How to bypass seat belt alarm in 05 Town & Country?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Father of the Year, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. Father of the Year

    David Guest

    UMM! from I get it is because the government told him he had to! So he does
    not do what the government tells him. Like paying taxes etc. He thinks the
    construction workers are to work for free and pave roads for free, and
    companies to supply gravel and tar for free. And all that! I believe he is
    what is called a domestic terrorist ( you know) the militia.

    But apparently, from his posts he does not like smoking. Even though the
    government doesn't want you to smoke.

    He is a complex soul. He never mentioned drinking alcohol and driving
    though. That is also against the law, but that is probably ok with him! He
    seems like a good ol boy, stopping off at the Circle K and grabbing a few
    for the road.

    It seems it is ok to obey some laws and not obey others!
    David, Jun 21, 2005
  2. But it does seem ridiculous, does it not, that in some states/cities not
    even the passenger is allowed a drink in the car? And in Ontario you can't
    even carry an open bottle in the passenger compartment.

    So what's the point of having a party in the back of a stretch-limo if you
    can't swig champagne?

    OTT (over the top), what?

    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling

    Dori A Schmetterling, Jun 21, 2005
  3. I apologize to the group for not covering all of the potential sins in my
    That is what they where people, analogies........I don't drink either,
    therefore while you all are dealing with a slow death from alcohol,
    ciggarettes, obesity etc., AND while doing so make fun of me for not wearing
    my seatbelt, I choose to go out fast behind the wheel of my amc gremlin
    MUSCLECAR. In the meantime, you are preserving your life with a seatbelt
    and killing yourself with all of these other SINS against mankind . When I
    die in my Gremlin, it costs you nothing, but when you die after 10 years of
    O2 TANKS, Bloodpressure medicine, Radiation therapy, SSDI PAYMENTS
    costs the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.that is the real
    domestic terrorist the person who abuses his body with ciggs, mcdonalds,
    promiscuity etc, You want to throw rocks at me again....put your
    ciggarette down first viagra boy.

    My point was that I choose not to wear my seatbelt because:
    1. I am in the healthcare industry and I see direct results of accidents,
    seat belts and no seat belts. motorcycles with and without helmets,
    supersized mcdonalds victims, Marlboro victims, quad victims, it goes on and
    on....choose your method of suicide.
    #2. I happen to have "living" ejected family members who would otherwise be
    dead if they would have worn their seatbelts prior to Ralph Nader's crusade.
    #3. My girlfriend can't give me head while I am driving if she is wearing
    her seatbelt.
    #4. You are right, my little piece of civil disobedience.....I don't want
    to! Somehow one of the retards translates that into SOCIALISM? comments
    Father of the Year, Jun 21, 2005
  4. Wearing the seatbelt works for me.
    Alex Rodriguez, Jun 21, 2005
  5. Then he can get a seatbelt extender.
    Alex Rodriguez, Jun 21, 2005
  6. Father of the Year

    David Guest

    If you are in the healthcare industry, then I demand to know your name so if
    my life is in danger and I am to be treted in any manner by you I can
    refuse. Why? Anyone with half a brain in the healthcare industry, including
    housekeeping and the cooks at the cafeteria know!!! that wearing a seatbelt
    is by far better off in an accident then one without! You Sir, are an idiot!
    And a liar ( as I cannot believe you are in the healthcare industry, and
    make such a stupid statement) You also believe a motorcyclist is better off
    without a helmet! Therefore, you are either on the janitorial staff at the
    hospital, or you are on the assembly line at the bandaid factory! But by all
    means dear sir, keep up with your stupid, unproven reason. You stated your
    kids wear their seatbelts. Why? If they are off-spring of yours they are far
    better off not wearing one. You lead by example and you are a great example
    to your kids.

    Keep up the great work.
    David, Jun 21, 2005
  7. First and foremost, you would be lucky to be in my care.
    Yes- a motorcyclist is better off without a helmet because some of the ones
    that live wished they where dead and some are not able to think that
    complexly. I happen to treat a very depressed quadrapalegic with 1 leg,
    colostomy, etc. who wishes very much that he "wasn't being treated by me".
    I see plenty of motorcyclists that are disabled physically or mentally every
    day......roadrash is cool right?? And I need to wear a seat belt.

