Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dianelos Georgoudis, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

    Mike Romain, Dec 4, 2003
  2. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    You are wrong!

    Some newsgroups actually do have a charter and you cross posting bull
    shit on them is not accepted.

    ISP's these days do frown on usenet abuse, including supernews.

    Complaints can be sent to

    Mike Romain, Dec 4, 2003
  3. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

    Mike Romain, Dec 4, 2003
  4. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jeepers Guest

    give it a rest
    Jeepers, Dec 4, 2003
  5. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jeepers Guest

    Who cares
    Jeepers, Dec 4, 2003
  6. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jeepers Guest

    enough already
    Jeepers, Dec 4, 2003
  7. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jeepers Guest

    As if.
    Jeepers, Dec 4, 2003
  8. You're hopeless Lloyd. Rights reserved to the states and to the people can
    be decided upon by the states and the people. No interpretation of the US
    constitution is required for those to be decided upon.
    There you go again. You just can't accept pro/con argument based on
    No, sodomy was not part of my comment above. It was all about adultery.

    I don't know. I imagine local governments were anxious that their cities
    and towns not become a gathering place for gays.

    I see you didn't respond to the following arguments.
    David J. Allen, Dec 4, 2003
  9. There you go... religious convictions = feeling icky
    David J. Allen, Dec 4, 2003
  10. Why not just outlaw marriage. That'll make it the same and fair for
    David J. Allen, Dec 4, 2003
  11. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jeepers Guest

    You would know.
    Jeepers, Dec 4, 2003
  12. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jeepers Guest

    Jeepers, Dec 4, 2003
  13. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

    Mike Romain, Dec 4, 2003
  14. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

    Mike Romain, Dec 4, 2003
  15. Does it hurt?

    David J. Allen, Dec 4, 2003
  16. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Mike Romain Guest

    It will only hurt you if everyone forwards your abusive posts to

    Mike Romain, Dec 4, 2003
  17. Dianelos Georgoudis

    Jeepers Guest

    Jeepers, Dec 4, 2003
  18. ....and for a great many people, unavoidable.
    Perhaps that's the happy case where you live. It is far from universally
    so, however. The fact remains there are a great many people in America who
    do not have medical coverage. Not because they stupidly choose not to have
    medical coverage, but because it is a choice between EITHER having
    coverage OR getting enough to eat.
    I have no idea where this idiotic canard about not getting to pick your
    own doctor in Canada started, but despite its utter untruth, it refuses to

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 4, 2003
  19. Well, either you're arguing against marriage for sterile or childless
    heterosexuals, or you're being disingenuous and two-faced. Which is it?
    Oh? So if rights of succession, inheritance, social security, joint tax
    filing and so forth aren't benefits, what are they, then?
    Maybe that's what they mean when they march through the street hollering
    "We're here, we're queer, get used to it."
    Seems to me heterosexuals, with their plus-fifty-percent divorce rate,
    have managed to devalue the family unit and trivialize marriage very well
    without any assistance from gays.
    That's exactly what it is, whether you like it or not.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 4, 2003
  20. That's exactly what's at issue. When one group of people is systematically
    denied specific civil rights others have, that's invidious discrimination.
    Such authorities on the civil rights struggle for blacks as Coretta Scott
    King agree with the analogy.
    If the majority is allowed to vote upon whether or not to grant equal
    civil rights to minorities, minorities will never be accorded equal
    rights. It's been demonstrated again and again and again.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 4, 2003
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