Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Your ignorance is mind boggling. Or maybe your sense of humour is just
    to high brow for the rest of us.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 19, 2003
  2. That's one man's opinion. Seems to me that the more measures that are
    taken against terrorists, the more they attack. Case in point: Israel.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 19, 2003
  3. We already know this works in Europe, and you'll still have a handful of
    wealthy people driving extra large SUVs so you won't go wanting for
    something to whine about.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 19, 2003
  4. There is a reason you can't double the price of gas overnight, the US
    economy would crash and take many others with it. So I wouldn't worry
    about these enviro terrorists destroying the country just yet, the
    government is probably coming to get them in a black Chevy Suburban
    right now.
    Chris Phillipo, Oct 19, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    There has to be a balance in all this. You can micromanage all costs so
    that no-one has one penny advantage over anyone else, but eventually,
    and very quickly, you reach the point of diminishing returns.

    By that I mean that the mechanisms and government beaurocracies... uh,
    beurocracies... uh bu**sh** that have to be set up to manage and
    micromanage everything is a net loss to society, government grows
    bigger, and the average citizen becomes resentful of the overhead costs
    (taxes) and intrusive visibilty by those administering all the crap into
    their lives (kind of like Europe).

    I think we've already surpassed that point in many areas (and it's only
    going to get worse). There's something to be said for letting the costs
    inherent in any given decision or path take care of themselves. Yeah -
    maybe it's not 100% fair, but is it fair to drag the whole of society
    down with all the costs and intrusion (i.e., fair to the point of
    bringing everyone down to the same level of intense misery)?

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 19, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    Food is taxed in some states.
    Brent P, Oct 19, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Brent P Guest

    A good roll cage will run along the floor as well as up and over
    the driver. I don't think it's uncommon to also bolt the seat
    to the roll cage, but I may be mistaken. In any case, the cage puts
    a structure of tublar steel around the driver that is stronger than
    anything one would find in any mass-produced production vehicle.
    Brent P, Oct 19, 2003
  8. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Nah - the liberals would *never* allow that. Can't you hear their
    reasoning now: "By keeping an incompetent driver off the road, you would
    in effect be punishing his/her innocent children. Therefore it would be
    better to let the incompetent parents continue to drive without
    restriction. A few more people might be killed as a result, but at
    least the innocent children would not be punished."

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 19, 2003
  9. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    Repeating what I put in another post, the liberals would *never* allow
    that. Can't you hear their reasoning now: "By keeping an incompetent
    driver off the road, you would in effect be punishing his/her innocent
    children. Therefore it would be better to let the incompetent parents
    continue to drive without restriction. A few more people might be
    killed as a result, but at least the innocent children would not be

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 19, 2003
  10. And yet, people buy those 30+ mpg fleas, thinking they are good enough to
    avoid all those big, bad SUVs. The junk yards are full of such cars. >

    And the hospitals and graveyards are filled with their drivers.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 19, 2003
  11. SUVs get 8mpg. Ya that's a good generalization. Keep'em coming.
    My '01 V8 Grand Cherokee get's 23+. They sell pretty well, don't you think?
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 19, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    you get my point though.

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : In article <%7ykb.2560$>, Dave Milne
    : > Let's tax fat people because they consume too much food which is
    : > in large trucks which drive up pollution ... Had it occured to you that
    : > Billy Bob needs that truck to supply a service to you ?
    : Food is taxed in some states.
    Dave Milne, Oct 19, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Dave Milne Guest

    I've never understood the US attitude towards children - they seem to be
    sacred until they get to 18, when the electric chair beckons :)

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : Dave Milne wrote:
    : >
    : > I'd rather incompetents were banned full stop.
    : Repeating what I put in another post, the liberals would *never* allow
    : that. Can't you hear their reasoning now: "By keeping an incompetent
    : driver off the road, you would in effect be punishing his/her innocent
    : children. Therefore it would be better to let the incompetent parents
    : continue to drive without restriction. A few more people might be
    : killed as a result, but at least the innocent children would not be
    : punished."
    : Bill Putney
    : (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    : address with "x")
    Dave Milne, Oct 19, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Bill Putney Guest

    As is yours - mine is no less valid.
    Opposite side case in point: U.S today. Another opposite side case in
    point: Hitler.

    One would have to be an idiot to think that the way to fight willful
    murderers is to do nothing so that you don't antagonize them. The way
    to get rid of murderers is to get rid of them - not let them continue to
    kill at will unencumbered. You don't try to reason with them or
    negotiate with them.

    It seems ridiculous to have to state the obvious, but I guess with some
    people, it's necessary.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 19, 2003
  15. Yep, and I own two minivans and a pickup, but not for reasons of safety.
    I also ride a motorcycle when weather permits and they typically don't
    fair nearly as well safety-wise, but are great from a fuel mileage

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 19, 2003
  16. Another consideration is that these are averages across a class of
    vehicles and I'll bet a steak dinner that the ranges within a given
    class are quite large and likely much larger than the differences
    between the classes. What really matters is YOUR vehicle, not a class
    average in any event.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 19, 2003
  17. Not even close. I don't even think the Hummer gets mileage that low.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 19, 2003
  18. Not that simple. Nothing is utterly fair. Taxing gas is unfair to
    people who live in rural areas and need to drive longer distances on
    average. Just like subsidizing urban mass transit with general tax
    revenues is unfair to rural people who don't need such systems. No tax
    scheme is ever completely fair, that is just life.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 19, 2003
  19. Not if the polution standards are based on grams per mile, which I
    believe they are. The tailpipe sniffer doesn't care how much gas you
    put in, only how much pollution per mile you put out. These are
    independent issues.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 19, 2003
  20. Very few crashes, at least in the US, are related to the handling
    capabilities of the vehicle. They are more often related to the driver
    being drunk, asleep, going to fast for conditions, etc. I'd ve very
    surprised if changing the weight of vehicles had any measureable safety

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 19, 2003
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