    Answer me this Dave
    Do you smoke?
    Do you drink alcohol?
    Are you overweight?
    Do you ride a Quad?
    Do you have unprotected sex? (that doesn't mean without a glove)?
    Do you drive fast?
    Do you step on the gas when the light turns yellow?
    If you answer yes to any of the above statements then shut the hell up!!!!
    and there are many more risk factors we could discuss that I am sure you are
    guilty of. I hope that you lead by example too. The only lie I have told
    is about my AMC Gremlin....dont have one. lol but at least they didnt
    have a damn dinging seatbelt alarm.
    Father of the Year, Jun 22, 2005
  8. I've never understood why people think they have a constitutional right to
    put their head through a windshield. There are a lot of rights worth
    fighting for but the right to splatter your brains out isn't one of them.
    General Schvantzkoph, Jun 22, 2005
  9. Father of the Year

    David Guest

    NO! Except with myself!
    I guess I won't shut up!

    And yet you still refuse to answer any of our questions!

    No wonder your wife divorced you and took the kids and ended up with you
    paying through the nose!
    David, Jun 22, 2005
  10. And yet you still refuse to answer any of our questions!
    What questions???
    She divorced me because like you, she was a ****. She now has stolen my
    children, has a doctor boyfriend,who she fucked for the last year of my
    marriage, half of my lifetime assets and 30+ percent of my income for the
    next 10 years
    I pay through the nose because cunts like you are oblivious to the
    anti-family, anti-FATHER laws out there. She has it all but she is still an
    ugly ****......

    Have a nice day Dave, and I could only hope I meet your wife one day.
    Father of the Year, Jun 22, 2005
  11. Father of the Year

    TNKEV Guest

    Wrong,getting injured and having to go to the hospital is not lucky.
    wrong,how about an URL for statistics where injured motorcyclists were
    polled to find out if they would have rather had thier helmet on or off.not
    just a couple people that you have spoken mother was a nurse for 40
    years and she would say you are a complete idiot.

    if you don't wear a seat belt in your vehicle and you are thrown from the
    vehicle in the event of an accident you may find out how*cool*road rash is.
    is 70 mph fast (it is the speed limit)
    hell yeah how are you going to get through the light before it turns red if
    you don't mat that sucka.
    oh I thought this was a test.... shit.
    TNKEV, Jun 22, 2005
  12. You smoke and nobody on this group chastises you?
    Did you know smoking causes impotence, peripheral vascular disease, lung
    cancer, emphysema, early aging, heart attack, stroke. wrong as I
    am about the seatbelt, and I admit, I am wrong,STATISTICALLY, why don't you
    make sure that you wear your seatbelt so that society can spend hundreds of
    thousands of dollars keeping you alive combatting the effects of tobacco.
    Unless of course your unprotected sex gives you HIV or HepB or HepC then
    throw another hundred thousand at maintaining your life from a choice you
    made. Me, they just have to pay the city employee to hose my blood off the But, it is me who is a jerk and a drain on society.
    Father of the Year, Jun 23, 2005
  13. the right to smoke and die that way, the right to drink and die that way,
    the right to drink and drive and kill others.....or the right to choose to
    play the low odds of living through an accident because I am not wearing a
    seatbelt like many people I know have done.
    Father of the Year, Jun 23, 2005
  14. I don't like them.
    I want to choose.
    I know living people who would be dead if they where wearing one.
    I have airbags
    Father of the Year, Jun 23, 2005
  15. Father of the Year

    David Guest

    Well for startes you were the one to call people names. All evryone did was
    question you as to why you wanted to break the law, and isconnected a
    mandatory safety item, of which you would fail to notify any owner of your
    trade in and the safety device you disconnected. And you called everyone
    assholes, and a few more names. yet nobody called you names. You get, what
    you sow retard.Your a documented liar and a venoumous snake. You have a
    chip on your shoulder because your wife left you for somenone else and took
    the kids and you have to pay for it. And of course you did not do a single
    thing wrong in your relationship. YOu probably were not at all verbally
    abusive to your wife and kids, yet you are only that way in the newsgroups.
    Right!! See these are not names. Just obvious observations. Know you can go
    on calling everyone names and blaming everything else on everyone!
    David, Jun 23, 2005
  16. Father of the Year

