You don't have to
    be elite to get great healthcare in the US. And in a health crisis, you
    have the ability to draw on savings or give up other purchases IF
    getting immediate top-quality care is a priority for you as an
    individual. Or you can wait longer or opt for lower levels of treatment
    if its not a priority for you.
    Steve, Dec 5, 2003
  19. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Steve Guest

    And no doubt exercises scientific method AT LEAST as well as you do.
    Steve, Dec 5, 2003
  20. Where are you getting this? I've noticed no such absence of individual
    choice here in Canada. I picked my own General Practitioner based on
    recommendations from friends and my own research. Picked my own dentist
    the same way. When I got hit with a kidney stone, I picked the hospital to
    go to (made a bad choice that day, the ER had a heavy load when I happened
    to come in -- but it was MY choice). I picked the doctor to operate and
    remove the kidney stone. Where is this alleged removal of CHOICE from the
    individual in Canada you keep going on about from clear down in Texas?
    You have to be able to afford health insurance. Many Americans can't.
    Same here in Canada.
    Same here in Canada.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 5, 2003
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