    tim bur Guest

    i have air bags!!! is were you are dead wrong!!!! seat belts work with airbags
    to save your life! b.s. u say
    well just so u know seat belts have what's called pretensoners that also
    deploy but do so before air bag deployment and they do that so u and the seat
    belts have u the proper position when then airbags deploy because if u are not
    in the proper place when the bags deploy then u will suffer far greater
    injuries from the airbags pushing u out of the seats more an anything u can
    imagine i have personal experence with this when my wnet off the force was so
    great that my hand was flung off the wheel and thu the windshield but the cuts
    i had was nothing to the damage i would have had had i not had seatbelts and a
    tim bur, Jun 24, 2005
  17. Thanks again Tim,
    I saw all of that pretensioner stuff before you helped me. I appreciate your opinion. I have read many of your responses and you are always polite and always helpful. I am sure you are an asset to your company. Maybe I will start wearing mine now out of respect for you or perhaps just to make sure I am around to take care of Dave, Alex and the rest of the nasties, for their lung tumors, impotence, emphysema, peripheral vascular disease, etc. But most of all, I want to be aroud when I think it was Dave "who has his children", wakes up one morning to find out he doesn't anymore. Then he can come to me for advice on damage control.
    i have air bags!!! is were you are dead wrong!!!! seat belts work with airbags to save your life! b.s. u say
    well just so u know seat belts have what's called pretensoners that also deploy but do so before air bag deployment and they do that so u and the seat belts have u the proper position when then airbags deploy because if u are not in the proper place when the bags deploy then u will suffer far greater injuries from the airbags pushing u out of the seats more an anything u can imagine i have personal experence with this when my wnet off the force was so great that my hand was flung off the wheel and thu the windshield but the cuts i had was nothing to the damage i would have had had i not had seatbelts and a airbag
    Father of the Year wrote:

    I don't like them.
    I want to choose.
    I know living people who would be dead if they where wearing one.
    I have airbags
    Father of the Year, Jun 24, 2005
  18. No Sir,
    I did not start the ignorance or the name calling.
    I only responded to it. I didn't come here to fight. I have a nasty ugly
    xwife if i wanna fight.
    Father of the Year, Jun 24, 2005
  19. I just read the rest of your post. You are out of touch with reality.

    1. Ted started the name calling 6/18/05 "Maybe he's too fat for the

    TED fired the first shot and i answered back to HIM.

    2. Followed by dan who called me an "idjut" and an "asshole" the morning of
    6/18 Prior to that I had not called Dan any names

    3. I asked how to bypass an alarm not how to disable a seat belt. And I
    never said that I would not tell the new owner and also it is a very simple
    function to turn back on.......the seatbelt still works it just doesnt DING.

    4. I didnt call everyone assholes, i responded to each person who called me
    names. You reap what you sow is absolutely correct.....we agree there.

    4. I am a documented liar. LOL Please tell me where it is documented.
    Not only is it not documented it hasn't even been proven that I am a liar.
    What type of medication are you on?

    5. You are right, I can be a venomous snake but only after being attacked.

    6. You are right again, I do have a chip on my shoulder. But not to a bunch
    of guys on a chrysler website who I came to for help. My chip on my
    shoulder is with the child custody laws, my x wife, and lawyers. I did not
    abuse my wife, I fucked her good every nite, she always came first. I had
    a great family but she was a whore who went for more money and the
    government promoted the breakup of my marriage by making the laws to benefit

    I took the time to look at the posts before answering your questions. Look
    at them for your self and see who called names. or perhaps people who are
    not chrysler automotive technicians are supposed to put up with Ted and Dan
    and Alex's verbal abuse and sarcasm cause they are so much better then us
    lowlifes and we need them to answer our questions. I am not the only one
    they are smart asses to, I researched their posts. It is obvious they have
    attitude problems with all posters. It makes them feel better about
    themselves to put someone down.....Psychology 101.
    Father of the Year, Jun 24, 2005
  20. Father of the Year

    TNKEV Guest

    They can chastise me all they like,I like the people here,I have been
    around grumpy old technicians for a long time,even though what they
    say can be blunt,to the point and sometimes a little callus they are
    all good people.

    if a doctor were to tell me I was going to die from smoking I would
    drive my truck into a tree and I wouldn't be a burden to
    anyone.besides that you don't know me I could be a multi millioniare
    for all you know.

    the unprotected sex I have is with my wife whom I have been with for
    12 years and we love each other very much,still honey mooning at my
    house.sorry about your problems but some people know how to find a
    good woman and keep her and some people don't.

    why did you come here anyway?
    did you call your dealer to see if they would turn off your seat belt

    I bet you did and for some ungodly reason they were mean to you.
    TNKEV, Jun 24, 2005
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